The webcomic Khatru has seventeen major and minor characters.
Main Characters[]
Flynn St. Germain[]
- Cursed with Awesome — A pyrokinetic with few or no side effects? I'd take that.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Playing with Fire
- Fireballs — His most common application of it.
- The Kirk
Leonard Ranger[]
- Agent Mulder
- Blessed with Suck — His regeneration ability.
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Is Cheap
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower — His regeneration power is discovered on panel during one of the first arcs.
- Ineffectual Loner
- Losing Your Head — He got better.
- The McCoy
- Weirdness Magnet
Kira Hicks[]
- Gadgeteer Genius — With rare business sense. She invents things like building scanners and sells them to police and firefighters.
- Insufferable Genius — "I'm, ooh, roughly 95% smarter than the rest of you guys!" [1]
- Imported Alien Phlebotinum — Kira claims to have reverse engineered alien technology. [2]
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist
- The Spock
McKaela Frey[]
- Calling Your Attacks — See below
- Cloudcuckoolander — It seems like she's pulling information out of the air initially because she didn't tell the others she knew magic.
- Functional Magic
- Language of Magic — When using it, she speaks a mysterious language.
- Mama Bear
- Squishy Wizard
The Minor Characters[]
The Nerds — Ross Decker, Dale Voit and Nolan Piller[]
- Hollywood Meaningful Name — Nolan is named after two creators of Star Trek, and shows his dedication to the show by wearing a Trek shirt.
- Nerd Glasses — Two out of three wear them.
- "No Respect" Guy — Ross
- Shrinking Violet — Dale
- The Scrounger — Nolan
Ike Brady and Miles Hogan[]
- Dumb Muscle — Rugby-player Ike.
- Jerk Jock — Ike, again.
- Two Gamers on a Couch — Their role in the Khatru Gaiden Filler Strips.
- The Quiet One — Miles. He's from Hong Kong, but his language skills are fine. He just doesn't respect anyone enough to talk to them.
Randi Asche[]
- Meaningful Name — Randi. Get it? She's a sex object.
- Most Common Superpower — Behold the power of implants.
- Rich Bitch
Leah Gooch[]
Lindsey Keefe[]
Gwendolyn Kern[]
- Obstructive Bureaucrat — She's on the Hall Council, so she controls the house's money.
- Poisonous Friend
- Tyrant Takes the Helm
- Uncle Pennybags — See above.
Ben Cayce[]
Danny Chin[]
- Minor Major Character — He's supposed to be the LAW, but he doesn't like being around any of House 4.
Tessa Roser[]
- Religious Stereotype
- Gullible Lemmings — How Tessa responds to anything Gwendolyn says.