In 2007 a light novel was published in Japan based on the movie L: Change the World, which was itself a Spin-Off of the popular Death Note franchise. It was then re-released in 2009 in some countries. The novel in itself is pretty short, with only a total of 188 pages.
It's an Alternative Continuity to both the main Death Note series and the film it was based on. The story centers around L and his last 23 days on earth and twenty-two days to save the world from a terrorist group called Blue Ship whose main goal is to purify the world by killing off most of humanity with a deadly virus.
- Alternative Continuity: An alternative continuity to an alternative continuity. Let that sink in for a moment.
- Batman Gambit: Well, it is Death Note.
- Big Brother Instinct: L to Maki. See Papa Wolf below.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: both K and Matoba
- Children Raise You
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming/Tastes Like Diabetes: Heart warming to some. Chessy to others.
- The moments with L and Maki are always adorable. Their big brother-little sister/father-daughter bond are just waiting to pull at your heart strings or waiting to make you throw up rainbows.
- The part were L mentions that Light was his first friend.
- Foe Yay: See Ho Yay and Ship Tease.
- Foregone Conclusion: L will die in the very end.
- Gambit Pileup: At one time, there are at least four people with different agendas, with L, Blueship, Surega, Kujo, Maki, etc.
- Mythology Gag: There are a few references to the original work and the movie:
- L revisits the Yellow Box Warehouse, where he meets Blue Ship for the first time.
- Rod Ross gets a passing reference, whose name is written down by L himself. However, considering that Rod Ross isn't his real name according to the manual, a reader might actually figure out that L didn't really kill him.
- Matsuda does the fake falling death he did in the Yotsuba Arcin a similar way, except in a gambit where he is pertending to be Surega, Surega posing as L, and with a fake Death Note.
- Papa Wolf: Played straight with L.
- The two most memorable moments of this trope were:
- When Maki went missing and got kidnapped, L went into full blown Papa Wolf mode and is ready to kick some Blue Ship ass.
- L also addressed to the president that if he doesn't promise to make a better world for the children technically "he" will not hesitate to use the Death Note.
- Ship Tease: L is literally ship teased with both Light and Misa. Much to the delight of the shippers....
- Stalker with a Crush: L to Misa. His fanboy crush is pretty cute at first but then it slowly starts to get creepy.
- The Ditz: Subverted. When Kujo first meets Surega, she acts like she didn't know about the FBI. Zig-Zagged when it is revealed that Kujo is K.
- The Man Behind the Man: Kujo hijacks Mosuba's plan.
- The War On Straw: No, this is not the argument of the Green movement... Nor is this why anyone supported Kira.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Blue Ship's goal is to kill off most of humanity in order to save the environment. Kujo takes advantage of this.
- Xanatos Roulette: Misa accidentally writing the wrong date for Rod Ross's death and L using this to his advantage comes to mind.