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Kitten-ann-margret 1775

Kitten with a Whip is a 1965 exploitation film starring Ann-Margret and John Forsythe.

Forsythe plays David Stratton, a candidate running for the U.S. Senate who finds that Jody, an escaped juvenile delinquent (Ann-Margret) broke into his house while he was away. A combination of crocodile tears followed by extortion ends up with him trying to keep Jody both in his house and away from the press, the police and his family. Things get worse when Jody's gang of friends shows up, and before he knows it he's held hostage taking a wounded man to Tijuana for off-the-record medical treatment. Where do Jody's sympathies really lie? And how is David going to keep all of this from ruining his campaign?

For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.

Kitten with a Whip contains the following tropes:[]