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Kuroajo-san ga Toru centers on the misadventures of Chiyoko, a young girl who becomes a Black Witch Apprentice when she accidentally summons the Black Witch Gyubid.
Based on a series of children's novels, it was adapted into an anime starting in April 2012.
Kuromajo-san ga Toru contains examples of:[]
- Broken Pedestal: Gyubid becomes disappointed in her old teacher Exonome when she catches him accepting bribes.
- Chekhov's Armory: Gyubid's lesson of the episode...
- Chekhov's Skill: Always comes in handy.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Gyubid may be a Black Witch, but she's not evil. She just really loves putting Choco on the spot.
- Dark Magical Girl: In a sense.
- Good Is Dumb: In one episode, Megu and Choco are tricked into carrying out a ritual to revive a ghost. Choko recognizes the spell and foils her end of the ritual at the last minute, while Megu is saved because she didn't know how to read the kanji for the incantation needed to complete the ritual.
- In-Series Nickname: "Choco" for Chiyoko.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Gyubid and Kyou Oogata
- Teacher-Student Romance: Gyubid had a crush on Exonome, her old teacher.