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  • Accidental Innuendo - The lighthouse scene on the roof. When inquired on what she thinks of the lighthouse, Mila says she thought that it was bigger when seen from ground level, but now having seen it from upclose she now thinks that it is much smaller. This comment then causes Kyle to pop a wide smirk on his face, prompting Mila to ask if she said "something wrong". Kyle then dodges a potentially awkward conversation by saying that it's a funny coincidence, because he also thought the same thing as she did when he first saw it.
  • Even Better Sequel
  • Nightmare Fuel - The 4th floor hallway certainly qualifies, with its music and the feeling that someone is following you. Made even worse by the fact that you can get stuck in there, leading to a Game Over.
  • Tear Jerker - Kyle's "confrontation" with Sidney has only one question. "Do you still love your wife?"
    • The scene where Kyle returned to room 406 after his encounter with Mrs. Patrice on the roof can make one weepy-eyed. The whole pondering of what was his father's final view out of the window and what feelings his father was probably was experiencing was incredibly sad.
    • There's also Kyle's conversation with Frank about a chat the latter had with "Gregory"; the part Frank found the most memorable was that Gregory's son wanted to grow up to be a baseball player.
  • The Scrappy: Dylan.
  • The Woobie: Lots of people but special mention goes to Marie and Margaret.