Last Man Standing is a graphic novel series by Daniel Lu'Visi. The series, set 600 years in the future of an Alternate Universe, concerns a covert operations Super Soldier named Gabriel, who was formerly employed by a paramilitary organization named Armtech.
Gabriel was originally the only Paladin of WWXIII (which involved a conflict with mars) to survive, and thus became the Last Man Standing. He returned home to Amerika, loved and adored by the people and Armtech. He made the country into a virtual Utopia as he basically kicked all the criminal ass he could find.
Admired and celebrated by most, Gabe’s world takes a sudden turn when he finds himself framed by the terrorist group Pandemonium, for a series of atrocious crimes he had no part in. For these alleged crimes, Gabriel is sent to the treacherous Level-9 Prison Facility and incarcerated with the very scum he helped put away.
After nine years of torture and agony, the once famed hero kills his captors and escapes the 9 levels of hell he has been condemned to. From here on forward, Gabriel embarks on a journey into the heart of darkness; the New Amerika, a world filled with colorful and deadly characters that will either help or try to eliminate him – neither of which attitude is always transparent. As the once invincible hero digs deep to unravel the true reason behind his framing, he also discovers a problem he never had to face before: He’s dying; and quickly.
You can find out more at the author's sites, located here and here.
Not to be confused with the Bruce Willis film, or the Tim Allen sitcom.
Provides Examples Of:[]
- Action Girl: All female characters, except for Bonnie. Kind of ironic considering she's, you know, a robot.
- Ax Crazy: Looks like Abaddon sure isn't the talkative type.
- Badass: All named characters, other than Bonnie.
- Bio Augmentation: Armtech dabbles in this.
- BFG: Gabriel sports one, as shown in the picture at the top of the page. It looks remarkably similar to a Bolter.
- Jawsome carries one as well.
- Celestial Body: Hex, as shown here, is the entire universe in one entity.
- Cyborg: A few of them are running around. The most notable one would be Judge, a zombie Psycho Electro Glass Cannon who used to be a Russian Soldier before his death while working for Armtech. He got better, and now he's looking to lay down a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the people who left him to die.
- Deadpan Snarker: Gabriel.
- Dirty Cop: Noa, ironically.
- Guns Akimbo: A couple characters use this.
- Mad Doctor: Pain.
- Mega Corp: Armtech.
- Nigh Invulnerable: Just about Gabriel's only super power.
Gabriel: Before you start getting excited, I can't fly. I don't have x-ray vision or claws and I wasn't bitten by any insects. I can't regenerate and as much as I'd love to be, I'm not a multi-billionaire with a fascination for winged mammals. What I can do is kick ass and take a whole lot of ass kicking. |
- Once in a Blue Moon: Ronin first became a werewolf under a blue moon.
- One-Man Army: His character bio uses these exact words to describe Gabriel.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Ronin, Gabriel's best friend from Louisiana.
- Parental Abandonment: Eris' dad was Driven to Suicide when he lost all his money, and her mother was killed by an Armtech officer that she dated to get over her husband's death.
- Perma Stubble: Several Badass guys sport one, including Gabriel.
- Phlebotinum Rebel: You may notice that this happens a lot to Armtech.
- Physical God: Hex. Yes, that's the entire universe in him.
- Robot Dog: RO-bot K-9, or RO for short. He differs in that he's a bipedal, Cyborg dog built for WWXIII who went rouge. He then hooked up with a cat (apparently the creator's) that can act named GIZMO.
- A cyborg dog who can turn into face makeup. Nice.
- Robot Maid: Bonnie.
- Smoking Is Cool
- Soul Brotha: Abel. So much so that he operates on a level of badassness that not even Gabriel can comprehend. Kane, his pet monkey that also sports an Afro, helps seal the deal.
- The Archer: Layla, but instead of shooting arrows, she shoots actual missiles.
- World of Badass: Oh so much.