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- Kirby Super Star: When you start "Milky Way Wishes", the tutorial tells you that you can't copy your enemies' abilities as you previously did. Cue Kirby's obvious, hilarious Oh Crap.
- Also from Super Star's Spring Breeze tutorial: "This is our Hero, Kirby! He's a jolly fellow!"
- Kirby Super Star is a mine gold of these moments, really. But one that's particularly bound to make you crack up laughing is this kind of boss. The Computer Virus Battle is an Affectionate Parody of turn-based battles seen in JRPG, to the point the Italian version of Ultra calls it "Turn Battle". And when you win...
"You get [X] EXP points! (Not that it matters.)" |
- The end credits of Revenge of the King.
- The DS remake gives us bloopers. No, really. Dear God, the bloopers.
- While Kirby Super Star (and Ultra) had the best quality and quantity of funny moments, other Kirby games have had some hilarious ones, too. Example, the ending of Kirby 64. Just... the ending.
- In Kirby 64, if you mix fire with electric, the resulting power involves Kirby rubbing a shiny plate thing on top of his head, and proceeds to light himself on fire, running around frantically with a hilarious expression.
- Admit it, the first time you saw Meta Knight's Dramatic Unmask when you defeated him was hilarious. He looks just like Kirby, except dark blue, and immediately flees as if he's embarrassed.
- This grass feels like pants.
- Another one is the cutscene where the Yarn Waddle Dees attack Dedede
Dedede: Hey, that tickles! OK, that hurts! UNCLE! |
- When Waddle Dees try to tackle you, they only get about an inch before falling on their face with a squeak.
- "Kirby, forgive me! I blame the yarn!" Half of it is the voice the narrator uses.
- "You can't be mean to my Waddle Dees! Only I can be mean to my Waddle Dees!"
- Heheheheheh! Dreamland will be mine! ...Not sure what I'll do with it, but I'll figure something out."
- All of Revenge of the King itself is one when you realize that Dedede is basically Ripping off Meta Knight's scenario. When you get to Dedede's castle you start seeing him conversing with his subjects about Kirby's progress just as Meta Knight did with his crew in Revenge of Meta Knight, then you get to the boss room and Dedede has donned a metal mask of his own and left a hammer in the middle of the arena for Kirby to use just like Meta Knight always tosses Kirby a sword before they duel, and the mask even splits in half inexplicably when you defeat him.