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Shin Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Kunio Tachi No Banka is a game released on the Super Famicom on April 29, 1994, by Technōs Japan Corporation for Japan only as a part of the Kunio Kun series. This game is said to take place between Nekketsu Kōha Kunio Kun (Renegade in the US) and Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (River City Ransom/Street Gangs in the US and Europe repsectively), which would explain why Riki had a different girlfriend at the time among other things.
The game's story involves the main heroes, Kunio and Riki, being framed for a hit-and-run incident caused by identical strangers. To make matters worse, Nekketsu High School has been taken over along with Hanazono High (which is totaled) and the aforementioned strangers are still causing trouble out there during our heroes' stay in jail. So after earning the respect and help of another thug (who wants them to join his gang at first) and his two lackeys they have just throttled, Kunio and Riki plan an escape from the prison and fight off the police. The adventure has just begun from there. Who were those doppelgangers and why did they frame the boys? Is there a bigger man behind the scenes?
This game provides examples of:[]
- Action Girl: Misako and Kyoko, Kunio and Riki's girlfriends respectively. As well as Risa and Sabu's female bodyguards in his hideout.
- After Combat Recovery: Health is recovered after certain portions of the game. There is no other way to recover it (unless you count the rollercoaster at one point).
- Amusement Park: Taken over by Shinji and his thugs, no less!
- Badass Biker: Shinji, AKA the "Blue Emperor."
- There are also segments in which our heroes can ride the motorcycle as well and kick enemy bikers off their bikes.
- Battle Amongst the Flames: At Sabu's Manor.
- Book Ends
- Clear My Name: A major portion of the plot.
- Darker and Edgier: Compared to the Downtown Nekketsu part of the series, since it's part of the Nekketsu Kōha part of the series. For starters: Nekketsu High School and Hanazono High (which is pretty wrecked) are taken over by thugs, several people have been shot, and the Yakuza is involved. There is also a lack of the slapstick violence.
- Determinator: Officer Takayama is hellbent on seeing our heroes behind bars. And who could blame him for doing his job?
- He eventually helps out Riki and Kunio once Takayama's son clears everything up for him.
- Defeat Means Friendship: After you punch out the jailbirds in the first fight of the game, they decide to hear you out and help you escape.
- Fragile Speedster: Misako and Kyoko may not hit hard as the boys and they don't grapple, but they have their speed which can help in some places.
- Friendly Enemy: Misuzu, oddly enough. She takes both her fights with Kunio in good humor, which freaks the group out immensely. Well, that's sukeban for you...
- Groin Attack: Misako does this to a thug to get answers out of him after the gang defeated him. It's rather subtle, but Kunio and Riki visibly gasp.
- Head Swap: Kunio and Riki, Misako and Kyoko, and most of the enemies and NPCs.
- Huge Schoolgirl: Misuzu, who rammed into the door at Sabu's Manor, which caused windows in the room to break!
Kunio: Hell hath no fury like THAT woman scorned... |
- Hurricane Kick: Kunio and Misako use Double Dragon-esque Cyclone Kicks as their kick special.
- Kyoko does a hurricane backhand instead of a kick as one of her specials.
- Idle Animation: Quite a few amongst the mooks. Kunio and the gang will squat (something of a popular gesture amongst Japanese delinquents, referred to as "Yankii-Zuwari") if you just stand there.
- Lightning Bruiser: Misuzu, and boy does she hurt.
- Mirror Boss: Vs. Ken, Kunio's "brother", who has both of Riki and Kunio's fighting style and special moves.
- Party in My Pocket: Kunio's party can consists of up to four characters (including himself), but only two of them appears on-screen at the same time during the actual action depending on whether a second person is playing or not.
- Puzzle Boss: In the final battle, you're supposed to guess that guarding will let you duck low enough for Sabu's shells to sail past your head. You never had to use Guard to duck before that point, though, so it could be a Guide Dang It depending on how much you experiment.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Riki and Kyoko's kick specials, with Kyoko's being a Chun-Li esque rapid fire kick.
- Ryu and Ken: Kunio to Riki, and Misako to Kyoko. The female fighters share similar special attacks to their boyfriends, but are somewhat downgraded in their fighting capabilities. They can't pin or grapple their opponents, for example.
- Rolling Attack: One of Misako's special attacks.
- See You in Hell: Kunio tells Sabu after defeating him that he can apologize to Ken in hell.
- Shoryuken: Riki's punch special.
- Sidetracked by the Gold Saucer: A borderline case, really (its not so much a minigame as it is an optional cutscene and in-universe distraction). During the Shinji arc, Misako nudges Kunio and notes that there's no line for the rollercoaster. Taking a ride here restores your party's health.
- Stock Scream: Listen closely, too. Misuzu's is male.
- There's also the scream whenever someone falls down a long way.
- Use Your Head: Kunio's punch special is a variant in which he launches himself spinning head first at his enemies.
- Wall Jump
- We Cannot Go on Without You: If someone (or two people) in the party loses all of his or her health in 1P Mode (or 2P Mode), this results in a game over, regardless of the others' amount of health. Luckily, You can continue from where you started off.
- You Have Failed Me: Sabu has shot his adopted son Ken (Kunio's doppelganger/"brother") for failing to defeat Kunio and Riki in a fight against them.