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  • Anime First — There is a manga, Kiddy Girl-and Pure, which was released simultaneously (it actually started serialization in Comp Ace before the anime started) but the story differed wildly. A novel adaptation was released later.
  • Bad Export for You — it is a HD show but despite there being no sign of a western DVD release, let along Blu-ray, the Crunchyroll streams are limited to 480P.
  • The Danza — Shiraishi, voiced by Minoru Shiraishi. Hell, he even gets to say his famous Wasuremono line up to how he says it.
  • Development Hell — from announcement to release took three years, including two years of complete sience and an unexplained change of animation studio:
    • The "K-G.2" project was announced in October 2006.
    • In January 2007 the studio (asread) and basic details were announced.
    • A Pilot DVD was released in May 2007.
    • ???
    • In February 2009 the official title was finally announced along with news that it was now being animated by Satelight. Clearly there was also more than a little tweaking done to the basic story as well since it bore little resemblance to the Pilot and one of the main characters had a fairly radical redesign, both in appearance and personality.
    • The first episode airs in October 2009.
  • Hey, It's That Voice! / Names to Know In Anime:
    • Akira Ishida — Un-ou
    • Aya Hirano — Lumière.
    • Jun Fukuyama — Tweedledee.
    • Kikuko Inoue makes an appereance as Alv, with her trademark "Juunanasai" in ep 05.
    • Minoru Shiraishi — as the voice of okama Mi nourose, most of the mecha, and himself in one episode (including a reprise of his most popular line from Suzumiya Haruhi). He also wrote Ascoeur's "Pumpkin Pudding" ditty and stars in most of the DVD extras (half of the time in drag).
    • Norio Wakamoto — The Narrator voice of the first episode, immediately making it (at least, its narration) epic.
      • Also voices mascot character TAMA and returns as Eclair's son Che in one episode (voicing both characters simultaneously).
        • Alisa: That sweet melodious voice, and that calculated look in his eyes! He's the ultimate Seme!
  • What Could Have Been — Just watch the original pilot.