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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • What does the line "My steez is gonna be affected" even mean? That her speech is being affected even as she sings the line.
    • According to Urban Dictionary, it means "style with ease". You're welcome.
    • Ke$ha is a titanic nerd. Seriously, while her 'big' music videos are interesting and really weird, the smaller ones/ones she's done independently have both featured furries and Beam Spam RPG combat.

Fridge Horror[]

  • Her preference for people who "look like Mick Jagger" is already pretty creepy... Then you see that her My Space page says that "Mick Jagger might be my dad, fo realz..." Wait, what?
    • You know all that pastel dust that sprays everywhere in the "Take It Off" video? It used to be people.
  • Listen to the lyrics of most of the songs on Animal. They're really depressing. Even most of the ones that aren't flat out "I've been totally abandoned and have no friends and everything just fell apart" are at best "Screw it I just don't care anymore".
    • This is probably best exemplified by "Blind", which is essentially about broken relationships and the emotional banality of clubbing ("the beat drops, I'm so low"). TIK TOK ON THE CLOCK CAUSE THE PARTY DON'T STOP.
    • Similarly, "Dancing With Tears In My Eyes" which is exactly what it says on the tin, namely a girl whose intentionally destroyed her relationship and is "Dancing with tears in her eyes just fighting to get through the night."
    • Harold Song is yet another example of this. "They say that true love hurts; well this could almost kill me. Young love murdered; that is what this must be. I would give it all to not be sleeping alone. The life is fading from me while you watch my heart beat."
  • The video for Take It Off by Ke$ha involves partying youths jumping into each other to explode into dry powder paint. Later on, the remaining partygoers have a powder-paint fight in a drained swimming pool, throwing handfuls of the stuff at each other. Which is all very fun... until you realise there was no paint in the scene at the beginning of the video, so they are in fact throwing corpses at each other...