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Kisswood pic 8242

Sul, our protagonist

In the middle of a futuristic concrete jungle, an old man named Sul cares for an exquisite garden filled with rare plants and flowers. However, his passion is frowned upon by the general community and eventually things come to a head when his home is torched, destroying his garden and rendering him blind. While staying in the hospital, he falls into a strange, dreamlike forest known as the "Hill," where he is taught five rules for survival by a mysterious guide:

1. Do not allow yourself to become a gardener of Mau

2. Avoid those afflicted with the "Forest's Curse"

3. Quickly cross Torore's River

4. Be careful of fire

And lastly

5. Don't ever give up on the hope that you can escape.

With these words in mind, Sul must make the long journey to escape the Hill and return home to those he loves.

This manwha is completed at 34 chapters and is written and illustrated by Ahn Sung Ho. Especially notable is the distinctive, highly detailed artwork of the series, which is an unusual deviation from the more caricatured appearance of most manhwas and comics. The original webcomic in Korean can be found on Naver here [1].

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