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In 2061, master criminal Draxon Drear and his henchcreatures the Skugs are trapped in suspended animation beneath the Atlantic Ocean, after the Skugs damage the shuttle Drear was using in an attempt to escape to Mars.

In the year 3010, 13-year-old Jamie Jaren is the champion of the popular sport of Lazer Tag. She is also the only person with the ability to use the Starlyte, the "gun" used in the game, as more than a toy, primarily as a kind of telekinesis and (most importantly to the show's premise) travel through time. At least, she is until Draxon Drear is discovered and resurrected.

Drear, realizing the potential of the Starlyte, promptly steals one, takes himself and the Skugs back to the past, where he intends to murder the Starlyte's eventual inventor.

The cartoon, created by Ruby-Spears, ran on NBC from 1986-1987.

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