- It appears that Ruby didn't want to hug Tom this time..
- Devilbunnies are an entire web community of people writing stories based on the idea that cute fluffy bunnies are taking over the entire world and making it cute and fluffy for their own nefarious purposes.
- The Whateley Universe has a toy cabbit owned by Tennyo — which conceals quite a few blades and needles inside itself, and can exert three hundred pounds of force through each (while unerringly passing through gaps in armor) when it's being animated by Jade.
- On the website Muse Blog, run far, far away if you see a Hot Pink Bunny. They are out to rule the world, can turn people into zombies, and can survive atomic blasts. This may or may not be where their powers come from.
- "The Dragon Fly" by Fredrik K.T.Andersson.
- Zombie Roadkill does this with several small woodland creatures.
- The Kryton from Threebrain.
- SCP-524 from the SCP Foundation is a docile bunny rabbit that can eat anything. Metal, plastic, radioactive waste, SCP-682...
- It actually is the one thing that 682 was unable to adapt a defense for, and only survived being eaten by climbing up higher than the bunny could jump.
- This (not actually killer) squirrel.
- The humor site Cracked has an article called "The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You". Self Explanatory. Two-thirds are Australian, of course.
- Despite its inherent emphasis on all things ugly and disgusting, from simply distasteful little critters to Nightmare Fuel-filled Eldritch Abominations, a good number of the monsters of the Mortasheen franchise are cute enough (relatively speaking) to pass as these. Don't believe me? Check out the Chainsaw Kid. It's about as cute as a creature with a chainsaw on its face can get, but piss it off for any reason whatsoever and your internal organs will invariably end up getting rearranged.
- "Evil Animals" contest on worth1000.com got a handful of such things, including literal as a pair of "bad rabbits".
- "Honey badger don't care. Honey badger don't give a shit"
- As a general rule, messageboards such as Spacebattles.com generally agree that the sillier a character is, the more dangerous they are and the higher they place on a Cool Versus Awesome combat tier. As a result, "whacky cartoon" characters like Bugs Bunny and Kirby are described as being able to easily defeat more (relatively) "realistic" characters like Jedi or Master Chief. This is largely due to them not being bound by the laws of reality and thus able to do things like shrug off rocket fire and swallow man-sized creatures whole.
- Not physically dangerous, but the subjects of the website Disapproving Rabbits can cause a severe feeling of inferiority. Especially this one.
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