- Baby Factory: Is seen and treated like this by her wealthy husband and father-in-law.
- Bathroom Break Out: Escapes through a bathroom window when she finds out Raghu wants to kill her after the baby is born.
- Domestic Abuse: Suffers this at the hand of Raghu
- Hot Mom
- It's the Journey That Counts
- Morning Sickness: Since she is two months' pregnant
- Naive Everygirl: Has some shades of this, mostly because she hasn't experienced the full extent of Honor-Related Abuse that women in her native country have. She learns quickly, though!
- The Protagonist
- World of Cardboard Speech
- You Can't Go Home Again: Is told this by her father when she tries to escape Raghu's abuse and philandering.
- Christmas Cake: Because of the scandal at the wedding, and her rejection of her fiance's wealthy family, she almost became one, and would have had to commit suicide to save face.
- Daddy's Girl
- Honor-Related Abuse: She is questioned and called bad names because Raju hid out in her room (nothing actually happened, though.)
- Mistaken for Cheating
- Naive Everygirl
- Pair the Spares: Marries Raju at the end
- Second Love: Was about to marry her wealthy (but wimpy) college sweetheart, but after she rejects him, Raju steps in.
- Spoiled Sweet
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Calls her fiance's family out for greed, and for milking her father for dowry money.
- Bottle Fairy: Drinks to ease her stage fright, despite being 2 months pregnant
- Character Filibuster: All the main characters get one, but Janki is the most vociferous
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Curb Stomp Battle: during which she loses her unborn child
- Does Not Like Men: After being treated so badly by them.
- Honor-Related Abuse
- Hot Mom
- Hysterical Woman: Is written off as this...and worse.
- Large Ham: Well, she does work in theatre.
- Love Triangle: Is in a relationship with her costar Manish, but her theatre instructor/director Puroshottham wants her to be his mistress instead.
- Pregnant Badass
- Madhuri Dixit
- Mistaken for Cheating
- My Girl Is Not a Slut: Why Manish wants to leave her; he believes Puroshottham's lies.
- Rebellious Spirit
- Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor: See Love Triangle
- Stepford Smiler
- Shotgun Wedding: Is supposed to have one of these with Manish, her boyfriend, and her baby's father.
- Take a Third Option: Her stunt does not go over well with the public, mainly because it was done during a religious play. She is given the option of going to Prison or a Bedlam House...and Puroshottham offers his protection in exchange for being his mistress. she ends up going to the asylum instead, mostly because she refused that offer.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Manish for his cowardice and naivety, and to men in general during a play about Sita. Overlaps with a combination of "The Reason You Suck" Speech and a World of Cardboard Speech
- Badass
- Bollywood Nerd: Is learning from her son how to use a computer, and is teaching the people of her village computer literacy as well.
- Character Filibuster: Not quite as many as Janki has, but close.
- Determined Widow
- Gratuitous English
- Honor-Related Abuse: Is raped and murdered because her son Prakash is in love with Sushma, Gajendra's daughter.
- Hot Mom
- I Have a Family: Pleads with the men who turned against her. A new twist: These men are her family, or at least True Companions.
- The Medic: Works as a midwife
- Rape as Drama
- The Smart Guy: Is self-taught in many skills, and educates the women in the belief that one day things will be better for them if they have education.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Calls out the father of a newborn baby girl after he tried to drown her in a vat of milk.
- World of Cardboard Speech: Against female infanticide, and maltreatment of women/girls in general.
- Anil Kapoor
- Badass
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Good Samaritan
- Happily Married: By the end, he marries Maithili
- Lovable Rogue: he is a thief, basically.
- Nice Guy
- Running Gag: His sedative-laced biscuits
- Angrish: Tends to grumble and spout off in a mix of both English and Hindi
- Domestic Abuse: Beats and berates Vaidehi
- Drives Like Crazy
- Face Heel Turn: Eventually sees what a Jerkass he's been and mends his ways.
- Gratuitous English
- Happily Married: By the end, he has improved his behavior and his marriage, and has (presumably) broken off his illicit relationship.
- The Loins Sleep Tonight: Is rendered impotent after a car accident
- Rich Bastard
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections
- Your Cheating Heart: Is sleeping with Anita, the wife of a business associate, and sees nothing wrong with this
- What the Hell, Hero?: Called out for cheating by Vaidehi
- Badass: Sort of a Robin Hood figure
- Berserk Button: Don't you dare hurt or abuse women or girls around him!
- Expy: A Darker and Edgier version of Raju
- Good Samaritan
- It's Personal: The reason for the aforementioned Berserk Button is that Gajendra tried to rape Bulwa's mother when she asked him for a small container of water during a drought. Thus he sees all attacks on females as an attack on his now-deceased mother.
- Just Like Robin Hood: he's a dacoit (bandit) who fights for the poor and oppressed in general and women in particular.
- Nice Guy
- Rape and Revenge: Avenges Ramdulaari
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech
- Whip Sword: his weapon of choice
- Bash Brothers: Works alongside his younger brother Virendra
- Big Bad
- Entitled to Have You: Believes this of Bhulwa's mother.
- Honor Before Reason
- I Have No Son: Disowns Sushma
- Overprotective Dad: Well, by modern Western standards, anyway...
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Lampshaded
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them
- Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny
- Sleazy Politician
- All Women Are Lustful: Believes this
- Casting Couch: Is implied to put at least some of his female theatre-company-members (possibly including Janki) through this, or at least try.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Keeps Lata confined to the house for fear that she'll be unfaithful (or people will think she is).
- Dirty Old Man
- Domestic Abuse
- Double Standard: He can go out to his heart's content, but if his wife so much as looks out the window there will be hell to pay.
- May-December Romance: Lata is much younger than he is.
- Rich Suitor, Poor Suitor: Tries to win Janki's affection with money.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Take a Third Option: Offers Janki protection if she agrees to become his mistress.
- Wife Husbandry: Seems to think that because he took Janki in and raised her, that he is entitled to sex with her. Janki does not agree.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Tells Manish that Janki's child belongs to him (Puroshottam), that she has been cheating on him.
- Domestic Abuse: Is kept confined to the house by her jealous husband.
- Hikikomori: Though not of her own choice; see above.
- Mama Bear
- May-December Romance: Is married to Puroshottam, who is probably in his 50's or 60's (maybe even older). She doesn't look to be a day over 30, if even that.
- Shrinking Violet
- Took a Level In Badass: Finally stands up to Puroshottam after Vaidehi calls him out for what he allowed to happen to Janki.
- Daddy's Girl
- Defiled Forever: Regarded as such for running off with Prakash, to the point where her family mourns as though she has died.
- My Girl Is Not a Slut
- Nice Guy: Warns Ramdulaari that her son is in danger
- Spoiled Sweet
- Type Caste: Why Gajendra doesn't approve of her Love Interest.
- Bollywood Nerd: Studies in the city, and is bringing computers to the village to improve life there.
- Groin Attack: Averted; Gajendra wanted him castrated for being involved with Sushma
- Nice Guy
- Type Caste: Gajendra dislikes him because he's from a poor family, a lower caste.
- Bash Brothers: With Gajendra
- The Dragon