A Sci Fi action Space Opera Korean Webtoons about humanity's struggles against monsters. Praised for its tragic story lines and epic action scenes, criticized for its rough line art and frequent lapses in punctuation. It is serialized in Korean here. Now has it's own wiki.
Tropes used in Knight Run include:
- All There in the Manual : The bonus material in the book "Knight Run Another Story: Father's Day" contain clues and foreshadowing for future arcs.
- Apocalypse Maiden : Pray.
- Dysfunctional Family : The Nelsons, in Knight Run Another Episode 2.
- Foreshadowing : Three of Pray's children are named (or nicknamed) Fear, Blue Beetle, and Quattro. Quattro? See The Reveal below.
- Humanoid Aliens : The queens.
- Lost Technology : Humanity has lost the ability to create gates to enable travel between distant planetary systems.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning : All of the queens have red pupils.
- Rule of Cool : Numerous Badass Longcoats, Lots and lots of Cool Swords, Powered Armors and Cool Starships, not to mention the Final Boss with a single black wing. There must have been a Blade Run in one of the battles too.
- Sekaikei Genre : In each story arc, the protagonist must weigh the burdens of saving the world with the cost of saving the one important person to them to reach a conclusion.
- Sword Fight: Most action scenes and every conclusive battle for each arc consists of this.
- The Reveal : Chapter 74: (Heavy Spoilers!) Anne is revealed to be Pray's biological daughter. Considering Pray's identity, this has very serious implications...
- Wham Chapter: Chapter 30:Pray is in league with the aliens.
- Yandere: Pray.