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"People will hate you, Steve, if you're too sting-ee." |
Last Alert (Known as Red Alert in Japan) is a shooting game by Telenet Japan released for the Turbo CD, infamous for its English voice acting.
In Nov 20, 1988, Guy Kazama, the main character, led a mission to rescue hostages from Chairman Steve's request. But they get betrayed when they don't find any hostages; a chopper guns down all of them instead. Guy is the only man left and a year later, a terrorist group known as the Force Project forms, consisting of four members. Besides Chairman Steve, there's Colonel Kadat of the republic of Lybid; Mr. Lee of the Hong Kong Mafia and Dr. Garcia, an upbringing physicist. Guy is recruited to take them down and get his revenge.
The gameplay is very reminiscent to Commando. It adds features like being able to shoot a different direction from moving, adds powerups and experience and rank system.
Tropes Present in Last Alert:[]
- 3/4ths View
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: Some of the one-liners.
- All There in the Manual: Chairman Steve's full name is Steve Lloyd.
- Apocalypse How: The Force Project tries to pull off at least class 3a.
- Asian Speekee Engrish: Mr. Lee.
- Attack Drone: One of the powerups spawns 2 orbs which fire alongside with Kazama.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Back From the Dead: Dark, who kidnapped the President and was the stage 2-3 boss, is revived by Dr. Garcia.
- Badass: Guy Kazama himself.
- Blind Idiot Translation: Arguably this, combined with the voice acting.
"I thought we'd always do things together, even when we die." |
- Bonsai Forest
- Chain-Reaction Destruction: Bosses tend to explode like that.
- Colourful Theme Naming: Kadat's guards Red, Blue and Black.
- Cores and Turrets Boss: Some of the later bosses.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Chairman Steve.
- Crate Expectations: Lots of crates here and there. One of the bosses even has crates rolled into an area.
- Dull Surprise: Mr.Lee's reaction when he is told Guy is coming for him.
Mr. Lee: Oh rearry? That's interesting. |
- Elevator Action Sequence: The final level.
- Eyepatch of Power: Colonel Kadat of the Republic of Lybid.
- Exploding Barrels: In one of the stages, these are rolled at player.
- Flash of Pain: Things with multiple hitpoints tend to briefly turn white when hit.
- Homage:
- The whole game pays homage to Rambo films.
- And Mr. Lee's stage is one long reference to Enter the Dragon, right down to his prosthetic claw-hand.
- Human Shield: The first boss tries to use it. Kazama still proceeds to shoot the boss as normal and succeeds.
- I Call It Vera:
Black: Hey, Guy! Let my baby Betty throw you a kiss! |
- Inconveniently-Placed Conveyor Belt
- Japanese Ranguage: Mr. Lee.
- Kill It with Fire: The Flamethrower sub weapon.
- Made of Explodium: Many enemies, bosses, doors and logs.
- Mad Scientist: Dr. Garcia, an upbringing physicist.
- MST Slowbeef and Diabetus of Retsupurae fame did one of a commentary-less playthrough of the game.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Colonel Kadat of Lybid is, at least in name, based on Muammar Gadaffi of Lybia.
- No, You:
Blue: This river's gonna turn red with your blood! |
- One-Man Army: Your character. One of the higher ranks is even called "Oneman Army".
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: You exchange these whenever you encounter a boss (Usually).
- Rank Inflation: The game starts out with fairly ordinary military ranks. Then you get to "Tank Buster". After that, a few more military ranks, then "Metal Soldier". After "Marshal," they just get weird: "Fullarmor Guy", "Heavy Warrior", "Mad Thunder", "Oneman Army", and so forth.
- Robotic Reveal: Dr. Garcia.
- Sentry Gun: In later levels. There's a stick on a ground variety and ball with a barrel variety.
- Spike Balls of Doom: Which you can stun for a moment.
- Spot the Imposter:
- Steve has one on the ship.
- There's also the fake President in Stage 2.
- Spread Shot: Most of your guns.
- Sunglasses At Night: Dark and Leonard.
- Taking You with Me
- Timed Mission: All of them.
- Try to Fit That on A Business Card: Some of the names for your ranks when you level up are... odd.
- Universal Driver's License: Guy steals a space shuttle to pursue Garcia.
- Who Dares?:
General Kadat: "...How dare you kill these precious men I've trained!" |
- Yellow Peril: Mr. Lee of the Hong Kong mafia.
- Your President Is in Another Castle:
Guy Kazama: "That makes me want to get him back EVEN MORE!" |