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LEGO Friends is a new line of LEGO playsets aimed at young girls, introduced in January 2012. It has been the subject of controversy over its use of pastel colors and idealized female figures, called LadyFigs.

The line follows Stephanie, Olivia, Mia, Andrea and Emma as they live life in Heartlake City.

Not to be confused with the old obscure PC game that had almost nothing to do with Lego.

This theme has examples of:[]

  • The Beautiful Elite: The girls and their friends.
  • The City: It seems like the area the girls live in is a suburb right outside the actual Heartlake City.
  • Expy: Looks and personality wise, to the Bratz (Stephanie is a ridiculously average girl comparable to Cloe, Olivia is The Heart comparable to Yasmin, Mia is an animal lover and tomboy like Meygan, Andrea is a musician like Sasha and Emma is The Fashionista like Jade.
  • The Fashionista: Emma even comes the a beauty salon and fashion design studio!
  • Five-Token Band: Stephanie is blonde, Olivia is hispanic, Mia is irish, Andrea is Ambiguously Brown and Emma is asian.
  • Suburbia: Heartlake City.
  • Tomboy: Mia.