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LandingInSomeonesBathtub 9253

How... Convenient?

This is when a fully clothed character ends up falling, usually from a great height, and lands in a bathtub in which someone is bathing at the time. The bather is commonly the opposite sex of the person who is clothed, but there are times when they are both the same sex. Most of the times when it is the opposite sex, it ends badly with the bather embarrassed or angry at the clothed person.

This trope also applies to clothed characters that are teleported into someone's bathtub.

Examples of Landing in Someone's Bathtub include:

Anime & Manga[]

  • Pictured: From the first episode of Soul Eater, Soul ends up landing in Blair's bubble bath when he jumped through the window of her house. Luckily, his face landed between her breasts.
  • In Dirty Pair: Project Eden, Carson D. Carson falls though a vent into Yuri's bubble bath. She gets mad at him and does a Bath Kick that launches him into Kei's tub.
  • In the episode of Doctor Slump titled "Gatchan You're Great", Obotchaman falls in Tsuntsunodanoteiyugo's bath.
  • In the first episode of Mai-Otome 0~S.ifr~, Sifr pulls Lena into her bathtub while she is clothed. This results in Lena getting naked and joining her.
  • In the third episode of Idol Project Mimu falls in Corvette Hiyards Awkwardly-Placed Bathtub.
  • Reversed in Ah! My Goddess when Skuld comes out of Keiichi's bath while he's in it. Her portal is water, you see.
  • Played for Drama in One Piece. Luffy drops into Hancock's bath, but he isn't flustered about it at all. Hancock is not ashamed of her nudity in the slightest either, but she does try to kill Luffy because he saw a shameful mark that was branded upon her back. Drama or not, it was still some nice, non-gratuitous Fan Service.
  • To Love Ru. This is how Lala and Rito meet, with her teleporting into his bathtub. Hilarity ensues, of course.
  • A running gag in Doraemon which Shizuka never gets a bath without Nobita accidentally entering with the Everywhere Door or other like gadgets.

Comics — Books[]

  • Storm falls into Psylocke's bubble bath in Uncanny X-Men issue #244.
  • Liberty Meadows features a strip were Ralph is shot into Dagwood's bath in the strip below. Frank changes the gag so that Ralph lands in Blondie's bath.
    • There's another, where Ralph is testing a device he invented that makes teleporting possible. He ends up teleporting himself into the shower, while Dean is in there. He does this, incidentally, just as Dean drops the bar of soap he was cleaning himself with.
  • The seventh issue of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mirage comic has a bit of a subversion: After being teleported to safety by the Utroms, the Turtles and Splinter find themselves materializing in April's bathtub... however, the bathtub is empty and April isn't even in the bathroom at the time.

Live-Action TV[]

  • Inverted in Scrubs when at the end of one season, a girl in a bathtub crashes through J.D.'s ceiling. Unfortunately her towel-clad boyfriend falls through the ceiling a moment later and doesn't appreciate J.D. eying his woman.

Western Animation[]

  • The Time Squad episode "Ludwig van Bonecrusher" had Otto, Tuddrussell, and Larry transporting into the tub of a German man who screams, "Ah, mein Gott!" before the trio run out of the house.