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  • Awesome Music: Akira Ifukube's second score for the Godzilla franchise is easily one of his best. While the replacement music featured in the American version isn't really all that bad, it still doesn't come anywhere close to the level of goodness of Ifukube's score.
  • Values Dissonance: After arriving on Faro island, Sakurai gives cigarettes to all of the natives. Back in the 1960's, people had yet to realize just how hazardous smoking was to a person's health. Sakurai even says, "It's okay. They're all smoking."

Tropes exclusive to the U.S. version:[]

  • Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: Dr. Arnold Johnson, curator of the New York Museum of Natural History, classifies Godzilla as a dinosaur "possibly crossed between the tyrannosaurus and the stegosaurus". A carnivore and a herbivore separated by millions of years of evolution can interbreed? What!? Made worse when the doctor holds up a children's dinosaur book to support his theories. It seems he couldn't even afford a copy of Anguillosaurus, Killer of the Living.