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Kimikiss 8234

From left-to-right: Futami Eriko, Sakino Asuka, Satonaka Narumi, Shijo Mitsuki, Aihara Nana, Mizusawa Mao, and Hoshino Yumi

"Kiss! Kiss! Koishiteru yo~!"
—Aozora Loop (Blue-sky Loop), Kimikiss: Pure Rouge OP

Kimikiss (キミキス / "Kissing You") is a dating simulation game for the PS2. Released by Enterbrain in 2006, Kimikiss has become a media franchise, including manga, Light Novel, and has been made into an anime as of 2007-2008 entitled Kimikiss: Pure Rouge.

Tropes used in KimiKiss include:
  • Adaptation Distillation — Arguably, Kimikiss: Pure Rouge.
  • Alliterative Name — The title is sometimes rendered as Kimi Kiss. Also Mizusawa Mao.
  • Cannot Spit It Out — Kouichi and Yumi, even after they got hooked up as witnessed by Megumi, much to her chagrin.
    • Also a major (if brief) plot point in Mitsuki's route of the game owing to her Arranged Marriage.
  • Canon Foreigner — Eiji Kai
  • Choose Your Own Adventure — Sort of. The Kimikiss: Various Heroines manga focuses on Kouichi hooking up with one of the girls for a good 7-8 chapters. Afterwards, the entire story is reset and another girl is chosen, so fans of certain girls can just choose to read a certain set of chapters and nothing else.
    • For the curious, here's the complete listing:
      • Mao — chapters 1-8
      • Asuka — chapters 9-17
      • Mitsuki — chapters 18-26
      • Eriko — chapters 27-36
      • Yumi — chapters 37-45
      • Nana and Narumi get their own special chapter detailing their innocent adventure into Les Yay territory. I wish I was making this up.
    • This would later serve as the inspiration for the omnibus format of Amagami SS.
  • Derailing Love InterestsIn the anime, Kouichi's relationship with Yumi gets derailed all thanks to Mao.
  • Depending on the Writer: Pure Rouge Eriko vs. Various Heroines Eriko. Both are superficially the same person (same name, same appearance) and do some of the same things (paper airplane from a failed test, experiment in love), but their personalities are fundamentally different.
  • Detractor Nickname — After the bittersweet end for one of the main characters in the anime Kimikiss: Pure Rouge, some disappointed fans took to calling it "Kimikiss: Pure RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE~!!!"
  • First Girl Wins — Mao (In the anime, for Kouichi)
  • Gargle Blaster — The Berry-Berry Ramen Futami eats at a ramen shop in episode 8.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!Mamiko Noto as the soft-spoken Ojou, Shijo Mitsuki.
  • Last-Minute Hookup — No, seriously, it's literally last minute.
  • Love Triangle — Yumi-Kouchi-Mao and Eriko-Kazuki-Asuka in the anime.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni — Sakino Asuka and Futami Eriko in the Pure Rouge anime.
  • Rule of Drama — Midway through the anime series, all of the principal characters are happily together with the ones they love... Awwwwww~ Now what could possibly go wrong in this setup?
  • Spiritual SuccessorAmagami
  • The Tease — Mao likes to do this a lot with Kouichi. This was removed in the anime.
  • Tsundere — Megumi Kuryuu towards Hiiragi Akira.
  • Victorious Childhood FriendKouichi initially went out with Hoshino before realizing his feelings for Mao.
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love? — Futami Eriko. She "experiments" on our protagonist to find out.
  • Zettai Ryouiki — When Mao and her classmates are in their maid uniforms.