LG15: The Last is the winner of LG15: The Show is Yours contest. Produced while LG15: the resistance is stuck in Development Hell, LG15: The Last is an Australian-based series where the last four Trait Positive girls in the country try to survive from an Internet-savvy Elder and an enemy that might be among them. The story centers around:
- Chasina Wilson: A recovering alcoholic and drug addict with a fierce temper.
- Mitchell Evans: Chasina's perceptive boyfriend who tries to bring sanity to the situation.
- Antonia Moore: A history buff who grew up as a Hymm of One member, but is suspicious of her religion.
- Jayde Cooper: A straitforward individual who has trust issues.
- Leigh Taylor: A pampered girl with a fascination with make-up and boys whose about to go through the Ceremony.
- Bray Johnson: A rash and quick tempered bartender who doubts Chasina and Mitch's claims.
Tropes used in LG15 :The Last include:
- All There in the Manual: Any further information regarding Chloe.
- Anyone Can Die: Deacon Cooper, Leigh, and Antonia
- Are We There Yet??: This Trope has filled entire episodes
- Beach Episode: Half the show
- Better as Friends: Bray and Jayde
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Jayde
- Black Sheep: Antonia
- Blessed with Suck: trait positive girls
- Breather Episode
- Brother-Sister Incest: Implied between Sibylla and Xavier
- Call Back
- Character Blog: Entire Premise of the Show
- Character Development
- Card-Carrying Villain: Hera, Sibylla, and Xavier
- Crazy Survivalist: Chasina
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Leigh
- Dumb Blonde: Leigh
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: Xavier
- Evil Gloating: Sibylla makes videos taunting the other characters
- Failure Is the Only Option
- Fanservice: Chasina in "Urgency".
- Flash Back: Frequently used in Sibylla and Xavier's videos
- Gender Restricted Ability: Trait Positivity
- Heel Face Turn: Mitch, sort of
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: Bray
- Human Resources: The Order draining girls' blood
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Basically Everyone
- Immortality Immorality
- Immortality Seeker: Hera
- Internet Tough Guy: Bray
- Jigsaw Puzzle Plot
- Jittercam
- Jump Cut
- Les Yay: Chasina and Jayde
- Missing Episode: Most of Erica's videos are no longer viewable. Though it only creates a minor plothole in one episode.
- The Mole: Mitch and Erica
- Name's the Same: Chas and Chaz from Kate Modern
- Nerd: Antonia
- No Fourth Wall
- No Theme Tune
- Open-Heart Dentistry: Bray in "Q & A"
- Parental Betrayal
- The Power of Blood
- Refusal of the Call: Leigh ignores everyone's warnings until "Siege and Conquer" - a month into the show.
- Sequel Hook: "Alone"
- Schedule Slip: Delays throughout the series. Final Episode is almost two years behind schedule.
- Scrapbook Story
- Shirtless Scene: Bray's Introduction
- Shout-Out
- Stern Chase
- Strapped to An Operating Table
- Tear Jerker: Antonia's death
- The Guards Must Be Crazy
- Villain Episode
- Wham! Episode