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A character sheet for the Kid Icarus series.
For the first Kid Icarus, go here. For Kid Icarus: Uprising, go here.
Introduced in Kid Icarus[]
"Sorry to keep you waiting!" |
Voiced by: Minami Takayama (Brawl & Uprising; Japanese), Lani Minella (Brawl; English), Troy Lund (Uprising E3 Trailer; English), Antony del Rio (Uprising; English)[]
The leader of Palutena's personal guard: though he is young, he is the greatest warrior angel in Palutena's forces. While Pit has wings, they're just for decoration. Usually he can't fly—it's a bit of a touchy subject.
- Adorkable: At times.
- Almighty Janitor: Granted he makes use of weapons when not all of his opponents do, but he's still a servant of the gods that takes them on and wins including his boss.
- Only in terms of the Gods he's fighting against. In the idol text and dialog, he's mentioned to be Captain of the Guard.
- And I Must Scream: In one chapter he's stuck in a ring with no way to move or communicate with the outside world and the only way to get help is to hope someone grabs the ring so he can control them. Pit was very lucky that Magnus didn't leave the ring behind.
- The Archer: In all continuities, he is the archer by default.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: He may not be able to fly on his own, but that hasn't stopped him from taking on entire armies by himself. In addition, he's literally gone through hell and back (as well as earth and space).
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: See above
- Took a Level In Badass: Shown if you clear Chapter 9 without using the three treasures. In the first one, Pit could only take down Medusa with the three sacred treasures. In Uprising, he can take her down without them.
- Colonel Badass: There are multiple references in the game that Pit is one of the higher-ups in Palutena's army. He also notes during the Chaos Kin arc, when replacement Mission Control Viridi acts like he's enlisted under her and commands him to clean latrines, that he's a commissioned officer. Possibly a Four-Star Badass instead; it's not shown if anyone besides Palutena outranks Pit.
- Badass Adorable: He may not be able to fly on his own, but that hasn't stopped him from taking on entire armies by himself. In addition, he's literally gone through hell and back (as well as earth and space).
- Bash Brothers: With Dark Pit, eventually.
- BFG: In the last battle in Uprising.
- Berserk Button: A bit of small example, but he's always ready to get angry when someone insults Palutena.
- Bifurcated Weapon: His bow.
- Big Eater: Pit eats a lot of food...as long as it isn't eggplants, tempuras or vegetables in general.
- Bishie Sparkle: Pit sparkles when he does his little speech to Pandora before their battle in Uprising.
- Black and White Morality: Because he's naive, Pit sees the world in black and white. Anyone who tries to harm the humans and kill millions of people are considered evil while those who have justice in their hearts are good. Naturally, he's called out on this view multiple times but refuses to change the view despite seeing Humans Are Bastards and that most of the gods and goddesses are Jerkass Gods.
- Body Horror: When Pit is turned into an eggplant or tempura it comes off as this given that he only has legs and can't really fight back. To make matters worse, he can be eaten alive if he's a tempura.
- Being stuck in a ring. That is all.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall/Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Pit constantly lampshades tropes and cliches about the game and its bosses, like how the title "Dark Lord" is overused and so on.
- Body Surf:In Chapter 18, Pit goes from a little girl, to a dog, to Magnus before he manages to reunite with his own body.
- Break the Cutie: Chapter 18. Pit's entire faith in Angel Land and fighting for justice is destroyed in a blink of an eye, the people that considered him Captain are now attacking him, and the Brainwashed and Crazy Palutena calls him a "puppet" and says she doesn't want to deal with him anymore. He gets over it (for the most part) in the next chapter, but it doesn't change the fact that those words will probably stick with him for a long time.
- It gets worse. Chapter 19, Hades and Viridi constantly lay the smack down of insults on him and without Palutena to support him, Pit progressively gets quieter with the chapter (but he does get louder when he's asking Viridi if he's at the top of the tower yet). And then comes Chapter 20, where some of his insecurities are let lose as Palutena continues to berate him for being useless and naive. When he finally saves her from Chaos Kin though, he has to watch as her soul is ripped out of her and she turns to stone. And when he spends chapter 21 trying to get it back and succeeds with the help of Dark Pit, Chaos Kin wanted to make sure Pit suffered and tried to take Dark Pit down with him. Pit's response is to dive in and save him causing his wings to burn up in the process. And even though chapter 23 treats Pit's Sanity Slippage moment lightly, given what happened in the previous chapters, it's not hard to think he actually lost it.
- Broken Angel: His wings burn up in Chapter 21, when he saves Dark Pit from Chaos Kin.
- Buffy-Speak: "That sounds hurty."
- Butt Monkey: In Uprising. Also Lampshaded.
Pit: "What is this, "Everybody Pick On Pit" day!?" |
- Car Fu/Drives Like Crazy: Is more than willing to run over enemies in his Exo-Tank.
- Catch Phrase: "I'm finished!", at least according to Palutena:
Palutena: "Listen to that swagger, you're toughened up nicely. Remember when you'd be like "I'm finished!" all the time? |
- Averted in Of Myths and Monsters where you just turn into a ghost with a halo and float away.
- Brought back in Uprising's death screen, complete with the original 8-Bit text and music.
- He also says "Prepare to meet the light" a number of times in Uprising.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Whenever Pit is talking to himself, he comes up with the strangest things imaginable. He even impersonates Palutena and Viridi at one point.
- Cool Crown: Wears a Laurel Crown in Of Myths and Monsters, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and Uprising.
- Covert Pervert: If this conversation in Uprising is any indication.
Palutena: I can also see what's in your heart. |
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Is Cheap: He and all of Palutena's army are revived when they die. Unlike the Centurions, Pit is not weak because he has a motivation to toughen up: protect Lady Palutena.
- Determinator: Pit never gives up. Not even when the world is in ruins, Palutena has become Brainwashed and Crazy, and he's been trapped in a ring for three years.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: It's his job description!
- Empty Eyes: When Pit's soul left his body, in Chapter 18 of Uprising.
- In-real life example, Nintendo uses Pit's soulless body in their Uprising page.
- Extreme Omnivore: According to Palutena, this angel will eat anything — especially the unusual stuff.
- The Fighting Narcissist: Pit brags about his appearance sometimes.
- Funny Background Event: Whilst Dyntos is discussing how he added more monsters than necessary to Palutena at the end of Chapter 24, Pit is flying the Great Sacred Treasure in the background...only to then crash on the ground.
- Genre Savvy: Very much so in Uprising, to the point where he kind of expects what happens next. And even when Magnus tells him not to open a chest because it's a trap, Pit simply says he can't help himself.
- Go Mad From the Isolation: Starts to show shades of this in chapter 23. He even points out that he needs to escape before he goes crazy.
- The Hero
- Hot-Blooded: And how!
- Idiot Hero: And everyone knows it, even him. Of course, he's much smarter than your typical protagonist, since the game's definition of idiot is more "naïve" than "stupid".
- Heroic RROD: He nearly dies saving Dark Pit from Chaos Kin, and manages to do so...at the cost of Pit's wings burning up when he catches him. He's out of commission for Chapter 22 as a result.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: The physical manifestation of his "dark side" is neutral at worst.
- In the Name of the Moon: Pit does this a whole lot in complete adoration to all that is Palutena and light beating darkness, and even his special idol description says that he practiced to make one. Parodied a few times as well. Special mention goes to an over-the-top sequence that even has him sweep his hair with Bishie Sparkle.
Palutena: *Deadpan* What was that all about? |
- Kirk Summation: To Medusa in chapter 9 after he tells her to shut up.
You shut your mouth, Medusa! Lady Palutena is nothing like you! Who turns people to stone? Who poisons rivers? Who reduces cities to rubble? And who is leading the Underworld invasion of the land and heavens?! Not Lady Palutena! You're the one responsible for all this, Medusa! |
- Keet
- Kleptomaniac Hero: Played with:
Pit: Yeah! A treasure box! |
- Knight in Shining Armor: Considering he's a literal angel and a trained warrior, it's to be expected.
- Luminescent Blush: Lampshaded.
Palutena: He embarrasses easily. |
- Mix-and-Match Weapon: All of his weapons from Brawl onwards do double duty as both melee and ranged, even swords, bows, and clubs.
- Multi Melee Master: In Uprising.
- Never Learned to Read: His Butt Monkey status hits him hard.
- Older Than They Look: In the first game he's a trained soldier, yet in Uprising, which takes place a full 25 years later, he's still practically a teenager. Sakurai even tweeted Pit's body is that of a 13 year old's.
- One-Man Army: While Medusa/Hades and Viridi send in hordes of monsters to attack, Palutena just sends in Pit.
- To be fair, Both Pit and Palutena acknowledge that the Centurians are pretty much worthless by themselves. Hades even admits to it during the Aurum invasion arc.
- Our Angels Are Different
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Red Oni: To Dark Pit's Blue Oni most of the time, though he dipped into Blue Oni territory during Uprising's Chapter 20, in which he was unusually serious.
- Sanity Slippage: Played with and defied. During Chapter 23, Pit starts talking to himself and acts like he is on the verge of losing his mind...but, at the end of his rant, he lampshades how he needs to get out of Hades before he REALLY goes crazy.
- Sarcasm Blind
- Self Fanservice: The internet, especially Pixiv, make him even more of a Cute Shotaro Boy.
- Shirtless Scene: No, it's not during his strong affinity times with hot springs. Rather, it's when his wings burn off when rescuing Dark Pit from the Chaos Kin.
- Oddly, his toga shirt doesn't get burned into ashes when he returns from saving Dark Pit. The next scene he's brought out, Pit is shirtless for some reason. It's just as if the scene itself was a pretty random Fan Service moment.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: To Medusa in Chapter 9, followed by a Kirk Summation.
- Also to Hades in Chapter 23, though only just barely.
- To the Underworld and Back
- 24-Hour Armor: He tells Magnus he never takes off his uniform. Even while bathing. Ew. Then again, this might be a case of Breaking the Fourth Wall, as most protagonists don't take their clothes off when they touch water.
- Twin Telepathy: During certain portions of the game, he and Dark Pit seem to be able to connect at certain points. Viridi even comments on it.
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Leads to them finishing a motto together in Chapter 21.
- Undying Loyalty: For Palutena. He even gives an awesome Shut UP, Hannibal to Medusa when she tries to give Palutena "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
- Even When Palutena was Brainwashed and Crazy, he would not give up on her. Viridi lampshades his dedication.
- "V" Sign: After defeating Hades, in Uprising.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: The Angel Code of Duty is his excuse to avoid this trope in hot springs, but not so much when he is taken to the Rewind Spring.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Despite the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism in Uprising, Pit is very optimistic and has high hopes in the human race, despite the game showing time and time again that Humans Are Bastards. He is also fiercely loyal to Palutena and Angel Land, no matter what. The fact that this view is attacked when Palutena gets brainwashed does affect him.
- Winged Humanoid
- Wings Do Nothing: Played with. By default, Pit can't fly — as a result, his wings are merely decorative and, at most, can slow his fall (Of Myths and Monsters). However, he can fly if he uses one of the Three Sacred Treasures or the Power of Flight. Also, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, he has temporary flight as his third jump.
- Would Hit a Girl: When most of them are trying to kill you, it's pretty justified.
- Yes-Man: To Palutena. Phosphora even lampshades it. Subverted later on.
Palutena: Goddess of Light[]
"Despite the Underworld Invasion the people haven't given up hope!" |
Voiced by (in Uprising): Aya Hisakawa (JP), Ali Hillis (EN)[]
The goddess of light and ruler of Skyworld, Palutena goes to great lengths to protect her people, and those who dwell on the surface lands below.
- And I Must Scream: She suffered under the Chaos Kin's control for three years, being unable to control her body while her soul was constantly under threat of being consumed.
- Badass
- Badass Damsel: Despite being a Goddess, she is not immune to being captured, as seen in the first game and Of Myths and Monsters. However, when she's not in need of rescuing, she provides all the information Pit needs before and during missions. She's also shown to be very powerful when she puts her mind to it, such as in Palutena's Revolting Dinner.
- You want to know how badass she is? She's the boss of Chapter 20 (possessed, but still).
- Badass Damsel: Despite being a Goddess, she is not immune to being captured, as seen in the first game and Of Myths and Monsters. However, when she's not in need of rescuing, she provides all the information Pit needs before and during missions. She's also shown to be very powerful when she puts her mind to it, such as in Palutena's Revolting Dinner.
- Bathtub Scene: In the beginning of Palutena's Revolting Dinner, Pt. 2.
- Beauty Equals Goodness
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Big Good
- Big Eater: Judging by her banter with Pit, during which she'll randomly talk about everything from the great meal they could make out of the Kraken to Phoenix eggs making wonderful omelets.
- Blunt Metaphors Trauma: Well, she insists she always gets those sayings correct, so maybe not.
- Boss Banter: In Uprising with Pit.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: During the Chaos Kin arc in Uprising.
- Cain and Abel: The Abel to Medusa's Cain.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Deadpan Snarker
- Extreme Omnivore: Similar to Pit, it's implied she'll eat anything. She even makes jokes about how the idea of Pit being turned to a crisp from the lightning might sound delicious, she would pull him out of the area where the lightning struck.
- The Gadfly
- Genki Girl: If her special anime short and her constant teasing with Pit are anything to go by, she's just a bit like this. Of course, this makes her look less heavenly than previously envisioned.
- Goddess of Good
- Good Is Not Nice: According to the other Gods and Goddesses, Palutena isn't really the nicest of them all as Pit makes her out to be. Given that she is a Troll and some of her actions are questionable, it's not hard to see why everyone is wary of her.
- It makes sense when you consider she's based on Athena...who has done many...cruel things in Greek myths.
- Green Eyes
- King of All Cosmos: She can certainly dip into this, and many other characters tend to point out when she screws up/teases too much/acts hypocritical. Her apotheosis of this is seen whenever she cooks.
- Lethal Chef: Figuratively and literally in Palutena's Revolting Dinner.
- Though nothing in the short actually suggests she's a bad chef. Just a little too easily distracted while handling powerful potions.
- Light Is Good
- Light Is Not Good: When possessed by the Chaos Kin
- Light'Em Up
- "Ma'am" Shock: Dislikes it so, even if the lifespan of gods is implied to be eternal.
- Mama Bear: Toward Pit If chapter 21 and 22 aren't evident enough.
- In Viridi's own words in chapter 18, she was willing to cheat death in order to save Pit in chapter 22.
- Mission Control: Until Chapter 18, when she becomes Brainwashed and Crazy, leaving Viridi to fill her position. Fortunately, it's not permanent..
- My God, What Have I Done?: After being saved from the Chaos Kin, the expression she has clearly says this. Especially when Pit nearly gives up his life for Dark Pit, burning his wings up in the process.
- Mysterious Waif: Interestingly, her rare AR card idol mentions that her history and motivations are little known. Even in Uprising she gets some questions that she doesn't answer truthfully.
- Not So Above It All: For a goddess who rules over a mystical land, she sure doesn't act like it, if Uprising or the tie-in animes are any indication.
- Opaque Nerd Glasses: She does this trope in one scene, but you're most likely going to miss them since you're busy blasting enemies away. Alternatively, she does use them in two extra tutorial's artwork (if you bothered to watch the How To Play videos, that is). If that's the case, here is a lovely photo of it.
- Pimped-Out Dress: In Smash Bros Brawl and Uprising.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Requisite Royal Regalia
- She's Got Legs
- The Smart Girl: She's one of the smartest Goddesses out there, according to the others. And it shows: she has information on (almost) every single enemy, and she's very rational in comparison to the other Gods.
- This makes sense, as Palutena is based on Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.
- Taken for Granite: In Of Myths and Monsters when Orcos kidnapped her at the end.
- Also during Uprising, although she did it to herself, as revealed by Petrified Palutena's idol.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Tease: She loves teasing Pit sometimes. Other times, she's just plain trolling.
- Troll: Uprising has her messing with Pit non-stop. Her pranks range from not warning Pit when she's going to speed his wings up to deliberately using him as bait to lure out one of the Hewdraw heads.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Medusa: Goddess/Queen of Darkness[]
"So hurry to me Pit, I'll strip you of your wings and sever you from the heavens forever." |
Voiced by (in Uprising): Naomi Shindo (JP), Cree Summer (EN)[]
Known for her serpentine hair and chilling gaze, Medusa's goal is nothing less than total domination.
- Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman: In Uprising and in the anime short, Medusa's Revenge.
- Back From the Dead: In Uprising. And then again at the end of the final level.
- Big Bad: In the first game. Averted in Uprising.
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Palutena's Abel.
- Casting a Shadow
- Cyclops: Her form at the end of Kid Icarus. She once again takes this form in Kid Icarus Uprising after receiving enough damage.
- Death Seeker: Sort of; in Chapter 25 she attacks Hades so he'll stop resurrecting her over and over.
- Final Boss: Of the first game.
- Disc One Final Boss: In Uprising. Thought the game was over? You've got a long way to go.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: In the anime short Medusa's Revenge, and man is it creepy.
- Goddess of Evil: Well, one of them, anyway.
- Gorgeous Gorgon: Was beautiful before Palutena transformed her into a monster in the first game. Became sexy once more in Uprising.
- Hannibal Has a Point: Her Reason You Suck Speech to Palutena does make sense in retrospect. Pit's retort however also makes sense. It all depends on the point of view of the character.
- Medusa: Well, yeah.
- Not So Different: Tries to pull this one on Palutena before Pit shuts her up. However, given Palutena's silence...she might be right.
- One-Winged Angel: In Uprising, she transforms into a more traditional Gorgon who has a head that will chase after you.
- Reality Subtext: In the first level of Uprising, she mentions that she's been gone for 25 years.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Tries to pull one on Palutena but Pit interrupts her.
- A Sinister Clue: She holds her Staff of Authority in her left hand, unlike Palutena who holds it in her right.
- Slasher Smile: In Medusa's Revenge.
- Staff of Authority: In Uprising.
- Stationary Boss: Phase two of her three-phase battle in Uprising; Palutena uses a spell to chain her feet to the floor so she'll stop using Teleport Spam. Medusa gets around this later by going One-Winged Angel and throwing her flying head at you.
- Teleport Spam: For such a huge body, she seems to easily teleport all around during her boss fight in Uprising, at least until Palutena manages to chain her to the ground.
- Villainous Rescue: In the final portion of the final chapter, Medusa comes out of nowhere and blocks Hades attack on Pit. She claims that it was because she didn't want to be his puppet anymore, but it was still a huge shocker.
"Your training is complete." |
A friendly god who aids Pit either by testing him in exchange for gifts, raising his strength, or raising his health bar.
- All Powerful Bystander
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Isn't even mentioned in Uprising.
- Cool Old Guy: Wow, Awesome Job, Pit!
- Eccentric Mentor
- Good Is Not Soft: He'll give you weapon upgrades, only if you pass his training tests.
- Catch Phrase: YOU WEAKLING!
- Holy Halo
- No Name Given: In the first game and only went under friendly god. Named Zeus in Of Myths and Monsters.
A devil dog with two heads. Its body is wrapped in fire and spits out bullets of magma energy.
- Bullfight Boss: In Uprising.
- Flaming Fur
- Hell Hound
- Playing with Fire: His attacks in both the original and Uprising.
- Fireballs
- Warmup Boss: In Uprising.
- Wreathed in Flames: In Uprising.
Hewdraw (Blue Head): "Hello there!"' |
Voiced by: Masaya Takatsuka (JP), Danny Mann (EN)[]
Its body is like a smooth snake. Originally it comprised of one head and came out of water, but now it has two more heads and takes to the sky.
- Affably Evil: They're a funny bunch of dragons. One in particular (the violet middle head) is very polite to Pit, even when he's trying to eat him.
- Flight
Pit: He can fly? |
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: One of the heads says he wants someone to put him out of his misery when the three are bickering amongst each other.
- Multiple Endings: Determined by the order you defeat the heads in Uprising.
- Multiple Head Case: Their bickering can get so bad that their sentences become impossible to process as they talk over each other.
- Our Dragons Are Different: A three-headed, talking dragon.
- So Proud of You: The "nice" head says this after Pit beats him.
- Tactical Suicide Boss: Hewdraw Reborn would be a lot harder to fight against if he didn't keep spawning fireballs you can shoot to get him out of the water.
"The H stands for Hamazing!" |
Voiced by: Eiji Ito (JP), Danny Mann (EN)[]
God of Death. He's a bit on the crazy side.
- Ascended Extra: In the original game, he was just a snake that lived in Medusa's hair. Uprising reveals that he's the god of death, and a shapeshifter.
- Battle Aura: In Chapter 14, he takes on Phosphora in the form of a "glow dragon". However, unlike his other forms, it appears to not be a transformation, but a dragon-shaped aura that he uses to defend and attack. Thanatos's true form is clearly visible in the dragon's head.
- Brilliant but Lazy: He is a very effective fighter, and is Medusa's second-in-command, but his lazy and rather carefree nature gets in the way of his job (i.e. sending Reaper subordinates while relaxing in the Sea-floor Palace.)
- Butt Monkey: To put it simply, even Pit shows no respect for him.
- Camp Gay
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Death Is Cheap: As the god of death, he gets special privileges.
- The Dragon: He's Medusa's second in command. He also transforms into a dragon while fighting Phosphora.
- Evil Versus Evil: Reappears in Chapter 14 to battle Phosphora, though how evil Phosphora is is debatable.
- High Speed Battle: Against Phosphora.
- Large Ham: Lampshaded. According to Thanatos, the extra H in his name stands for "Hamazing".
- Mad Hatter: Has definite shades of this.
- Monster Clown: His appearance invokes this.
- Spell My Name with an "S": He picked it because it sounded cooler.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The reason why he was able to turn himself into a snake in the first game.
- During his battle in Uprising, he transforms into: a giant foot, a bat that can split into swarms of smaller bats, a matryoshka doll, a sword and spears, and a jar.
- Scaled Up: During his fight against the Forces of Nature he took the form of a Glow Dragon.
- The Worf Effect: When Hades revives him to fight against the Forces of Nature, Thanatos is defeated by Phosphora.
- Give him credit though, he puts up a great fight, and manages to weaken her enough so that Pit has a chance. It looks like he was simply knocked out of the sky, as there was no explosion when he fell off-screen.
"Do I look like a strategy guide? In case you haven't noticed...THIS ISN'T THE ASK AUNTIE PANDORA HOUR." |
Voiced by: Mariko Suzuki (JP), Nika Futterman (EN)[]
The Goddess of Deceit. She likes to confuse whoever tries to enter her realm. She is allied with Medusa.
- Ascended Extra: Was the easiest Boss (and boss of the next-to-last level) in the original Kid Icarus. Now plays a far bigger role in Uprising.
- Bishonen Line: In Uprising, she eventually assumes a humanoid form called Amazon Pandora.
- Bubble Gun
- Cloudcuckoolander: In Uprising, her eccentric behavior is what makes her level so confusing.
- Dark Action Girl
- Floating Mask: Her original design was reminiscent of a sentient mask.
- God of Evil: The Goddess of Calamity and Disasters.
- Hot Amazon: Her true form is even called Amazon Pandora.
- Nightmare Face
- Recurring Boss You fight with her twice in Uprising with Pit and one more time as Dark Pit in both forms.
- Showing Off the New Body: The first thing she says when she transforms into Amazon Pandora? "Eat your hearts out."
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Her Amazon form.
- Technicolor Fire: She seems to be made of blue fire in her redesign.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- The Archers
- Blade on a Stick: The weapon of choice for the Centurion Knights.
- Death Is Cheap: Through dialogue and their Idols, Uprising reveals that the Centurions can be revived.
- Pit believes this is why the Centurions are so weak. They have no incentive to get stronger if they'll just get revived.
- Dumb Muscle: The Strongarm Centurions are this. Even Pit says they're all muscle, including their brains.
- Elite Mook: The Centurion Knights.
- Flight
- Gag Nose
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Centurion Knights come equipped with shields.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder
- Redshirt Army: These guys die so much that even Palutena jokes about it.
- Taken for Granite: In the original, Medusa stoned all of them. In order to get them back, Pit had to use a hammer to free them.
- Wings Do Nothing: Averted, despite how tiny they are. No wonder Pit is upset about being unable to fly on his own.
- Wrestler in All of Us: In Uprising, the Strongarm Centurions are capable of powerbombing Pit and Magnus when they appear as enemies in Chapter 18 and 20, although they can't grab you while you're in the middle of a melee combo.
Eggplant Wizards[]
These enemies place a spell on Pit to turn him into an eggplant.
- Ascended Extra: Was just another Underworld Enemy in the original. Due to his legendary annoying ability, he not only landed a main cast role in Captain N: The Game Master (unlike Medusa, who was only in one episode as a Mook), he made it to the front cover Of Myths And Monsters.
- Demoted to Extra in 'Uprisng', being a simple enemy.
- Black Magic: Laugh all you want, but being turned into an Eggplant is still considered a Curse.
- Cyclops
- Gag Lips
- Nerf: His infamous spell is a bit less dangerous in Uprising, as it simply wears off after a while rather than forcing Pit to frantically run to a hospital. Justified, though, as Palutena is watching over Pit and uses her powers to shorten the time Pit is an eggplant.
- But to sort of counter this loss, the spell now acts like a grenade, turning pit into and eggplant if caught in the radius, and damaging him a bit.
Reapers and Reapettes[]
Skeletal members of the Underworld that lead souls of the dead to their resting place. They are easily excitable and summon small versions of themselves, called Reapettes, when an opponent is spotted.
- Dark Is Not Evil / Dark Is Evil: It's their job to lead souls to the underworld; however, they are evil and crazy.
- The Grim Reaper
- Psychopomp
- Sinister Scythe
- Villains Out Shopping: Have their own specailized hot-spring to lounge in in their fortress.
The Underworld Army[]
An army of odd, but dangerous creatures that reside in the Underworld. They follow high rankin underworld individuals.
- Affably Evil: Should one watch what they do before shooting them, they can be pretty amusing (i.e. being tossed about by wind, swimming in the Ocean, watching characters fight, riding on Monoliths, being hit by things and shot at, and doing Interface Screw.)
- Always Chaotic Evil
- And I Must Scream: Collin's are Centurions that have been taken over by Phils, toxic worms that live inside in their bodies.
- Ascended Extra: All the monsters are represented by the Keepah enemy in the story section of the NES manual.
- Blatant Lies: The Shulm enemy is described as meek, compare to its actual appearance here.
- Cyclops / Oculothorax: More then half of the Underworld creatures are this.
- Covers Always Lie: The manual describes Uranos as a very powerful and dangerous enemy, drawing him as a fire breathing giant. In-game Uranos is a tiny and easily defeated dwarf with no special powers.
- Dark Is Evil
- Eldritch Abomination: Most of them, but one that stands out is the Clubberskull, which is sealed due to being so powerful.
- Everyone Hates Pluton: Hade's roman name is used for an annoying Bandit Mook.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Octos obviously.
- Gag Nose: Specknoses, which are patterned after Groucho Marx glasses
- Giant Hands of Doom: Snongs are a unique case, their arms only appear when summoned.
- Helpful Mook: For a breif while during the Aurum invasion arc.
- Taken for Granite: Ingiots inflict this status.
- The Goomba: A winged snake called Shenum fills this role.
- The enemy Shulm also looks similar to a Goomba, particularly in the original NES game.
- The Heartless: An extreme case, the underworld forces are created from souls of the dead, and tons of souls are required to create just one creature.
The Nurse from the Hospital who removes the Eggplant Curse.
- Flat Character
- The Medic: In the fortresses.
- White Magic: The only explanation as to how she can get rid of the eggplant curse.
Introduced in Of Myths And Monsters[]
"You puny little wimp!" |
An arch demon warmonger from another world who leads an army of monsters to attack Angel Land.
- Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: He grows to the point of taking up two screens on the original Gameboy.
- Finishing Stomp:Should you stay on the ground too long he'll try this
- Beware My Stinger Tail
- Big Bad: In Of Myths and Monsters.
- Breath Weapon
- Carpet of Virility
- Evil Wings
- Flunky Boss: Summons bats from his fingers.
- Horned Humanoid
- Obviously Evil: He introduces himself as "King of the Evil Land".
- Our Demons Are Different
- Perplexing Plurals: "But... Just what are the Orcos?!!!!!" When Palutena and her staff got word of his coming they thought Orcos were an army, rather than an individual.
- Spread Shot
- Take Over the World: His goal of course.
"Look for a hidden door above this stage's entrance." |
Gives out information information and teaches Pit new things in the Information Center.
- Aerith and Bob
- Flat Character: Only serves to give out tips to the player.
- Non Standard Character Design: He looks more like a modern day hunter.
Introduced in Uprising (Beware of unmarked spoilers!)[]
Dark Pit/Pittoo[]
"Hey there, Pit-stain." |
Voiced by (in Uprising): Minami Takayama (JP), Antony del Rio (EN)[]
A mysterious black-winged angel. He can soar through the skies without being granted the power of flight — and seems determined to face Pit in battle.
- Adorkable: He's no different from his light counterpart.
- Anti-Hero
- The Archer: As of the end of Chapter 6, his weapon of choice for the rest of the game becomes a Silver Bow. Fittingly, the Silver Bow looks remarkably like the Palutena Bow that Pit is most often seen with.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: As a manifestation of the darkness in Pit's heart, Dark Pit represents some of the traits Pit keeps to himself — such as a rather arrogant personality. Then again, Super Smash Bros. Brawl already implied that Pit was rather arrogant, given his taunts.
- Badass
- Badass Adorable: Like his light counterpart, he can kick ass, as shown in chapter 9 when he literally falcon kicks the mini boss at the beginning when Pit can't do any damage with the Sacred Treasures.
- Badass Driver: Dark Pit has a tendency to take the Lightning Chariot and ram it at his opponents when Pit needs help.
- Bash Brothers: With Pit, eventually.
- Black and Grey Morality: Unlike Pit who sees the world in black and white, he sees things in black and grey. While the underworld army are indeed the villains, the Gods they serve aren't any better. He even calls the Gods out on how they treat the world with their powers and place the blame on humans.
- Blue Oni: To Pit's Red Oni most of the time, though he has dipped into Red Oni territory in some instances.
- Break the Haughty: According to Chapter 21, the reason for Dark Pit switching sides is because he found out that he can't live without Pit. He won't go into details on what happened to him while Pit was in the ring, but it wasn't pleasant, to say the least. Pit nearly dying for his sake is enough for him to fully switch sides and be Pit's ally.
- Butt Monkey: He may be the Shadow Archetype of Pit, but that doesn't make him immune to the abuse his alter ego suffers. Almost every character refers to him as Pittoo, and Pit kicks his ass several times over the course of the game.
- Can't Live Without You: Dark Pit's change of heart comes when he finds out killing Pit means he dies as well.
- Canon Immigrant: He made his debut in Super Smash Bros Brawl as a simple color change for Pit. He was notable for changing Pit's color more dramatically than any of the other costumes, which really only changed his tunic color and slightly changed his wings' tint.
- Car Fu: Rams the Lightning Chariot into the Chaos Void to prevent the Chaos Kin from escaping.
- He also rammed the chariot into Hades so he could grab Pit and escape with him.
- Combat Pragmatist: Whether it's against Pit or the Underworld army, he has a habit of attacking them when they least expect it.
- The Comically Serious: Hades claims he has no sense of humor. In return, Dark Pit just ignores him, unlike Pit.
- Cool Crown: Just like Pit.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Defrosting Ice King: After some Character Development, he softens up to everyone around him, going as far as to save Pit from death.
- Didn't Think This Through: After healing Pit he decides to fly off rather than try and explain why he helped, forgetting that he'd lost the power of flight that he stole from Pandora.
- Determinator: He is determined to save Pit after the latter saved his life from Chaos Kin. At the cost of losing his ability to fly, he manages to bring Pit's wings back.
- Dynamic Entry: In Chapter 9, he charges in from out of nowhere to deliver a literal flying kick to the Underworld Gatekeeper, dropping the boss that Pit was struggling to damage even with the Three Sacred Treasures. Palutena notes that "face-kicking isn't usually this effective."
- Early-Bird Cameo: One of Pit's alternate colors in Super Smash Bros. Brawl is basically Dark Pit with normal Pit's eye color.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Pittoo", courtesy of Palutena. He really hates it. In Japan, he's known as Kuro-Pi, short for Kuro Pit or Black Pit.
- Hades takes it a bit farther and calls Pittoo, Pitooey.
- He seems to warm up to it, or at least stop caring later on.
- Evil Knockoff: Was supposed to be one of Pit for the Underworld forces. He's really just neutral at worst, and eventually fights for Palutena later on.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Not so much "evil" as "Anti-Hero".
- Evil Twin: Starts off as one toward Pit, but subverted midway through when he switches sides.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Has black wings, in contrast with Pit's white wings.
- Heel Face Turn: Probably the biggest thing that sets him apart from all the other evil counterparts of other Nintendo heroes (e.g. Dark Link, Shadow Mario, Dark Samus, Blood Falcon, etc.)
- Hot-Blooded: A more subdued version, but it's still there.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Implied during the Chaos Kin arc. His soul is needed to revive the Chaos Kin according to the ash idol (and Viridi states that the Chaos Kin only went after the purest of souls), and according to Hades, Dark Pit's soul isn't your average one. Given that he's the manifestation of Pit's heart and being neutral at worse, it's quite justified that this trait be passed over.
- In-Series Nickname: Pit and Palutena insist on calling him Pittoo (as in "Pit Two").
- My Name Is Not Durwood: And he doesn't like it one bit.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold -> Jerkass Facade
- The Lancer: Ends up becoming one for Pit eventually.
- Multi Melee Master: Much like Pit. In Chapter 6, he can be seen wielding a Blade, Club, Staff, Palm, Cannon, and Bow. He will also be seen using whatever weapon Pit has on him when he breaks the Mirror of Truth, and in Chapter 22, he is playable, and can use any weapon in your inventory. After Chapter 6, he seems to settle into using a Silver Bow for the rest of the game.
- Nay Theist: He dislikes taking orders from the gods and tends to view them as petty squabblers who cause most of the problems in the game.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: His reaction to seeing Amazon Pandora is that of confusion given that he doesn't stop attacking her and isn't convinced that's the real Pandora. Palutena and Viridi are shocked and Hades is silent from revelation.
- Offhand Backhand: To Pandora which doubles as an Establishing Character Moment.
- Only Sane Man: He tries to come off as one compared to everyone else. However...
- Not So Above It All: The fact that he and Pit think the same way puts him in this category by default ( as shown in Chapter 21, where they finished their motto that they both made up on the spot.)
- Punny Name: Pit -> Pittoo (Pit Two).
- Shadow Archetype: Of Pit.
- Simple Staff: One of his many weapons of choice. While he uses a Bow for most of the game, it's notable that there is a weapon called a Dark Pit Staff. Of course, since staffs are considered sniping weapons in Uprising, he ends up fitting a different trope. In Chapter 6, one of the possible fights the game sets up with Dark Pit will have him sniping at Pit from atop a mountain with a Dark Pit Staff.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: He was intended to be an Evil Knockoff of Pit that works for the Underworld Army, but he defected right after his was created and eventually joins Palutena's forces.
- Synchronization: What happens to Pit, happens to Dark Pit as well.
- Twin Telepathy: During certain portions of the game, he and Pit seem to be able to connect at certain points. Viridi even comments on it.
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Leads to them finishing a motto together in Chapter 21.
- When He Smiles: The ending of Uprising.
- He also smiles whether he wins or losing in Light versus Dark.
- Wild Card: Unpredictable to the point you don't know who he'll side with until he officially sides with Pit later on in the game.
- Winged Humanoid
- Wings Do Nothing: Averted, unlike his counterpart.
- Played straight later on, as it was Pandora that made him able to fly.
- Would Hit a Girl: Especially if she is Pandora.
"My name's Magnus by the way. Don't hit me, and we'll get along just fine." |
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (JP), Fred Tatasciore (EN)[]
The most powerful human warrior of all. As a member of a roaming mercenary group, he has triumphed in countless brutal missions.
- Anti-Hero
- Badass
- Badass Long Hair
- Badass Normal: He's only human, so this is constantly lampshaded.
- Blade Across the Shoulder
- Brutal Honesty
- Crusading Widower: It is mentioned that he had lost a child to the Underworld Forces.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dual Boss: With Gaol late-game.
- Expy: Unintentionally, Magnus comes off as the Kid Icarus version of Ike. He's a Deadpan Snarker who is honest about his opinions of everyone (authority or not), he's a mercenary that fights with a BFS, and he has business to settle with Dark Lord Gaol (similar to Ike's issues with the Black Knight.)
- His overall appearance and weapon of choice makes him look like Jecht.
- Hero of Another Story: It's implied that he goes off living the mercenary life whenever you're not with him.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Sure, he claims to be Only in It For the Money and doesn't act very polite, but he genuinely cares about other people and is open to the idea of working together with Pit.
- Nerf: His sword lacks the charged shot that Pit can get (as a club). This means you're forced to fight enemies in close-combat while you're controlling him. The Centurions can be the death of you in highest difficulties.
- People Puppet: Becomes one briefly in chapter 18 when Pit takes control of him.
- Punch Clock Hero
- Too Many Belts: He has three around his chest, and three on each leg.
- World's Strongest Man
Voiced by: Ryuzaburo Ohtomo (JP), Fred Tatasciore (EN)[]
The God of the Sea.
- Badass Beard
- Making a Splash
- Only Sane Man: Unlike other gods he has more justifiable reasons for what he does (i.e. sinking a city when those in it were becoming a problem and it was nessessary, but not going off the handle like Viridi). though YMMV due to him only making a rather brief appearance.
- Prongs of Poseidon
- This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Completely disappears from the plot after Chapter 7.
"Welcome to my underworld, Pitty Pat. You too, Pretty Palutena." |
Voiced by: Hochu Otsuka (JP), Scott Bullock (EN)[]
The true Lord of the Underworld. Other creatures, such as Medusa, are merely his pawns.
- Berserk Button: Judging from his reactions to Dark Pit vowing to stop him in chapter 22 and Medusa's betrayal in the final battle, he really hates having his rule questioned.
- Beware the Silly Ones: While defiantly comedic, he's far from harmless, shown especially during the last few chapters where he actually beats Pit in their first fight.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Camp Gay: He even flirts with Pit!
- Camp Straight/Bi the Way: He also flirts with Palutena, Vridi, and Phosphora, mentions wanting to pick up goddesses with the Lightning Chariot, and in The Stinger talks about how women everywhere are weeping about his godly physique being gone forever.
- Classic Villain: Representing ambition, greed, and pride.
- Dark Is Evil/Dark Is Not Evil: Hades is most certainly dark and most certainly evil, but it's suggested that the position of god of the Underworld, much like in Greek mythology, isn't an inherently evil position to hold, and is a necessary one. In fact, it's Hades's abuse and corruption of his position as God of the Underworld that makes him evil, along with overstepping his bounds.
- Enemy Mine: He teams up with Palutena and Viridi to take down the Aurum.
- Everybody Hates Hades: And he gives them plenty of reason to.
- Evil Brit: Speaks with a British accent.
- Evil Is Hammy: He's essentially an evil Tim Curry with godly powers.
- Faux Affably Evil: Despite acting cheerful, playful and pleasant, he also devours souls and potentially gets Pit killed while they're working together to defeat the Aurum.
- For the Evulz: Pretty much his only reason for provoking the humans via the Wish Seed promise.
- Graceful Loser: Takes his defeat well even without considering his secret message.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: He literally shows up out of nowhere, the only foreshadowing to someone being behind Medusa being that she herself didn't know how she came back from the dead, only revealed when you fight her. He then pops up during the credits and tears off the credit screen before revealing he brought her back. Unlike most other examples, he kinda works since he's less than half way through the game.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: During the final battle. It doesn't last very long.
- Hannibal Lecture: To Pit, who just barely resists.
- Insane Troll Logic: As is fitting his trolling personality. He manages to take Pit's understandable horror at the idea of being defecated out of the Womb Level and somehow warp it into meaning that Pit hates life.
- Kill All Humans: He uses their souls to produce more monsters and to do whatever else he wants with them.
- Lack of Empathy: He starts a war and has no remorse for killing millions of people and also laughs at Pit for being stuck in the ring.
- Large Ham
- Laughably Evil: He's a Complete Monster, but one can't help but find him funny.
- Mind Rape: He loves playing mind games with his opponents. Pit and Dark Pit are his constant victims, though Dark Pit just ignores him.
- The Man Behind the Man: In Uprising. (Not the entire series.)
- Manipulative Bastard: He spreads a rumor about the Wish Seed to get humans to go to war and kill each other so he can take their souls. He manipulates Pit in order to kill the Phoenix in order to get the humans to kill each other even more.
- Not Quite Dead: His voice starts talking in The Stinger. He himself concedes that he probably can never come back to life, but is still able to talk to the player as a disembodied voice at least.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Hades is always evil and scary, but there are very few times he drops the levity of his hammy speech and constant jokes in favor of just being 100% dead serious, angry, and violent. First when Dark Pit threatens his dominion over the Underworld (Enough so for Hades to smash a pillar in rage), and again during and after Medusa's defiance in the final battle.
- He also reacted with understandable anger when Dark Pit tore out of his insides on the Lightning Chariot, though even then he goofily chose to express his anger as "That wasn't very NICE!!". He also gets over it rather quickly.
- Physical God: Of the Underworld.
- Pride: As hinted toward by his out-of-character moments, it seems that his only Berserk Button is the questioning of his power and control. Combine this with his motivation being the desire to play around with souls, and it indicates quite a power and control lust.
- Relationship Voice Actor: Considering that Scott Bullock had previously voiced Barthandelus, this isn't the first time he's voiced the Big Bad opposing Ali Hillis.
- Terms of Endangerment: Pitty Pat for Pit. Pretty Palutena for Palutena.
- This Is a Drill: He just pops a drill out of his body in his attempt to destroy the Great Sacred Treasure.
- Token Evil Teammate: During the Aurum arc.
- Top God: He leads all of the gods of the underworld in Uprising, including Medusa, Thanatos, and Pandora.
- Troll
- Walking Spoiler: Have you SEEN all these spoilers tags?
- Womb Level: Level 23 is his digestive tract.
- It's actually an alternate dimension, according to its idol description.
- Xanatos Gambit: It doesn't matter who kills humans, whether it be his own forces, Viridi's forces, or even Palutena's forces when she's possessed by the Chaos Kin. Either way, he gets what he wants: souls.
Dark Lord Gaol[]
"Ah, Palutena's little messenger boy. And Magnus, it's always a pleasure!" |
Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (JP), Kari Wahlgren (EN)[]
A warlord who is aligned with Medusa. In the past, she was a childhood friend of Magnus, and the two fought monsters together as part of the same mercenary group.
- All There in the Manual: According to her Idol, she volunteered to spy on the Underworld Army, but was captured and forced to wear the cursed armor of a dark lord, making her into nothing more then a slave to the very evil she had fought against.
- But then it seems she has gained complete control over the cursed armor when you fight her and Magnus, complete with a total removal of the distorted, evil voice. It appears that Pit and Magnus quite literally beat the curse out of her.
- Either that, or Dyntos just made her a new set.
- Casting a Shadow
- Dual Boss: With Magnus late-game.
- Meaningful Name/Foreshadowing: Her name is another word for "Prison", hinting at her being imprisoned in the armor.
- Samus Is a Girl: Her real face even looks like Samus's! It's even more fitting considering she's inside a set of armor.
- Spikes of Villainy
- Tin Tyrant
Viridi, Goddess of Nature[]
"Good riddance, human scum! The world's better off without you!" |
Voiced by: Makiko Ohmoto (JP), Hynden Walch (EN)[]
As the title implies, she's the proclaimed Goddess of Nature. She wants to obliterate the humans fighting each other just because they all got into a war over something that wasn't true due to Hades deceiving all of them.
- All Girls Like Ponies: She sounds really enthusiastic when she mentions the unicorns on the lightning chariot.
- Anti-Villain: Type III given that her reason for wanting to destroy humanity is justified given that Humans Are Bastards in this series, but it still doesn't change the fact she's going too far with her method of wiping them out.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Her cute appearance does NO justice to her actual behavior.
- Blondes Are Evil: She comes off as this when she debuts with her bomb. She just plain down dislikes humans who destroy nature, though, so she's not evil. It's just the way she responds that matters. But still, her high temper is just too much.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Giant appearance of gods aside, she fits this — at least, compared to the other gods.
- Cat Smile: When she's gloating. Sometimes crosses over into Psychotic Smirk.
- The Chick: Fills this role for Pit when she takes over Mission Control. She doesn't give that much info in comparison to Palutena, and she's more likely to snark or complain in comparison.
- Colony Drop: Drops Reset Bombs on the places that are being destroyed by humans. Succeeds the first time, but it always fails later.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute and Psycho
- Cuteness Proximity: She really, really loves her Bumpity Bombs.
- Deadpan Snarker: Doesn't come as a shock, given that everybody else is one, but she stands out among everyone else. Even Pit points out she always insults him whenever he opens his mouth.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Enemy Mine: Viridi partially partners up with Palutena and Hades to fight the alien invasion. In her defense, in typical Tsundere fashion, she does it because it's for her own interest.
- She also helps Pit out during the Chaos Kin arc, filling in for Palutena.
- Eyes of Gold: If you look closely enough, you'll see she has these.
- Femme Fatalons: She states that her nails can tear the very earth and the planet asunder, but a closer look reveals her nails are that of a child. She was probably referring to the Viridi Claws.
- Fortune Teller: Apparently, she does this service.
- Gaia's Vengeance: Exaggerated. She hates humans for mostly destroying nature, but takes it a bit too far...
- Granola Girl: Oh dear.
- Green Thumb
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Karma Houdini: She's the only Goddess that Pit doesn't fight. You fight her servants instead, as well as destroying the base where she makes the Reset Bombs. Even then, she never apologizes for killing millions of humans. The end of the game implies that, with Hades gone, she'll continue to attack humans if they screw up again.
- Knight Templar
- Little Miss Badass
- Little Miss Snarker: She's little, and she's really snarky.
- Mission Control: During the Chaos Kin arc.
- After you beat the game, you can choose to switch between her and Palutena.
- Older Than They Look: Word of God states she has the body of an 8 year old, but being a goddess she's clearly much older.
- Power Tattoo: Does not have one, but the Viridi Palm takes the appearance of a tattoo of her on the wearer's right arm.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: When dropping her last reserved Reset Bomb on the Pyrrhon controlled Aurum:
"Time to let nature take its course." |
- Psychopathic Manchild: Being alive for so long and seeing what humans do can turn you into one.
- Staff of Authority
- Stealth Pun: She's the goddess of nature and refers to her minions as her children. She's mother nature.
- Tsundere: A fierce Type A towards everyone. Especially Pit, which Palutena lampshades.
- The Unfought: Justified that you fight her minions and commanders, and that from Chapter 15 on, there's always bigger threats that draw Viridi into battling with you, but for killing millions of people, you would expect Pit to lay the smack down on her at least once.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Since the humans are pretty much devastating the land, dropping a huge reset-like object on their heads is perfectly right instead of, you know, dealing with the actual root of the problem.
- She does the above suggested idea backwards, sadly.
Cragalanche the Mighty[]
"..." |
A rocky golem-like being that is an extremely loyal servant of Viridi's. He is one of the leaders of her forces, similar to how Pit leads Plautena's forces.
- Acrofatic / Lightning Bruiser: He's quite mobile for a giant rock monster.
- Attack Its Weak Point / Achilles Heel: His glowing bumhole.
- The Brute: Of the Forces of Nature.
- Bullfight Boss
- Death From Above: This is how he is introduced.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Glowing Eyes of Doom / Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Tactical Suicide Boss: Nearly all of his attacks expose his weak point, and the ones that don't actually have weak points so they can be stopped.
- The Voiceless: descibed as the strong, quiet type by Viridi.
Arlon the Serene[]
"Why on earth would I be attacking? I'm far too busy...defending, my dear." |
Voiced by: Yasuhiko Tokuyama (JP), Troy Baker (EN)[]
An ally of Viridi. He is the commander of the Lunar Sanctum.
- Affably Evil/Punch Clock Villain: He's very polite to Pit and Palutena, only fighting them to defend Viridi's property. He even considers teaming up with Palutena against Hades, refusing only on the grounds of his loyalty to Viridi.
- Anti-Villain: Type IV given that the only reason Pit attacks him is because he sides with Viridi.
- Badass Mustache
- Battle Butler
- Casting a Shadow: One of his powers can darken the room as you battle.
- Could Have Avoided This Plot: As Viridi stated, the Chaos Kin situation could have been avoided if he had just explained the purpose of the Lunar Sanctum to Pit and Palutena.
- Evil Brit
- The Evil Genius: Of the Forces of Nature.
- High-Class Glass
- Large Ham: Averted; he's one of the few characters who doesn't ham it up. Which makes sense, given that he's Arlon the Serene.
- The Last of These Is Not Like the Others: Compared to all of Viridi's troops, Arlon seems pretty random as he doesn't have any sort of relation to nature. His moon-for-a-base doesn't help.
- Meaningful Name: Arlon the Serene fits his personality quite well. In addition, "Serene" is one letter away from "Selene", a Greek Moon goddess.
- Only Sane Man
- Quintessential British Gentleman
- Shout-Out: His entire stage is one for Star Wars, even the Lunar Base has a very large laser beam like the Death Star.
- The Stoic
"It's just one fight after another! Today is not my day." |
Voiced by: Yuka Komatsu (JP), Kari Wahlgren (EN)[]
Another ally of Viridi. She specializes in lightning-based attacks.
- Affably Evil: Especially apparent when she returns in Chapter 20, on the verge of pulling a Heel Face Turn.
- Anti-Villain: Type IV given that like Arlon, the only reason Pit attacks her is because she's on Viridi's side.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Dark Action Girl
- Distaff Counterpart: To some extent she's a counterpart to Pit, but for the Forces of Nature.
- The Dragon: For Viridi.
- Evil Versus Evil: Though she isn't that evil, when she's still an antagonist she is first introduced locked in combat with Thanatos
- Failure Is the Only Option: Invoked. Phospora herself says in her debut chapter that she wasn't going to have a great day after reading Viridi's fortune. Naturally, she gets beaten down.
- High Speed Battle: Against Thanatos.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Ship Tease: She teases Pit and calls him cute. Pit's reaction doesn't help.
- Shock and Awe
- Stripperiffic: And to complement this, she has vines tangling some parts of her body. This only enforces her dragon status to Viridi.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Turns Red: "Charging complete~!"
- Valley Girl: Slips into this from time to time.
Pyrrhon, the Sun God[]
"Pyrrhon senses danger... and now, Pyrrhon sees it!" |
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP), Troy Baker (EN)[]
A god with a strong affinity to fire and the sun itself. He is mostly seen as an oddball among gods. Seems to think he's a superhero.
- The Chessmaster: He was using everyone's help to get to the Aurum Brain and gain control all for himself. He wasn't expecting it would backfire four minutes after his take over.
- Face Heel Turn: Merges with the Aurum Brain to become the head of the Aurum hivemind. This backfires, as the Aurum Brain outwill him eventually.
- He appears to come to his senses after he's defeated, as Palutena states that he's pushing the Aurum to the other end of the galaxy.
- Fake Ultimate Hero
- For Great Justice: He has a delivery, and its return address is JUSTICE!!!
- Hand Blast: Pyrron uses this to attack the Aurum. Kablooey! Kablammy! The Burning Palm weapon, in addition, seems to be patterned after him.
- Heroic Build: Bordering on Walking Shirtless Scene.
- Idiot Hero: He's very heroic, but he's also very stupid. Actually, he isn't heroic at all. He's still stupid, Chessmaster example aside.
- Large Ham: One of the biggest ones in the game. Given that Uprising takes place in a World of Ham, this is really saying something.
- Leitmotif: He has a theme that plays when he's the focus of the scenes in chapters 15 and 17. The theme that plays during chapter 17 can count as a Dark Reprise since it plays when he hijacks the Aurum.
- Lord Error-Prone
- Miles Gloriosus: Minus the cowardice, at least. He's brash and brave to a fault.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Palutena does this to him.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: He ends up making the Aurum Generator stronger when he attacks it with fire.
- Playing with Fire
- The Power of the Sun
- Stop Helping Me!: Though to his credit he does save Pit in Chapter 15, getting him out of the exploding Aurum Core.
- Third Person Person: Pyrrhon always refers to Pyrrhon by Pyrrhon's own name!
- Tron Lines
- What the Hell, Hero?: He makes the fight against the Aurum Generator harder than it should be by attacking it with fire, and he just sheepishly mutters something close to "oops" and leaves Pit to fend for himself.
- Wiki Walk: This is heavily implied just by the mere mention of "Divinipedia". Of course, there's nothing really fishy with his knowledge about the Aurum given he's the only one of all the gods who knows all there is know about them.
- Worthy Opponent: Viridi mentions that the only person he considers an equal is Pit.
- Wreathed in Flames
- Zeroes and Ones: Once controlled by the Aurum, proceeds to rattle off "KILL" in binary before fighting Pit.
The Chariot Master[]
Voiced by: Hochu Otsuka (JP), Alan Oppenheimer (EN)[]
A mysterious figure who is the owner of the Lightning Chariot.
- Anti-Villain: He really does nothing villainous, but you still have to fight and kill him to get the Lightning Chariot.
- Death Seeker: Hinted at during his level and Boss Fight. Confirmed after his Boss Fight.
- Only Sane Man: He actually is this unlike everyone who has a few screws loose.
Voiced by: Koji Yada (JP), Alan Oppenheimer (EN)[]
The God of Smithing. He created the Three Sacred Treasures.
- All Powerful Bystander: Is one of, if not the most powerful character in the game, outright stated to be more powerful than even Hades and Palutena. And yet he is content to merely forge weapons and replicas of assorted locations and enemies.
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Eccentric Mentor
- Top God: If not necessarily the absolute strongest, he's implied to be more powerful than any other god in the game. In addition, Palutena refers to him as Lord Dyntos, implying a position of high authority.
- Ultimate Blacksmith: Created the weapons in the game including the Three Sacred Treasure and the Great Sacred Treasures; As well as perfect copies of every enemy, and a few bosses Pit has faced thus far.
The Space Pirates[]
A race of aliens that steal constellations from the heavens to sell. Unfortunately, they were caught up in the war due to have mistakingly taken the 3 Sacred Treasures which were hidden in one of them.
- Arm Cannon/BFG: Space Pirate Commandos and Sniper Pirates, their guns take up their entire fore-arms.
- Badass Normal: Unlike other enemies in the game, the space pirates have no real powers of their own, but are willing and able to punch the living daylights out of you, snipe you, and blow you up with rocket lauchers, they can even take down underworld goons if you allow them to (one of the best examples being two snipers that are able to kill a Clubberskull, and a lone Commando squaring off against a Snowman.
- Cold Sniper: Space Pirate Snipers, YMMV though, due to none of them saying a line of dialouge or being stated as such.
- Energy Beings
- Evil Poacher: Ones that steal constellations, no less.
- Laser Blade: Oddly, considering their occupation, not one of these is used by the pirates.
- Power Fist: All of them, but most prominant in the Yellow space pirates (who fist-fight); where their idol description states that they have exoskeletons, making natural gauntlets on their hands.
- Shout-Out: To Metroid space pirates, most likely.
- Space Pirates: Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Third Eye: Snipers have these to make up for sight lost when in their sniping position.
- Too Dumb to Live: subverted with Snipers, some don't seem to realize you need to be hidden from sight, and/or out of reach for sniping to work. Some however, like the two that fight the Clubberskull, at least try to stay out of their opponents reach by standing on higher platforms, the key word being "try".
- Villains Out Shopping: The pirates have a hotspring on board their ship, when you come across it, a Commando is chilling out there.
Space Pirate Captain[]
The Leader of the Space Pirates, the Captain pilots his starship with his crew, stealing stars that make constillations in the Galactic Sea. He keeps the Three Sacred Treasure with him after stealing the constillation the were hidden on.
- Bad Boss: He is not really respected by his crew, due to his bossy nature.
- Bait and Switch Boss: He is eaten by the Galactic Fiend Kraken.
- Bratty Half-Pint: Averted, due to his larger head, he is actually taller than his crew.
- Bit Part Badguys: The only reason he's brought into the story is due to him having the Three Treasures.
- Evil Is Petty: He yells threats but can't really fight.
- Jump Physics: Moves around erratically and jumps around like a grasshopper, for comedic effect.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Averted, although he yells through a megaphone hard enough to ripple the air, It doesn't hurt anyone.
- No Indoor Voice
- One-Scene Wonder
- Red Alert: While working your way through his ship, he can be heard in the background, shouting in alien tongues, probably giving orders to his crew on how to face the threat of both Pit and the Underworld Army.
- The Unfought
- Wicked Cultured: His armour is the most decorated and colourful out of the crew, but that may just be natural coloring.
Galactic Fiend Kraken[]
A monsterous leviathan that hunts in the Galactic Sea, It eats the Space Pirate Captain and decides that Pit is just too good a morsel to pass up on.
- Combat Tentacles: Massive ones that Pit has to shoot down.
- Eldritch Abomination: The only thing it doesn't seem to pose a threat to are the gods.
- Giant Space Kraken From Nowhere: Lampshaded by Palutena.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: An odd variation, there are glowing spots on its eyes that shift position constantly in a pattern; and in addition its eyes glow for a second before one of its attacks.
- Kraken and Leviathan: Of the intersellar variety.
- Making a Splash: Even-though it lives in space, it can shoot water from it's mouth.
- Power Fist: Does not use one, but a gauntlet called the Kraken Arm can be aquired.
- Super-Persistent Predator
Pseudo Palutena[]
A copy of Palutena brought about by Dyntos, she considers herself beautiful, even when you reveal her comidically disgusting face.
- Boss Banter: While most bosses avert being annoying by having pre-scripted dialogue, Pseudo Palutena will proceed to rattle off the same obnoxious and loud quotes throughout the whole battle. This is most likely intentionally annoying, given the rest of the game avoiding it.
- Butter Face / Nightmare Face
- Evil Knockoff: Of Palutena
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere
- Something They Would Never Say: Played with, The Palutena we know would obviously do something like this to mess with Pit, but its when you beat her ugly to the forefront that you know that it isn't Palutena.
The Immortal Phoenix[]
A legendary and ancient bird that lives on top of a volcano. It guards the wish seed which is actually a ruse set by Hades to make the humans fight each other.
- Bullfight Boss: Has an attack when it rushes at you while Wreathed in Flames.
- Expy: Can be considered an avian version of Twinbellows for the second part of the game.
- MacGuffin: Guards one in the form of the wish seed, said to grant any one wish. Too bad it's a ruse set by Hades.
- Playing with Fire: Its main method of attacking
- Power Fist: While the Phoenix itself does not use one, a weapon modeled after it, called The Phoenix Arm, can be aquired.
- The Phoenix
- Razor Wind: Its secondary attacks usually involve this.
The Little Girl[]
A small child who lives in one of the human towns.
- Grand Theft Me: A rare case where its done by the hero of the story.
- Songs of Solace: Her theme, which is considered to be one of the best tracks in the game.
- Stealth Hi Bye: After the ring is dropped, and the dog takes it, the girl literally disappears as soon as you turn around. Lampshaded by Pit.
The Dog[]
Another inhabitant of the town attacked in chapter 18. Loves to eat garbage in the town.
- Grand Theft Me: Along with the little girl by Pit in chapter 18.
- Extreme Omnivore
- Trademark Favorite Food: Garbage
Tempura Wizard[]
An underworld monster that Has shrimp tempura for a head and sits in a rice bowl. He can turn his enemies into tempura with his spells as well, chasing them and, if caught, eating them.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: Has a single eye on his tempura head, that is somehow replace by is mouth when he starts chasing his victims.
- Demonic Spider: At least compared to Eggplant Wizard.
- I Am a Humanitarian: Subverted, he turns his victims into tempura before eating, and pit isn't necessarily human. But that doesn't necessarily mean he hasn't eaten humans.
- Scary Black Man: His head aside, the Tempura Wizard has a brown skin-tone.
- Slouch of Villainy: When not chasing angels-turned-tempura, he cast spells while reclining on a rice bowl.
- The Rival: To the Eggplant Wizard.
Chaos Kin[]
Everything changes, Pit...even the Gods! |
An ancient entity of pure evil and chaos that is accidentally released during the battle of the Lunar Sanctum. Using Palutena as its host, it seeks to plunge the world into endless conflict and chaos.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies
- Break Them by Talking: When it possessed Palutena, the Chaos Kin said many cruel things to break Pit's spirit. It worked to a certain extent if you believe Pit's Sanity Slippage was caused by his Break the Cutie phase.
- Chaos Is Evil
- Combat Pragmatist: The Chaos Kin is not above hiding behind its possessed victims and then dragging the unexpected down with it off with it. Also loves attacking the characters from behind.
- Combat Tentacles: At least during it's final moments when it tried to drag Pittoo down.
- Defiant to the End
- Demonic Possession: Does this to Palutena.
- Dirty Coward: It hides behind Palutena when it shows itself during the first battle.
- To elaborate, when on Chaos Island it sends about an armies-worth of enemies to do its dirty work.
- Pit even calls it one outright. It also tries to escape when finally cornered and exhaused in Chapter 21. The only thing stopping it is a quick forcefield Viridi sets up around the arena.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Fate Worse Than Death: It is still alive as a pile of ash, and could only be revived by possessing Dark Pit. Fortunately, Pit was able to save him, leaving the Chaos Kin trapped inside the Chaos Vortex for all eternity.
- Fragile Speedster: It's a speedy demon that can throw many quick attacks at you, but it can't take that many hits in comparison.
- Generic Doomsday Villain: The Chaos Kin's idol description outright states that it is a mindless creature who possesses nothing but the desire to cause destruction.
- Kick the Dog: While the Chaos Kin is indeed evil, the fact it possessed Palutena and deliberately said hateful things toward Pit so he would break counts.
- Knight of Cerebus: Big time. Unlike the other Complete Monster, Hades, its actions are taken much more seriously.
- Made of Evil
- Near Villain Victory: In the three years between chapters 17 and 18, its not only completely taken over Sky World and its forces, but has done more damage to the human world than even Hades, even managing to (temporarily) turn Magnus and Gaol against Pit.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Sealed Evil in a Can: It was sealed inside the Lunar Sanctum. The green glow escaping at the end of Chapter 13 is actually the Chaos Kin.
- The idol of its ash form reveals that while it's still alive, it can no longer leave the Chaos Vortex.
- Spell My Name with a "The"
- Tactical Suicide Boss: The first time you fight it, it will sometimes wrap itself around Palutena. If it just hung on to Palutena the whole time, it would've been impossible to defeat it.
- Taking You with Me: Once Pit exorcises it from Palutena, it decides to have the last laugh by stealing her soul.
- And it does it again by trying to take Pittoo down with it once the two manage to get Palutena's soul back.
- Its ash form idol reveals that it was trying to possess Dark Pit in order to revive itself and given Viridi's explanation on the Chaos Kin, it only fed on the purest of souls and that type of soul is needed for revival.
- And it does it again by trying to take Pittoo down with it once the two manage to get Palutena's soul back.
- The Voiceless: Only when its on its own. When its possessing Palutena, it is very vocal, and not in a good way.
- Walking Spoiler: Because its Story Arc is a major Wham! Episode, it has all of these spoiler tags.
- Your Soul Is Mine: It has the ability to consume souls, and it rips Palutena's soul in front of Pit and escapes into its home dimension.
The Underworld Gatekeeper[]
A powerful robotic member of The underworld forces, that, true to name guards the entrance to the Underworld.
The Great Reaper[]
Leader of the Reapers and the boss of the Reaper's Fortress, The Great Reaper apparently sends its subordinates to collect the souls of the humans fighting in the war.
- Attack Its Weak Point: His head and toes, and more obviously, the crack in his skull during the las leg of the fight.
- Flunky Boss: He does summon Reapettes, but not as much as his regular-sized counterparts.
- King Mook: Essentially a far bigger, far stronger version of the normal Reaper.
- Villains Out Shopping: His idol states that in his free time, he actually shinks himself to normal size to take strolls in his fortress.
- Your Soul Is Mine: He was an elder Reaper that gained his power by eating a large amount of souls.
The Aurum[]
A near-robotic race of space invaders that harvest the rescources of planets.
- Hive Mind
- The Heartless: They are created from, and return to nothing.
- Starfish Aliens / Starfish Robots
- Underground Monkey: they are prone to copying their enemies pretty effectively.
The Forces Of Nature[]
Creatures that are created by and serve Viridi, like their name suggests they are made with natural resources.
- Puppeteer Parasite: One of the kinds of creatures faced is a fungus that has killed and taken over a very large Rhino beetle.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Nutskis which are essentially the Forces of Nature versions of the underworld Monoeye.
- Clobblers are similar to Clubberskulls in that they're harmless until attacked, at which point they become very dangerous. Clobblers will at least walk around when nonhostile, albeit aimlessly.
- Helpful Mook: They fight with you during the Aurum invasion.
- Nutskis in particular carry a platform for Pit to stand on.
Hades's Heart[]
An odd entity representing Hades's heart, existing within Hades.
- Armless Biped: Though it does seem to have two blood vessel-like tentacles, it never uses them for anything or even seems to control them at all.
- Cuteness Proximity: Pit can't help but find it adorable during the boss battle.
- Made of Explodium: Its clones. The heart itself also explodes upon defeat
- Me's a Crowd: Its most potent ability is to create exploding clones of itself.
- Organ Autonomy
- Ugly Cute
- Unmoving Plaid: Its body coloration looks like a night sky, deep blue with small white "stars". The stars do not move with the body, however.
- The Voiceless
The Great Sacred Treasure[]
A mech made by Dyntos to help Pit defeat Hades.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Pit has to beat it in a boss battle before Dyntos lets him use it.
- Humongous Mecha
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha
- One Hit KO: It's ultimate attack can one-hit kill Pit and most of the arena during the battle against it. At the end of the final battle with Hades you get to use it yourself to vaporize Hades once and for all.
- Transforming Mecha