Koko's Earth Control is a 1928 Max Fleischer cartoon, starring Koko the Clown and Fitz the Dog.
The short begins with Max at his drawing board, inking in Koko and Fitz running across an animated earth, until they find the "Control of Earth" station. Inside, the duo begin carelessly toying around with its controls, with Koko trying to stop Fitz from pulling the lever that will end the earth. Naturally, he fails, resulting in the sun melting the moon with a breath, and the sun getting blown up by a comet. This results in recurring flashes of lightning, and Koko and Fitz getting seperated and winding up in their own escapades, until these devastating effects of their mishaps extends into the real world!
This short is in the Public Domain and can be viewed here. This short is also a runner-up on The 50 Greatest Cartoons.
- Declarative Finger: Used by Koko to chastise Fitz, and even inflates it to spank him!
- Deranged Animation: Particularly the scene where a volcano morphs into the face of a man smoking a cigar!
- Downer Ending: The short ends with buildings collapsing, the cities dissapearing into water, the earth still shaking, and Koko and Fitz melting into a puddle of ink.
- Earthshattering Kaboom: Not the ending, but the toon earth they're on blows up, throwing Koko back into the real world. This dosen't stop the effects from going into the real world to reek havoc as well!
- Funny Animal: Fitz the dog.
- Hammerspace: How Fitz gets an ax out of thin air to chop apart a tree he is fighting.
- Losing Your Head: Koko, during the part where his head is stuck underground. When he first pulls it up, it has some...demon-esque-thing attached to it. Thankfully, he puts his normal head back on soon after.
- Public Domain Animation
- Roger Rabbit Effect: Mostly during the ending.
- Thick Line Animation
- Too Dumb to Live: Fitz and his attempts to pull the lever that will destroy the earth.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Just where did Max Fleischer go while Koko and Fitz were having their escapades?
- When Trees Attack: The scene where Fitz encounters an agitated old tree.