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These are some of the characters from Garth Nix's Keys to the Kingdom series and tropes that are associated with them.

This page is currently under construction. Any contributions are appreciated.

Main Characters[]

Arthur Penhaligon[]

Suzy Turquoise Blue[]


Fred Initial Numbers Gold[]

  • Black Best Friend: To Arthur in Sir Thursday

The Will[]

Dame Primus/ The Architect[]

Part 1 (Fortitude)[]

Part 2 (Prudence)[]

Part 3 (Faith)[]

Part 4 (Justice)[]

Part 5 (Temperance)[]

Part 6 (Charity)[]

Part 7 (Hope)[]

The Trustees[]

  • Day Of Power: The Trustees can only visit the Secondary Realms on the day they are named after. Their Dawn, Noon and Dusk are restricted to their time of day.
  • Day of the Week Name
  • Evil Overlord: All of them (except Wednesday)
  • Seven Deadly Sins: Each of them represents one of the seven sins, having been corrupted by the Will.

Mister Monday[]

Grim Tuesday[]

Drowned Wednesday[]

Sir Thursday[]

Lady Friday[]

Superior Saturday[]

Lord Sunday[]

Other Characters[]

The Old One[]

The Mariner[]

The Piper[]