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Infamous Reality Show with a serious of auditions for comics to make it to the semifinals where 10 comics live in a house while competing for a final spot and a contract.

Notorious for Executive Meddling and One Judge to Rule Them All. The famous comic judges brought in left the stage in anger after their last choice was given a high score by the producer and let into the house. The same producers who also happens to be the comic's agents. The winners were suppose to get a sitcom. None ever happened.

Needs a Better Description

Tropes featured include:[]

  • Hide and No Seek: The other comics tricked Dat Phan (the eventual winner) into a game of hide-and-seek, waited for him to hide, and then went about their business as before.
  • I'm Going to Hell For This: A large part of Josh Blue's routine consisted of jokes about his difficulties with cerebral palsy. After a few of those went over well, he yelled at the audience, "You're all going to hell for laughing at me!"
  • One Judge to Rule Them All: There was a panel of four celebrity judges in the Season 2 semifinals. However, it was revealed that the unseen producers' votes counted for 50% of each contestant's score, with the total scores from the celebrity judges counting for the other 50%.
  • Product Placement: The network tried to play it straight by having a minion from the then-upcoming Despicable Me show up as an auditionee. It might not have been a good idea to do that with a judging panel of Deadpan Snarkers.

 Natasha: I can't wait to see Steve Carrell in Despicable Me starring Steve Carell...Steve Carell.
