Adaptation Displacement: The manga isn't quite as well-known as its anime adaptation, which is weird, considering the manga was actually released in america.
Counterpart Comparison: It is speculated that La Blue Girl served as a major influence to the popular Taimanin Asagi franchise, which also revolves around sexy half-human/half-demon female ninja warriors slaying demons. Both series also contain lots of Naughty Tentacles and extreme sexual content.
Evil Is Sexy: Most antagonists who aren't tentacles-wielding demons tend to fall in this category.
(whining) "Missions are hard when I just have to have sex !"
"Miko Mido, born of the strange destiny of fighting off her enemies with sex.."
""Oh, I see you've trained your vessel well!""
"Did I forget to wear my panties again?"
X Meets Y: Some have described this series as "Naruto meets Sailor moon in a porn flick". But more than anything, this is Sasuga no Sarutobi meets Taimanin Asagi.