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Kid Crusher is an Australian Death Metal and Horrorcore musician best known for his Cannibal Clown persona. He started off playing in a Death Metal band, but due to a lack of commitment from the other members, he decided to fuse Death Metal with rapping, performing all of his own instrumentation. His first music video, "A Dirty Fuckin Murder" is also his most recognized, due to being mocked on Something Awful and later featured in an episode of Law & Order which portrayed Juggalos in an extremely biased and negative light; the misrepresentation of the culture, as well as the episode's renaming him "Axis of Death" angered Kid Crusher.

Another music video, "Meet The Monstors", was covered by Horror magazine Fangoria. Insane Clown Posse featured Kid Crusher on a compilation released through their Hatchet House sub-label.

Kid Crusher also stepped away from the violent and highly offensive lyrics of his Horrorcore albums in forming a Comedy Shock Rock band, KcaveMen, an Affectionate Parody of Extreme Metal, with the joke being that the entire band is made up of Adelaide Cavemen who sing solely in indiscernible Harsh Vocals.

Kid Crusher and his raps are related to the following tropes:[]