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The list of Characters for the cartoon series Kim Possible.
Team Possible[]
Kim Possible[]
Voiced by: Christy Carlson Romano/ Dakota Fanning (Preschool Kim) |
As the hero of a family show, poor Kim is never allowed to be anything but good and heroic. (Well, maybe losing her temper now and then--as well quite a few bad decisions she's made.) Because of this she has fewer entries than Ron, Drakken, and Shego (see also Trope Example Law number 21).
- The Ace: The head cheerleader, straight A student, involved in every extracurricular activity you can think of and the ultimate heroic Action Girl. This all provides much contrast with Ron.
- Action Girl: Doy!
- Affectionate Nickname: Ron calls her "K.P.".
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Normal: Especially during So The Drama and any time she fights someone with superpowers, such as her frequent battles with Shego, her generally mopping the floor with Team Go in Stop Team Go, and even going toe to toe with an Eldritch Abomination for a few seconds before he kicked his magic in on her.
- Bare Your Midriff: Well, until Season 4.
- Boring Invincible Hero: At least in the first season when it seemed she can do no wrong and was a little too perfect a hero. Season Two and onward subvert the trope by showing that, despite her impressive agility and cunning, she's not perfect and indeed wouldn't be as effective without her partners.
- Braces of Orthodontic Overkill: As shown in A Sitch In Time, she had to wear braces during her first year of high school, which made her look as geeky as her best friend. Once they came off though, she became the most popular girl in school.
- Buffy-Speak
- Catch Phrase:
"What's the sitch?" |
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Take out most villains with nothing more than some quick thinking and an array of kung fu? You betcha.
- The Cheerleader: Subverted. She's the head cheerleader, but she's anything but bitchy.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Ron. They provide the page picture, even.
- Deadpan Snarker: Often, particularly earlier in the show.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Extracurricular Enthusiast: As part of her incredible-overachiever character design, Kim Possible is involved with or in charge of just about everything in Middleton High short of being a supply teacher, though most of these are merely referred to unless they're significant to the episode.
- Fiery Redhead
- Genre Savvy: She is quite familiar with all the classic villain routines. Sometimes she finds it a little dull.
- Girlish Pigtails: She had these when she was in Pre-K.
- Give Geeks a Chance: Would you believe she's the Trope Namer?
- Good Is Not Soft: Kim tries to verbally reason with the villains...exactly once. Every other time every confrontation has come to blows.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Tends to get very jealous very fast, particularly over Ron even before they were dating.
- Green Eyed Red Head
- The Heroine
- I Know Madden Kombat
- Insufferable Genius: Tends to be boastful about her Ace qualities, but she can very well back them up. Ron occasionally pokes fun at this.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Ron's Feminine Boy.
- According to Animology, Kim's a blue fox and Ron's a pink sloth (fitting the previous trope name "Blue Girl, Pink Boy").
- Noodle Incident: Many of Kim's missions begin with her thanking someone for giving a ride to the site, and being thanked in return for her help with some briefly-described crisis.
- Not So Above It All: She may be level-headed most of the times but there are a few cases where she can be petty and a bit of a perfectionist. And her love of Cuddle Buddies is played for laughs.
- Part-Time Hero: Subverted: Most people are quite aware of her exploits; they're actually frequently recounted in the papers. She doesn't even bother with a Secret Identity.
- Power Armor: In So The Drama and afterwards, although not too often, as the creators had to keep Holding Back the Phlebotinum
- Punny Name: "Impossible"
- Redheaded Hero
- Second Year Protagonist
- Shoe Phone: Her gadgets are generally built to look like ordinary teenage-girl items, such as her hairdryer grapple gun, her lipstick laser, and her lip gloss Knockout Gas. It seems to be purely a style thing, as she doesn't bother to hide who she is.
- Simple Staff: Briefly in "Mad Dogs and Aliens", she used Warmonga's spear-like weapon to destroy the Doomsday Device of the Week.
- Super Strength: She temporarily obtains it when Aviarius gives her Hego’s powers. She ends up enjoying it but being who she is she lets Hego have them back.
- Taken for Granite: Briefly in Oh No Yono, courtesy of Monkey Fist's new Eldritch Abomination, Yono.
- Think Nothing of It: When thanked for previous acts of heroism, she responds that it was "No big."
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Poster girl. She can knock out legions of mooks but freaks out in front of her crush.
Ron Stoppable[]
Voiced by: Will Friedle/ Harrison Fahn (Preschool Ron) |
As the sidekick, Ron gets to display a wider range of traits, more character development, and even turn evil a couple of times.
- Adorkable
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Granted, he is the one that cheers Kim on.
- Animal Talk: Naked mole rats, mutant roaches, and monkeys.
- Badass Abnormal: Was normal at first, but after getting Mystic Monkey Powers in Monkey Fist Strikes, he definitly enters this area, if not obviously until the Grand Finale.
- Badass Adorable: When taking on Gill.
- Balloon Belly: In "Animal Attraction" and "Grande Size Me".
- Berserk Button:
- Don't ever threaten to hurt Kim in front of him or you're deader than someone between a Mama Bear, a Papa Wolf, and their child.
- Similarly, Future Shego learned the hard way that forcing his family to move away and keep him from Kim was a very bad idea. Even worse than destroying Bueno Nacho.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Relating to the above, there's a reason why Warmonga and Warhok are the only villains in the show explicitly confirmed to be Killed Off for Real.
- Big Brother Instinct: He's an only child for a long time, but when his parents adopt his little sister Hana, Ron grows extremely attached despite starting off by refering to her as "the intruder".
- Big Eater: And taken to extremes during "Grande Size Me".
- Butt Monkey: Arguably.
- Catch Phrase: "Sick and wrong!", "Booyah!!", "That would be so cool if that wasn't-gonna hurt us/be the last thing we ever see!"
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Kim.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: As of the series finale, when he saves Kim by using his monkey powers.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: He used to be one, as shown in flashbacks.
- The Cutie: A rare male example at times.
- Defense Mechanism Superpower: From the moment he got his Mystical Monkey Powers, they came and went in times of dire situations. It was even lampshaded in "Team Impossible". It wasn't until the moment where Kim was in mortal danger that he managed to achieve complete control over it.
- Dumb Blonde: Averted, you’d be surprised how smart he can be. He can certainly act dumb though.
- Evil Is Dumb: Subverted. Both times the Attitudinator alters Ron to the Dark Side, he is extremely effective.
- Funny Bruce Lee Noises: Most of his attempts at martial arts (except for a few occasions when his Mystical Monkey Power comes to the fore).
- Genre Savvy: Ron is just as aware of villain clichés as Kim. Sometimes he even points out that they should have expected some of the things the villains do. When he goes evil, this carries over.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroes Want Redheads: Kim, of course.
- Informed Judaism: Mentioned in show a few times, most notably in "Ron the Man". But the bit about not mixing meat and dairy obviously didn't take. He's probably not that serious with his religion.
- In-Series Nickname: He becomes known as "Unstoppable Stoppable" in Ill-Suited, when he cheats his way onto the football team, becoming the star quarter-back, using Kim's battlesuit. The name sticks when he begins playing honestly as the team's running-back. Due to the "mad running away skills" he aquired through years of encounters with supervillains and deathtraps, none of the other players can catch him.
- Lampshade Hanging: Ron has a tendency to do this often.
- The Lancer: Kim's second in command (out of three) and Foil.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Kim's Masculine Girl. Take their Halloween costumes, for instance.
- Mighty Whitey: He's the Mystical Monkey Master, an evidently Eastern style of kung fu/magic. He's a white American. Also parodied as the other ninjas are more skilled than him in the normal style while he always losses his pants.
- Nice Jewish Boy: Though "nice" is a bit of an understatement.
- Non-Action Guy: Except on occasions. Averted completely at the end of the Grand Finale.
- Oblivious to Love: He's... not particularly observant of when females have a clear attraction to him. He didn't realise Tara liked him until after she was dating Josh and only because Kim told him. He didn't realise Yori liked him in that way until after their final meeting in the third season when she kissed him on the cheek and again, because Kim told him. And as for Kim herself... well, the way she put it was that it took him "twelve stinkin' years" just to kiss her.
- One of the Girls: He gets along very well with the cheerleading squad, apart from Bonnie.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Properly Paranoid: Believe it or not, some of his kooky paranoid theories are actually viable.
- Punny Name: "Unstoppable".
- Running Gag: His pants keep getting ripped off during missions. Also, Drakken has a hard time remembering his name.
- Not just Drakken: almost all recurring villains regularly fail to remember his name. Only the Señors, Gill, and Monkey Fist remember his name, with the Señors still failing in one occasion.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Though he insists that they're manly screams of courage.
- Sidekick
- Sidekick Graduations Stick: It's pretty obvious that after his incredible heroics in the Grand Finale that he becomes a full-fledged partner to Kim. What makes it really amusing is that the episode in question was known as 'Graduation'.
- Spanner in the Works: If there's a plan, expect Ron Stoppable to ruin it, especially if you're a bad guy.
- This trope is even lampshaded in an episode by calling it "The Ron Factor." Later subverted when the real cause is identified as "The Rufus Factor."
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- Super Mode / Took a Level In Badass: In the Grand Finale. Although one could argue that it's a step up that he's been cultivating since the fourth season started.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Good lord, yes, he's... frightening, and crazy and awesome!!! BOOYAHAHAHAHA!!!!
- Supreme Chef: So good he takes over the school's cafetria.
- This Loser Is You: "An underachiever, a social outcast, who smells of overripe fruit." That's the pink sloth.
- Subverted in Season 4; he ends up becoming a Record-Setting Running Back and Homecoming King. Yet Bonnie STILL thinks of him as a loser, even after she's crowned Homecoming Queen (and probably still does even after Graduation).
- Took a Level In Dumbass: He moves from Book Dumb and unmotivated in earlier seasons to several moments of nearly Too Dumb to Live in the latter seasons.
- And as shown in A Sitch in Time, he was smarter as a four-year-old.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Bueno Nacho.
- Unlucky Everydude: At least until Season 4, his parents almost never seem to be around, their approach to moving to Norway or adopting a baby is to present him with the outcome, he can never get a date, he's constantly picked on and considered a loser (despite being the valued Sidekick to a world-saving heroine), and is the ne'er-do-well sidekick to the main character. This seems to act in his favor occasionally.
- Why Did It Have To Be Monkeys?: Due to a rather traumatic experience at camp when he was young.
Voiced by: Nancy Cartwright. |
Rufus is Ron's beloved pet. Ron could only have a hairless pet on account of his father's allergies, so he purchased Rufus, a naked mole rat. He lives most of the time in either Ron's pocket or his locker at school, and was first introduced to Kim on their first major mission, where she pronounced him "gross but useful."
- Badass Adorable
- Colossus Climb: Rufus occasionally pulls this off against human targets, but the creators are careful to avoid overusing it.
- Fastball Special
- Funny Animal: He is Ron's per, after all.
- Meaningful Name: A Sitch in Time shows the audience that Rufus was named after Ron's imaginary friend from early childhood.
- Out-of-universe, his name was inspired by the Rufous-beaked snake, a natural predator of the naked mole rat.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Shipper on Deck: When Ron shows interest in any girl other than Kim, Rufus makes a noise of disgust. Any scenes with Ron and Kim together, however, get the animal to make an "aww" sound.
- He even helped them get over their nervousness of their first date by pushing them towards each other so they could dance.
- Team Pet
Voiced by: Tahj Mowry/ Michael Clarke Duncan (Future Wade) |
A 10-year old genius who provides Kim with all of her information, missions and gadgets. Rarely ever seen away from his computer or out of his room. He does Take a Level In Badass in A Sitch In Time as an adult.
- Berserk Button: "Nobody, NOBODY SPIKES MY SYSTEM!"
- Black and Nerdy: Is he of African descent? Check. Does he have advanced knowledge/skills in anything engineering-/physics-/computer science-related? Check.
- Future Badass: As mentioned, a Sitch in Time; he's the leader of La Résistance and becomes a Gentle Giant. Badass enough for ya?
- Gadgeteer Genius: He makes all of Kim's gear.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Although it's more like "He Who Must Not Be Seen Outside His Room" (until Season 4 that is).
- Technically, he came out in the penultimate episode of the third season, right before The Movie.
- Mission Control: For Kim and Ron.
- Running Gag: Left his room once during three seasons, even using teleoperated robots as a substitute.
- The Smart Guy
- Teen Genius: Well okay, preteen genius, but the trope fits like a glove.
- Took a Level In Badass: In Sitch in Time, future Wade is a Gentle Giant commando.
- Voice with an Internet Connection: In the initial seasons.
Dr. Drakken[]
Voiced by: John DiMaggio |
Along with Shego, a recurring villain for all four seasons, so we learn a lot about him.
- Angrish: On at least one occasion, prompting Shego to cut him off with "Dr. D! You've stopped using words."
- Arch Enemy: More or less due to popularity with the fanbase (and his connection to her father), he is this to Kim Possible.
- Bad Boss: He doesn’t actually pay his minions other than Shego, though it’s inverted with her relationship with her.
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "You think you're all that, Kim Possible! But you're not!" Adapted to each situation, such as "You think your car is all that..."
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: When Aviarius captures Kim, Shego and the rest of Team Go, Wade calls Dr. Drakken for help. Drakken, who's usually Too Dumb to Live when it comes to being effective, shows up with one very serious attack robot and says, 'I was told Shego was in trouble! WHERE IS THIS AVIARIUS?!'
- Generally speaking he's pretty competent provided he's opposing other villains. This is something Dementor lampshades in The Stinger of the final episode.
- Ditzy Genius: He's often clueless about matters other than mad science. One particularly extreme example: when he tried to avenge himself on the classmates who had mocked him in college, it never occurred to him that James Possible might be somehow connected to his nemesis Kim Possible.
- Don't Tell Mama: Drakken has his mother completely fooled about what it is he really does.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Drew Theodore Lipsky (heck all of them). Hey you'd turn evil too.
- Enemy Mine: On a few occasions, he's been forced to join forces with the good guys.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Everyone Went to School Together: He turns out to have been a friend of Kim's father in college, and apparently, the mocking of his friends was his Start of Darkness. They weren’t entirely wrong about his Bebe project though.
- Evil Is Dumb: Unlike the Ron example, this is played painfully straight and lampshaded every time he appears.
- Genre Blindness
- Green Thumb: In the Grand Finale, Drakken gains the powers of a Plant Person due to being exposed to a Super Plant Serum of his own creation. Surprisingly, this transformation gives him a major badass boost, provided you ignore the adorable flower petals that grow out of his neck!
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: He's got a rather sinister one under his left eye.
- Harmless Villain: Comes and goes. Sometimes he's planning to destroy the world; sometimes he's a joke. Sometimes he tries to zap Kim with a Death Ray, or drop her in lava; sometimes he doesn't even try to hurt Kim, only to keep her occupied with traps or his sidekick Shego.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: The main reason he's trying to conquer the world is to prove he's a genius. No one believes it, especially not Shego. Except for his Fan, Frugal Lucre.
- Kick the Dog: Stealing a wheelchair from a disabled teenager just because it has advanced technology? Seriously, Dr. D?
- Laughably Evil: Though when he gets his act together, he reminds us why he's the series' Big Bad.
- Mad Scientist
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Shego's Masculine Girl. He’s more masculine than Ron though.
- Minion Shipping: With Shego.
- Noodle Incident: His turning blue which is never really explained. The one time he was willing to talking about it was at the end of the final episode and it ends before he can go into detail.
- Personality Swap: In the episode "Bad Boy", this happens to Drakken, who ends up making 'Cocomoo' and Cookies for his henchmen. Meanwhile, Ron is trying to conquer the world with Shego, and he seems to be pretty good at it.
- Shirtless Scene: In the movie A Sitch In Time, Drakken (who has transformed into a hulking brute) rips his shirt while fighting Kim. Also, in the episode Rappin' Drakken, he walks around in only a towel and shower cap and is shirtless when lathering his hair in the commercial for his 'Lather, Rinse, and Obey' shampoo. Whether these are Fan Service or Nightmare Fuel depends on the viewer.
- Super Villain
- Take Over the World: The usual goal of his Evil Plans
- Terrible Artist
- Took a Level In Badass: On three occasions. The first was in the movie A Sitch In Time, when he goes from wimpy to bulky. The second time was in the other movie So the Drama where he proved he's Not So Harmless a villain. Finally, in the Grand Finale Graduation, Drakken develops plant powers that are so strong, they can crush advanced alien technology.
- Totally Radical: Occasionally uses teen slang, for which he's mocked by Shego.
- Unknown Rival: Drakken is irritated and jealous whenever he's reminded that Professor Dementor has a bigger reputation as a potential world-conquering Mad Scientist. For his part, Dementor seems to regard Drakken as a second-rate wannabe.
- Would Hurt A Girl: Not directly, but the intent is still there.
Voiced by: Nicole Sullivan |
More entries than anyone else! Her role was first expanded when the creators realised how well Drakken and Shego interacted, and as the show progressed writers often found it more interesting to put Kim and Shego on the same side instead of fighting each other.
- And I Must Scream: She was aware that she was mind controlled by Dr. Drakken in one episode…..but she was only bored and aggravated at worst.
- Arch Enemy: She can easily be seen as Kim’s other archenemy.
- Black Sheep: The one villainous member of a superhero family.
- Brilliant but Lazy: She has a lot more common sense and Genre Savvy than her boss, but tends to laze about reading magazines or lying on the beach when she isn't on a mission.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Being a former superhero, she knows what not to do
- Yet, that didn't stop her from telling Kim and Ron she's the one who split them up, which helped her in her goal in A Sitch in Time; it seems victory cost her that genre savviness.
- Dark Action Girl: You see her picture on the trope page!
- Deadpan Snarker: "How's Operation Getting-More-Ridiculous-By-The-Day going?"
- Didn't Think This Through: She shouldn’t have been so eager to fight someone as strong as Warmonga herself.
- The Dividual: It’s rare for her to be without her boss, Dr. Drakken.
- The Dragon
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: As a result of being hit by a comet, her skin is green-tinged.
- Enemy Mine: Usually happens when there's a bigger threat than her boss, like Evil Ron or Warmonger.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Subverted. When she discovers Senor Senor Junior is planning a five-man fake kidnapping for tons of real money, she considers it to more or less be the most evil plan that she has ever heard of (and yes, this is coming from someone who has worked for Dr. Drakken throughout the show’s run), but she also decides it’s more or less the most brilliant plan she’s heard of as well.
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Evil Counterpart: To Kim.
- Evil Overlord: Known as The Supreme One in A Sitch In Time.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Her outfit is a green and black harlequin-dazzle pattern, with one glove and one boot in each color.
- Fallen Hero: Part of her Backstory is that she used to be a Superhero.
- Family Theme Naming :Her similarly superpowered brothers are named "Hego," "Me-go" and "We-go". They're all members of "Team Go." Go figure.
- Fan Service: Often seen in a swimsuit.
- Foe Yay
- For the Evulz:
Hego: The more we fought evil, the more Shego liked it. |
- Future Badass: As if she wasn't Badass enough already, she actually conquers the world in A Sitch In Time.
- Gold Digger: She displayed this behavior in "The Mentor of our Discontent" with Martin Smarty at the end of the episode. Until she found out he had a teenage son, that is, at which point she quickly leaves.
- Green Eyes
- Jerkass Has a Point: She often does when speaking with her boss. But Drakken simply doesn't listen to her.
- Hand Blast
- Hello, Nurse!: She has gained this reaction (repeatedly) from Motor Ed and (briefly) Martin Smarty. Ron also has this reaction to her in the first episode, of course this was before he actually met her.
- Hot Amazon: Ed fell in love with her after being zapped.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Basically, without her Drakken is almost completely useless.
- Jumping Out of a Cake: When Junior mentions his father's upcoming birthday as his reason for breaking Shego out of prison, she apparently gets the wrong idea of what he wants.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Drakken's Feminine Boy.
- Minion Shipping: With Drakken.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: She even goes as far as to save Kim's life TWICE.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Her appearance as "Miss Wobakoff" consists of her wearing a blonde wig and form-fitting bright green dress. In spite of her pale green skin it's enough to fool Martin Smarty (whose life she had previously threatened). Then again, her job at the time was to distract him, so it seems she did her job well. Very well.
- Pet the Dog: Junior. She genuinely tried to help him, she was at least less sarcastic than usual at the idea of him breaking her out of prison to help with a crime, and she even gets mopey about not doing the job together.
- Prodigal Family: Has four brothers that also have powers like her, and when Shego was good they were a team called 'Team Go'.
- Punch Clock Villain: She spends most of her time reading villain magazines or even lounging at spas when not assigned a task. She even has weekends and holidays off in a few episodes.
- In "Kimitation Nation", she reminds Dr. Drakken that her contract specifically states NO CLONING.
- Retcon: The original character concept was that her plasma power was a function of her gloves. The episode "Go Team Go" gave her an origin story in which she (and her brothers) got inherent superpowers from a meteorite.
- Sarcastic Devotee: She may not have a lot of respect for Drakken, but she does stick with him.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She has been known to just walk away from some of Drakken's schemes when she feels they have become too much trouble, or simply too stupid, for her tastes.
- Sickly Green Glow: Her powers glow green to match her suit.
- Or her suit is green to match her glow. This seems to be confirmed when she temporarily stole her brothers' powers in "Go Team Go" and her suit changed color to match the power she was using at the moment.
- Sidekick: To Drakken.
- The Slacker: Her life revolves around entertaining herself by sunbathing, filing her nails, mocking Drakken and occasionally spending quality time with Kim. But she could be much more.
Rufus 3000: Wasn't it clear that Shego was the only one smart enough to take over the world? |
- Still Wearing the Old Colors: Even after quitting to become a villain, she wears her Team Go superhero outfit. She prefers green, after all.
- Super Villain
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Terms of Endangerment: Constantly addresses Kim with cute nicknames, which can be interpreted as either dismissive or affectionate.
- Vague Age
- Not really. The creators have stated that she's in her mid 20s and she more or less looks and acts like it.
- It's been stated that she is 23 in seasons 1-3, which would make her around 25 by season 4.
- Which makes one wonder how old Drakken is. Probably around Kim's Dad age.
- Drakken and Mr. Dr. Possible were in college together ("Attack of the Killer Bebes"), so yeah.
- Which makes one wonder how old Drakken is. Probably around Kim's Dad age.
- When She Smiles: Shego is far from unattractive under any circumstances, but almost selectively prone to frowning, smirking and psychotic rage. Once in a while though, in a state of confusion, guilt or ...mind control, she'll break out a nervous, unguarded smile.
- Worthy Opponent: While she won't admit it out loud, she grudgingly regards Kim as this.
Professor Dementor[]
Voiced by: Patton Oswalt |
Ein Deutsch Big Bad who, like Dr. Drakken, iz hell-bent on taking over ze VORLD! However, hiz technology, henchmen and intelligence are generally better zan zat of Dr. Drakken. Because of zis, zey rival each other INTENSELY! Unfortunately, hiz brilliant planz are often foiled by Kim Possible (much like Dr. Drakken's) so ze audience never sees hiz TRUE POTENTIAL! And in case you vere vondering, he speaks just like zis, and raises hiz voice at ze end of SENTENCES!
- Always Someone Better: To Dr. Drakken. His henchmen are well-drilled, and he sometimes invents something that Drakken tries to steal rather than duplicating for himself. That said, he is no more successful than Drakken otherwise — see Informed Attribute below.
- Being Ze Eloqvent in Mine Native Tongue: Ze talking of ze madman is better understood ven in hiz own langvage of Deutsch, JA?
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: He even had it on his list of things to do to call his mother because she gets SO irritable if he forgets.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Skulls adorn his undergarments.
- Harmless Villain
- Herr Doktor
- Informed Attribute: He's considered a greater and more well-known mad scientist than Drakken that's come close to taking over the world several times. Except the audience never gets to see any of what makes him so amazing other than his well-drilled troops. All of his attempts are foiled just as Drakken's are. It's likely that Drakken is the You Suck in the villain community.
- Overall, he may appear more competent than Drakken because he doesn't run into Kim as often (and thus doesn't get defeated as often) and doesn't have a lippy sidekick constantly pointing out his failings.
- Never Bareheaded: He always wears a helmet that covers much of his face.
- No Indoor Voice
- Mad Scientist
- Take Over the World
Monkey Fist[]
Voiced by: Tom Kane |
- Adorable Evil Minions: The monkey ninjas!
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Before he became a supervillain, anyway.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Arch Enemy: He's more Ron's personal enemy than Kim's, because of Ron got an infusion of the Mystical Monkey Power he'd intended to seize for himself.
- Animal-Themed Superbeing
- Aristocrats Are Evil: He's a British Lord complete with castle.
- Catch Phrase: "Monkey ninjas attack!"
- Child-Hater: In "Monkey Ninjas in Space," he does not get along very well with the children he holds hostage.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Evil All Along: In his first episode, he's just Lord Montgomery Fiske, and Kim even helps him recover the Mc Guffins he needs to get Mystical Monkey Power.
- Evil Brit
- Evil Laugh: His is especially distinctive, sounding like a screeching monkey.
- Faux Affably Evil: Maintains the facade of the British gentleman, but is arguably the nastiest of the recurring villains.
- I Know Kung Faux: He is a master of Tai Shing Pek Kwar, otherwise known as Monkey Kung Fu.
- Leitmotif: The theme that heralded his presence was one of the most memorable used for the show; it was a little harpsichord melody in a minor key. Very classy indeed.
- Maniac Monkeys
- Red Right Hand: Had monkey hands and feet grafted onto him by DNAmy.
- Significant Anagram: His real name is Montgomery Fiske, or Monty for short. His villain name is an anagram of his real name.
- Taken for Granite: His final play for the Mystical Monkey Power ended up getting him turned into a statue. The very last scene of the series indicates that he didn't get better.
- Wild Mass Guessing: The butler he had in his first episode never reappears, leading many to speculate whether or not he may have outlived his usefulness.
- The butler might have resigned after learning the mystic monkey powers were real.
- Or, since it was stated Monty Fiske squandered his family's fortune for the artifacts needed to obtain mystic monkey powers, Monkey Fist simply became unable to afford the luxury of having a servant.
Señor Senior Senior[]
Voiced by: Ricardo Montalban/ Earl Boen |
- Affably Evil
- Card-Carrying Villain: Even more so than the other villains on the show, since for him it's just a hobby and he cares more about doing it right than about actually pulling off a successful Evil Plan.
- Disproportionate Retribution: A club for rich people banned him for publicly getting into fights with a teenage girl and he tried to get even by freezing the club and all its members. He even explained Junior villains are supposed to fit the trope.
- Eccentric Millionaire: He became a supervillain to alleviate his boredom, after Ron pointed out how much his mansion resembled a supervillain lair.
- Evil Laugh: He even takes time to practice it with Junior.
- Evil Plan: They gave the 'take over the world' thing a try but are more into smaller scale plans like twearking other rich guys that offend them.
- Ink Suit Actor: Bears a distinct resemblance to Ricardo Montalban.[1]
- Island Base
- The Other Darrin: His voice actor would rotate between Ricardo Montalban and Earl Boen ever since his first appearance in the series.
- Repetitive Name
- Xanatos Gambit: As noted above, whether or not any of his plans succeed or not is irrelevant. He's just having fun with the 'Traditional Super Villain' role. Their inevitable failure never bothers him because he can still fullfil that role.
Señor Senior Junior[]
Voiced by: Nestor Carbonell |
- Affably Evil: Like his dad but his reason is more he's not into evil and instead into partying.
- Anti-Villain: Type IV.
- Camp Straight: He has a foppish obsession with personal grooming. He had a strong crush on Kim in one episode, and was ultimately paired off with Bonnie.
- The Dragon: Sort of...
- Dreadful Musician: There's a reason the prison ward set up a concert for him; the other imprisoned Rogues Gallery villains were likely being punished.
- Eccentric Millionaire: Obsessed with partying, looking good, and becoming a pop star, much to his father's annoyance.
- Island Base: Though he thinks of it more as an island tanning salon.
- Minion with an F In Evil: Though he is Genre Savvy, he has no idea how to be an evil minion.
- Morality Pet: In some extent, to Shego.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: He's more buff than any of the other villain, but he rarely gets into a fight.
- Pragmatic Villainy: That's how he would do things, if his dad didn't insist that they follow the villain code.
- Stating the Simple Solution
Voiced by: Melissa McCarthy |
- Abhorrent Admirer: In her first appearance, she drove Mr. Barkin to distraction with her unwanted attentions.
- Affably Evil: Seriously, she talks so sweetly in all her appearances that her actions really come off as rather creepy.
- The Collector of the Strange: Collects Cuddle Buddies.
- Lego Genetics
- Mad Scientist
- Mix-and-Match Critters: Her minions are full-sized living Cuddle Buddies.
- Stalker with a Crush: Toward Monkey Fist.
Duff Killigan[]
Voiced by: Brian George |
- A Day in the Limelight: Oddly, this was also his debut: "Number One", his only solo appearance.
- I Know Madden Kombat: "The World's Deadliest Golfer"
- Overly Narrow Superlative: even the page quote.
- Scotireland: Thoroughly Scottish, with an Irish surname.
- Violent Glaswegian
Motor Ed[]
Voiced by: John DiMaggio |
A junkyard guy and Drakken's cousin. Seriously.
- Air Guitar: He lives on this trope. Seriously.
- Casanova Wannabe: Constantly hits on Shego, and is impervious to hints (up to and including plasma blasts) that she wants nothing to do with him. Seriously.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He may sound like a total goofball, but he's very competent at building things. Seriously.
- Ink Suit Actor: His character design is based on John DiMaggio's looks and personality. Seriously.
- Love At First Sight: Attempts to invoke this on Shego when he first meets her. Shego, of course, rejects the idea completely in her own unique way. Which only seems to make him like her even more. Seriously.
Motor Ed: So, uh... do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? Because I'll totally walk by again, if I have to. Seriously. |
- Talking to Himself: His scenes with Dr. Drakken in "Steal Wheels". Seriously.
- Verbal Tic: Seriously! Seriously.
Frugal Lucre[]
Voiced by: Richard Kind |
Dr. Drakken's annoying Cell Block D cellmate, who was arrested for trying to destroy the internet. Often drives him nuts. Ironically, Lucre is driven nuts when Motor Ed replaces Drakken in his cell.
- Basement Dweller: He avoids the expense of maintaining a lair by living in his mom's basement.
- Do Not Adjust Your Set: His first scheme was to go on all channels and broadcast a demand that everyone send him a dollar, or else he'd destroy the internet.
- Foil: He acts very differently to Drakken than Shego does, being a fan of his instead of mocking him. But he doesn’t find it preferable.
- Loony Fan: To Dr. Drakken.
- Motor Mouth: Drives Drakken to distraction when the two of them share a cell for the first part of the Post Script Season.
- Wig, Dress, Accent: He tried to hide his identity behind a fake accent and beard in his first appearance.
- You Get What You Pay For: His cheapskate ways make him even more unthreatening than most of the Rogues Gallery. For instance, he has to settle for threatening Kim and Ron with a kiddie pool full of snapping turtles rather than something more intimidating.
- Then again his plot of using a tampered barcode to infect the net with a virus was rather genius in itself despite working on a shoestring budget.
Camille Leon[]
Voiced by: Ashley Tisdale |
An heiress who's very well known around the celebrity circuit. However she's revealed to be a shape-shifter (via an experimental surgery) who steals to fund her lifestyle. She only shows up in season 4.
- Evil Is Petty: All of her plots are usually just for her own benefit
- Inadequate Inheritor: Her father disinherited her.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Her appearance was heavily based off of Paris Hilton, another heiress with run-ins with the law.
- Punny Name: Camille Leon->Chameleon
- Right-Hand-Cat: Debutante
- Spot the Imposter: Which Ron utterly flubs
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Adrena Lynn[]
Voiced by: Rachel Dratch |
A TV actor known for her death-defying stunts. But turned to a villainy after being exposed as a fraud.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Catch Phrase: "Freaky!"
- Miles Gloriosus: Puts on a flashy spectacle to make herself look good but faked all her stunts. When put in a real death-defying situation, she admitted her cowardice.
- One-Shot Character
- Punny Name: Adrena Lynn->Adrenaline
- What Could Have Been: She was meant to have a longer role in the series, as she appeared in a lot of promotional material before the show aired. But apparently wasn't popular with the fans and wasn't used again save a cameo in the final episode and a video game in the series's final years.
Warhok and Warmonga[]
Voiced by: Ron Perlman (Warhok) |
Two giant green-skinned Lorwardian fighters, who appear to have the same goals as Dr. Drakken/Shego/Dementor, except they seem much more intent on fulfilling them (and destroying Earth in the process).
- Amazonian Beauty: She's taller and stronger than both Kim and Shego, separately. Kim was wearing the battlesuit even!
- Badass Cape: Warhok
- Battle Couple: Word of God say they are married and they conquer together.
- Battle Cry: "WARMONGA!!", "FOR LORWARDIA!"
- Beauty Mark: Warmonga
- Boom Stick: Warmonga's Weapon of Choice.
- Egomaniac Hunters: They talked about the times they hunt. They even have a Trophy Room.
- Evil Is Petty: Come to Earth to capture the girl who stopped Warmonga and the doctor who tricked her and plan on taking it over purely for these reasons. Oookay.
- Final Boss: The last villains faced in the show despite this being their second (Warmonga) and first (Warhok) apperences.
- Girl with Psycho Weapon: Warmonga
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: Warmonga. Warhok has green skin too, but he's a dude.
- Happily Married: The creators says they are married. This supports the fact that part of their battle with Team Possible felt like a double date!
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game
Warhok: Come Warmonga, we will take this one as a trophy. She will look handsome mounted beside your Thorgoggle spine. |
- Which was the biggest (and last) mistake they ever made.
- Just a Stupid Accent: Warmonga (sounds Norwegian)
- Killed Off for Real: According to the creators.
- Knight of Cerebus: They're pretty much the only villains in the entire series that are taken seriously and pose a massive threat to innocent people that Kim is not able to stop on her own, and unlike Kim's regular Rogues Gallery they're almost never played for laughs.
- Most Common Superpower: Warmonga.
Shego: (looking up at Warmonga) Wow! Someone's been drinking their milk. |
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Scary Dogmatic Aliens: Warmonga is devoted to follow the Great Blue in conquering the galaxy, starting with Earth.
- Shoulders of Doom: Warhok.
- Significant Anagram: Their race is called the Lorwardians. "Lorward" is an anagram of "Warlord".
- Stripperiffic: Both of them.
- Third Person Person: Warmonga.
- Underestimating Badassery: In truth, they underestimated the entire human race, but they really underestimated Ron and what he would do if they threatened his girlfriend.
- Seriously, their first clue should've been when Ron sent them flying the first time. Their reaction, smirking at each other as if to say "Lucky shot" and proceed to fight him as before. Needless to say, it didn't end well for them.
- Undying Loyalty: Subverted with Warmonga. While she's loyal at Drakken at first (decidedly more so than Shego), she doesn't bother asking Dr. Drakken questions when Jim and Tim use a sockpuppet to trick her into thinking she had been lied to (knowing Dr. Drakken, he did legitimately believe he was the Great Blue). So, she abandons him on the spot.
- Would Hurt a Child: The two have no problems fighting teenagers. In fact, in her first appearance, Warmonga would have put the final blow on Kim if Shego hadn't interfered. In "Graduation", they appear exuberant when they plan to take Kim to their homeworld to be mounted on their trophy room, with the intention of killing her.
Kim's Family[]
Doctor James Timothy Possible (a.k.a. Mr. Dr. P.)[]
Voiced by: Gary Cole |
A brilliant Rocket scientist who works for the government, he is often busy but a devoted & over protective father, but only when boys are involved.
- Catch Phrase: "Anything's possible for a Possible!"
- Doting Parent
- Happily Married: To Mrs. Dr. P.
- Hot Dad
- Hot Scientist: A rocket scientist, to be precise.
- Limited Wardrobe
- Open-Minded Parent: Doesn't bat an eye if his daughter is traveling across the world (or lost in time) on a mission, but...
- Overprotective Dad: He has a strict set of rules concerning Kim and boys. Unless it's Ron.
"I'm just glad Kimmie's lost in Time and not fooling around with boys!" |
- Techno Wizard: A rocket scientist, and generally very good with technology.
- Unnamed Parent: Didn't have a name until 'So the Drama', where it is revealed to be "James Timothy Possible".
Doctor Anne Possible (a.k.a. Mrs. Dr. P.)[]
Voiced by: Jean Smart |
Kim's equally devoted mother, Anne, is a neurosurgeon and like her husband, is rarely seen out of her lab coat. She's a bit more understanding of her daughter's love life and can usually be found also cooking dinner.
- A Day in the Limelight: She joins Kim on a mission in the episode "Mother's Day".
- Blue Eyes
- Doting Parent: To her own three kids and also to Ron.
- Fiery Redhead
- Happily Married: To Mr. Dr. P.
- Hospital Hottie
- Hot Mom
- Hot Scientist: A brain surgeon.
- Older Than They Look: Drakken mistakes her for Kim's sister in 'Mother's Day'
- Open-Minded Parent: Like Kim's Dad, Mrs. Dr. P doesn't bat an eye at Kim's life-threatening antics.
- Shipper on Deck: The series implies that she's been fond of the idea of Kim and Ron as a couple for some time. Notably in Emotion Sickness, she is overjoyed when Ron comes to pick Kim up for their "date". And later, in So The Drama, she tries persuading Kim that going to prom with Ron wouldn't be so bad, seems to be the only one to notice his hurt feelings about Kim and Eric during dinner, and on the night of the actual prom, she looks sad when her gaze falls on a picture of a younger Kim and Ron together, whilst Kim is being taken by Eric.
- Unnamed Parent: Didn't get her name until 'Graduation'; "Anne Possible"
Jim and Tim Possible (a.k.a. the Tweebs)[]
Voiced by: Shaun Fleming (pre-voice break)/ Spencer Fox (post-voice break)/ Freddie Prince Jr. (Future Tweebs) |
James (Jim) and Timothy (Tim) Possible, Kim's younger twin brothers, were chiefly background characters until the fourth season, when they were promoted to high school. Kim refers to them as being the natural result of a rocket scientist having children with a brain surgeon.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Times two. Or squared. They get better as they grow older, though.
- Catch Phrase: "Hicka bicka boo?" "Hoo sha!"
- Gadgeteer Genius: They're the ones who soup up Kim's car in Season 4, and have put together serious high tech. To quote one noodle incident in Team Impossible:
Jim: We're making anti-matter in the garage! |
- Future Badasses: Like Wade, in A Sitch in Time, they're key members of La Résistance, buff, Gentle Giant commandos. Their entrance? Big Damn Heroes by rescuing Kim and Ron from High School.
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up Their design model is modified in Season 4 so they look older, and skip to High School as Freshmen.
- Punny Name — Impossible, just like Kim.
- And if there's a trope for rhyming theme names, the Possible siblings are Kim, Tim, and Jim.
- Single-Minded Twins: Its like they share one brain.
- Teen Genius: Like Wade, it's more like preteen genius.
- Theme Twin Naming
- Twin Telepathy: Their "werido language" and Finishing Each Other's Sentences. To the point it weirds Ron out.
Nana Possible[]
Kim's grandmother. Portrayed as a usually sweet old lady. But, as Drakken reveals, she has had her fair share of adventure back in her younger days.
- Never Mess with Granny: Granted she was mind controlled at the time, but she is shown to still have some moves
- Retired Badass
Joss Possible[]
Kim's cousin via her dad's brother, Slim. Joss' only appearance was in 'Showdown at Crooked D' were it was shown that she had come down with a major case of hero worship for Kim, which ends up transplanted to Ron at the end.
- Badass: Even with her klutz resulting from trying to emulate Kim, she still shows that she can really kick some patooty when she wants to.
- Gadgeteer Genius: That grappling hook she made was mighty impressive, as was her knowledge of her dad's equipment. Considering her family, it seems that she wants to be the action hero while she's more of a technical person.
- Genre Savvy: Part of the reason Kim finds her cousin annoying. She just doesn’t seem to understand that it’s simply how things are done.
- Hero Worshipper: Joss seems to be prone to this, as the episode demonstrates.
- Heroic Wannabe: Tries to achieve being a hero by imitating her cousin, Kim. Learns An Aesop about what being a hero really means…and begins to hero worship Ron instead.
- Lampshade Hanging: She pulls these out left and right in an attempt to push Fridge Logic to the breaking point with her questioning. Kim doesn't appreciate it.
- Loony Fan: At the beginning of the episode she was in, anyway. Uncertain if it continued after the visit.
- Odd Name Out: Her name doesn't fit the usual -im rhyme scheme.
- Plucky Girl: She only got a bit bummed when Kim told her not to fool around. Then she proved to Kim that she could pull off being a hero
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In Graduation most of the Possible clan is there including her father, yet she oddly doesn't attend.
Bonnie Rockwaller[]
Voiced by: Kirsten Storms/ Kelly Ripa (Future Bonnie) |
Kim's rival on the cheer squad and the resident Alpha Bitch for the show, Bonnie is usually the antagonist as far as Kim's high school career goes. She eventually hooks up with Junior in Homecoming Upset.
- Alpha Bitch
- The Comically Serious: As noted below, her jerkiness can be funny.
- The Cheerleader: The "snobbish and nasty" version.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Her mom calls her "Bon-Bon", which Ron likes to call her that. Especially in fanfics.
- Freudian Excuse: While its not elaborated upon, one episode shows that she has two older sisters who constantly mock her. Thus her attitude is either trying to live up to their expectations or vent her frustrations.
- Gold Digger: In "Ron The Millionaire". When his money is gone by the end of the episode, she quickly dumps him. At least she's honest about it.
Bonnie: Ron Stoppable, you are such a hottie! |
- I Fight for the Strongest Side: Or rather enforce the will of the world leader as shown in A Stitch in Time where her future self is teaching a class to brainwash and de-moralize the populace.
- Hate Sink: Admittedly, she can be funny with how much of a jerk she is. But most of the characters never really seem to like her. Kim Possible has a justification for not resorting to violence though.
- Jerkass: Especially to Ron, even after she kissed him out of jealously to Kim and her break up with Brick Flagg. She likely STILL see him as a loser despite defeating the Lorwardians in Graduation. Then again no one really cares what she thinks as shown in at the end of So The Drama when she starts laughing at Kim and Ron getting together before the whole prom actually cheers in acknowledgement.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She has her moments. Though she never seems to grow out of the "jerk" part.
- The entire "Bonding" episode is pretty much this.
- Laser-Guided Karma: At the end of Graduation, Barkin informs her that she has to take summer school. Why? She skipped the last few days of school.
- Make Way for the Princess
- Pet the Dog: She legitimately seems to consider Kim’s brothers to be her friends…and considering Kim calls the two tweebs, it’s not hard to see why.
- Rich Bitch: Not really rich, but definitely a bitch.
- The Rival: To Kim.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: She's a constant recurring annoyance in the "basic, average girl" aspect of Kim's life.
- Ungrateful Bastard: When the Bebes kidnapped her to make her their queen after overhearing Kim talk about her. After Kim manages to save her. She just scoffs a "Finally" and blames Kim for the whole mess even if it was unintentional.
Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable[]
Ron's parents.
- Bumbling Dad: Mr. Stoppable is like a grown-up version of his son in this regard. Defying this trope was the point of his Day in the Limelight.
- Catch Phrase: Mr. Stoppable's is "I can work anywhere" when referring to his job as an actuary (which to be fair, he very much can).
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Mr. Stoppable defeated a math-themed supervillain at his own game by using better math than him.
- A Day in the Limelight: Mr. Stoppable's defeat of the Mathter in "Mathter and Fervent" because of the math involved.
- Good with Numbers: Actuary of the year. He proceeds to defeat a math-themed Mad Scientist supervillain with superior calculating skills.
- Jewish Mother: Averted with Mrs. Stoppable, although she's Jewish she doesn't exhibit the stereotypical behaviors associated with one.
- Meganekko: Mrs. Stoppable.
- Parental Neglect: They don't bother to warn Ron about major life events (moving, adopting a baby) until the event is upon him, at which point they say, "This is our way of telling you."
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: Mr. Stoppable wears a blue shirt while Mrs. Stoppable wears a pink sweater and skirt.
- Smart People Wear Glasses: Parental Neglect aside, both are shown to be intelligent and wear glasses.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Ron gets most of his looks from his mom.
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: While Mr. Stoppable is definitely a bit more heavy-set compared to his wife and son, Ron and Mrs. Stoppable are both noticeably taller and skinnier than him.
- Unnamed Parents: Though Fanon has their names being Gene and Jean.
- What Exactly Is Her Job: Never revealed what Mrs. Stoppable's job was, but it is implied to be in home office.
Mr. Barkin[]
Voiced by: Patrick Warburton |
The teacher who seems to be in charge of every class at Middleton High.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: The "Coach Nasty" variant, which also carries over to his gruff classroom manner. He's a veteran, and presumably had the same no-nonsense demeanor while in the service.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck
- Hidden Depths: In season 4, he offhandedly mentions his high-school years...which are strangely identical to Ron's, including the saving the world part.
- It's probably why he's always tough on Ron.
- Last-Name Basis: He gruffly addresses students by last name, and is almost always addressed by his last name (though in a few situations someone uses his first name "Steve").
- Noodle Incident: The teachers at Middleton High are constantly sidelined by some odd event or other, leaving Mr. Barkin to fill in for them.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Barkin occasionally freaks out when thrust into a crisis.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Barkin's father looks just like him. He also echoes Barkin's omnipresence by doing every job in a living-history village.
- Two-Teacher School: Except for the Miss Go episode, Barkin is in charge of every class and activity we see.
Voiced by: Raven-Symone/Vivica A. Fox (Future Monique) |
Kim's best friend besides Ron, she is smart and hip and always available to provide level-headed advice for Kim. She is very fashionable and works at Club Banana. Occasionally Monique would join Kim on her missions but lacked the skill needed to be a competent sidekick.
- Art Evolution: In her first few appearances her eyes were mainly just dots connect to her eyebrows. From season two onward she got full pupils which allowed for better expressions.
- Black Best Friend
- Fun with Acronyms: Her Monique-speak.
- Future Badass
- Only One Name
- Took a Level In Badass: When she goes on a mission with Kim she is shown to lack fighting prowess and is pretty much useless. By the time they go to the future she has trained a lot.
Voiced by: George Takei |
Headmaster of the Yamanouchi Ninja School, Sensei is introduced in Exchange, going into more detail on Ron's mystic monkey powers. He is a wise character who dispenses advise and is more than capable of holding his own.
- Badass Grandpa: He only cuts loose in two of his appearances, but when he does, he takes out a huge Samurai Guerilla by effortlessly blocking the blows with his hands, and takes it down with his sandal put the foot. He also takes on Yono with magic, but that didn't work so well...
- Taken for Granite: Like Kim, Sensei temporarily suffers this at the hands of Yono; but, like Kim, he gets better.
- Wizard Beard: He spots a more belivable version, which only goes down to around his midsection; still pretty long though.
Voiced by: Keiko Agena |
Student at the Yamanouchi Ninja School, she is also introduced in "Exchanged". She shows attraction to Ron, inciting Kim's jealously a couple of times.
- Badass: Surrounded by lava while tied back to back with Kim is a 'minor set back'.
- Disappeared Dad and Missing Mom: Are her parents still around?
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: She misinterprets them as "American sense of humor".
- Ninja Trainning to be one at a secret ninja school in Japan.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Always reserved and composed. She fights with a paper folding fan.
Team Impossible[]
Team Impossible is a group of three highly trained high-danger operatives who were in it for the cash. A client trying to contact them via their web site accidentally hit "k" before entering the address "impossible.com", resulting in Kim getting the call intended for them and undertaking her first heroic mission. They were content for the first three seasons to let Kim "have her fun", but they finally appear in the flesh during the episode "Team Impossible", in which they suborn Kim's rides, leaving her unable to get to her missions, in an effort to squeeze her out of hero work. They are eventually forced by Team Possible to stop interfering with them, and to join Global Justice.
- Alliterative Name: The three members of the team are Dash Daman, Crash Cranston, and Burn Burnmen.
- Badass Normal: All three of them lack superpowers, and are, in a sense, adult, male, mercenary versions of Kim and really, Team Possible in general, using gadgets and an arsenal of kung-fu.
- Bald Black Leader Guy: Dash Daman
- Curb Stomp Battle: This summerizes what happens when the three try to prevent Kim's antics by ending her adventures; forever.
- Genius Bruiser: Burn Burnmen is a highly certified accountant, but numbers aren't the only thing he crunches.
- Lampshade Hanging: Dash asks Ron why his Monkey Kung Fu isn't manifesting.
- Jumped Off the Slippery Slope: These guys did this by basically forcing Kim out of hero work because she cut into their profit margins, because she does it for free (and occasionally asks for help to later missions). They also go from simply giving her a stern warning to trying to permenantly end her adventures.
- Missed the Call: Kim's first adventure was rescuing someone who tried to contact Team Impossible but reached her website instead.
- Punch Clock Hero: They're mercenaries; they're not in it to help people, just to get paid. You don't pay, you don't get help.
- Hired Guns: Another interpertation of them, they just don't work for villains.
- Which Kim does for Mr. Hench, grudgingly.
- Hired Guns: Another interpertation of them, they just don't work for villains.
- Kick the Dog: They zap a moviegoer who refused to leave with a "Fork" when they try to intimidate Kim. The kid paid $9.75 to see the movie.
Dr. Director[]
Voiced by: Felicity Huffman |
Chief of Global Justice, who occasionally recruits Kim to help with a case and is interested in learning the secret to her success.
- Evil Twin: Sort of — Gemini is her evil fraternal twin, who doesn't look much like her (even ignoring the fact that he's male) except that he also wears an eyepatch.
- Expy: A female Nick Fury.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: Gemini attributes his conflict with his sister to the fact that she didn't defer to his status as the elder twin (by four minutes).
- ↑ Montalban was the original voice actor for the character; Earl Boen provided Senior's voice when Montalban's health did not permit him to record an episode.