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Kielicd 3908

A Girl And Her Undying

Kieli, a lonely girl with the power to see ghosts, encounters a man named Harvey, who happens to be one of the legendary Undying. The Undying were soldiers made from recycled corpses that were trained to be immortal killing machines in a violent war 80 years ago. She follows Harvey on his journey to return the ghost of a soldier, who died in that war and has since been a possessing a radio, to his grave.

A nine-volume Light Novel series written by Yukako Kabei. The first novel was adapted into a two-volume Manga illustrated by Shiori Teshirogi and released in English by Yen Press. Yen Press is also publishing the novels; the first six are presently available:

  • Kieli Volume 1 — The Dead Sleep in the Wilderness
  • Kieli Volume 2 — White Wake on the Sand
  • Kieli Volume 3 — Prisoners Bound for Another Planet
  • Kieli Volume 4 — Long Night Beside a Deep Pool
  • Kieli Volume 5 — The Sunlit Garden Where it Began Part 1
  • Kieli Volume 6 — The Sunlit Garden Where it Began Part 2

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