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Lady lovely locks

Another Merchandise-Driven animated series from the 1980s, released in 1987. It had 20 episodes.

The show told the tale of pretty blonde-haired Princess Lady Lovely Locks, her Ladies-in-Waiting (Maiden Fair Hair, and Maiden Curly Crown) and her Fairy Companions the Pixietails. Most of what they have to worry about comes from the evil Duchess Ravenwaves who wants to take over the land Lovely Locks rules.

As an aside, if you can't guess from just this setup, the whole franchise was very hard going if you happened to be a Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette and/or potential Goth.

The show also concerned a family of friendly dragons and a potential love interest for Princess Lady Lovely Locks, Prince Strong-Heart, who loves her but cannot really tell her because he's afflicted with a curse that turns him into a dog.

The series also had some Radio Dramas made in Germany.

Tropes featured include:[]