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Fridge Horror[]

  • Kim Possible: At the end of an episode, Shego confirms (yells) that the mind control Dr. Drakken used on her made her obey, but left her fully conscious and aware. That means she was fully aware without any control over her own body. With no confirmation it would ever stop. And, insult to injury, she had to act cheerful about it. Incidentally, this was not just tailored to Shego; it also worked on Kim. And if Drakken could attach the chips to both of them...
    • It gets worse. Remember how when Kim is sent after Ron, she seems to ignore the Tweebs, and when Drakken orders both girls to catch Rufus, they forget about the other intruders? This implies that the chip takes away all thought processes other than those required to carry out an order... so unless Drakken gives an order, neither girl will MOVE. And they have no way to signal if they're hungry, thirsty, tired, need to go to the bathroom, or anything. If Drakken forgets this, both girls could be forced to slowly waste away, very aware of what's going on, but powerless to stop it.
    • Which is what he should have done once he managed to stick the chip on Kim (before removing Shego's of course).
      • It's not "if" he forgets, it's when. We're talking about the guy who had one of his inventions get shorted out because he couldn't be bothered to take Commodore Puddles for a walk....
    • Another Kim Possible example; remember Warmonga from "Mad Dogs and Aliens" and "Graduation"? Remember the fact that both times she showed up, it was with an arsenal useful for taking over the world practically single-handedly? According to Word of God, she didn't even have government backing from her home planet there, and when you consider the arsenal included enough walkers to effectively cause a lot of damage to humanity as a whole... what do you think the government packs in comparison? Especially since these are conquistador aliens who travel equipped to take over a world?

Fridge Brilliance[]

  • DNAmy has two of the villains attracted to her (Dr. Drakken and Monkey Fist), at least initially, and even Mr. Barken is more disturbed by her evil science than by her, personally — all despite her being overweight, bucktoothed and dumpy. Could be interpreted as a feminist message about looking beyond external appearances.
    • Actually, Barkin finds her annoying from the beginning, but he's reacting to her aggressively clingy personality rather than her appearance.