Tetsuro Tanaka finds out he's been accepted to a new school. A girls' school, and he's the lone male there. Within a day of his arrival, he's treated to the Alpha Bitch Student Council President and her Girl Posse, and gets himself a Magical Girlfriend, Yayoi Asuka, who shares the name of his childhood friend. He finds himself staying in Yayoi's dorm along with her five friends. Something's not quite right about them. They're all cyborgs, and together they form the Koi Koi 7. Which only has six members. Tetsuro learns about each of the girls he lives with, and they in turn defend him (and Yayoi) from Miya's almost daily attacks.
What starts off like a typical Unwanted Harem turns into a story of conspiracies, things given up and things that want to be regained — a foreshadowed yet powerful Genre Shift. The manga, by Morishige (creator of Hanaukyo Maid Tai) ran for 9 volumes, and was adapted into a considerably different anime that nonetheless retains the quirkiness of its source.
This anime provides examples of:
- Alpha Bitch — Miya.
- Amazon Brigade
- Barbie Doll Anatomy — Averted. Oh, so averted.
- Only in the manga. The anime plays it straight.
- Sort of...
- Ascended Fangirl — Akio the Sentai fan gets a chance to actually be a hero with her powers.
- Attractive Bent Gender — Tetsuro's female crossdressing identity of Tetsuko is Miya's love interest. Awkward.
- Beach Episode — The final episode, featuring an extended nude fighting sequence. The manga prefers a hot spring for its finale.
- Cute Bruiser — Hifumi
- The Ditz — Yayoi Asuka (pink-haired one)
- Emotionless Girl — Otome and Celonius 28
- Excited Episode Title — Both excited and overly long. Ex: "Girls Bravo! Sway, Flow! The Counterattacking Miya-sama"
- Eyepatch of Power — Gantai-chan. It's where she got her name from, after all.
- Fan Service
- Flying Brick — Akio
- Forehead of Doom — Miya, which she is teased about by Sakuya.
- Fountain of Youth — Gantai-chan (the other Yayoi) after being rebooted in one of Otome's spare bodies.
- Freud Was Right — At the end of Episode 5, after a failed assassination attempt on Yayoi, Celonius 28 (the other Yayoi pre-Gantai-chan) is seen furiously dry-humping the rifle she had used, all the while repeating "I'm sorry, Tetsuro". Wow.
- Gainax Ending — While a DVD Omake somewhat helps to clarify what happened, it's still one of the more "huh?" endings out there. The manga ending is somewhat less vague, but equally confusing.
- Gainaxing
- Girl Posse — The Wayouchuu Sisters.
- The Gunslinger — Sakuya, who has a preference for BFGs and Hand Cannons.
- Hair Colors
- Harem Nanny — Orie. In this case, that means repairing the girls. She's also their teacher.
- Hollywood Cyborg
- Hollywood Tone Deaf — Miya's rendition of the show's OP. There are no survivors.
- Humongous Mecha — Piloted by Miya and crew. All of them are trashed.
- Evidence of Shout-Out here as well — most of the mecha are obviously patterned after Zeon Mobile Suits (and one in Episode 5 is the SDF-1 from Macross complete with a ship for an arm)...
- Image Song
- Innocent Cohabitation — Tetsuro's room is next to Yayoi's. She smashed the wall to make it a two-person room.
- In the Name of the Moon — Done when the girls first appear as a team, with the expected heroic music and posing.
- Love Is in the Air — The events of episode 12 lead to Tetsuro being swarmed by a herd of girls in love with him. Yayoi and friends are spared from this by being cyborgs.
- Noblewoman's Laugh — Miya.
- One Steve Limit — Two Yayoi Asukas. It's best that Miyabi and Miya don't get confused either.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Panty Thief — Akio's temporary archenemy in episode three. Somehow morphs into an EVA.
- Power Gives You Wings — Both Yayois, most evident in the OP sequence.
- Prehensile Hair — Miyabi, who also has some Shapeshifting powers.
- The Psycho Rangers — Miya creates a squadron of her closest followers.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians — Yamada and Satou, who are definitely lesbian for each other, and not hiding it.
- Miya is also clearly one, seeing how she falls for Tetsuro in his female disguise.
- Sentai — Koi Koi 7 themselves, as well as Akio's favorite Show Within a Show, Kinoranger.
- Shout-Out — Episode 7, "Storm of White Lilies", to Mari Mite.
- Stock Footage — The anime has a few instances.
- Super Sentai Stance
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo — Miyabi.
- Technopath — Otome, to an extent.
- Unwanted Harem
- Verbal Tic — Yayoi's "desu" is the most obvious (it even makes it into the episode titles), but most characters have one.
- Winged Humanoid — Both Yayois. White wings and black wings, respectively.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair — Just look at the picture.