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The only way out...is down. |
Ledge Fighters is a Web Original short on YouTube.
You know how in a Fight Scene in a movie, there's always at least one Railing Kill? Well, the entire video is this. It is very awesome.
It can be seen here.
This video contains examples of[]
- Axe Crazy: Most of the characters apparently. The protagonist ends up attacking innocent bystanders, including a woman with a pram.
- Cool Shades: One of the few bad guys to get more than 0.84 seconds to live wore these.
- Combat Pragmatist:
- The characters are nearly all Knife Nuts in this one, but the first guy who tries it goes the way of the swordsman in Indiana Jones.
- Then the next two guys who mess about with a staff and a mace quickly get shown the ledge two.
- The fact that Cool Shades, the first of the three to try this, gets shot with a gunmin the classic style Railing Kill while everybody else in the video gets simply chucked over suggests that it was a Inspiration Nod for the Indiana Jones scene inspiring all of the Combat Pragmatism.
- Exploding Barrels
- Eye Scream: The final enemy gets a knife in the eye, delivered by the teeth.
- Fight Scene
- Grey and Grey Morality: It's unclear who exactly we are rooting for. The man who is apparently the Designated Hero starts targeting innocent bystanders after defeating most of his enemies.
- Groin Attack: To the guy waving the baton around.
- Homage: Essentially a homage to every early 90s 2D fighter with their highly urban yet highly flamboyently dressed Mooks and the tendency for them to fall in large arcs with incredibly stiff animations.
- Knife Nut: A lot of the fighters.
- Made of Explodium
- No Name Given
- Not Quite Dead: The last enemy. Hard to tell which gang member it is, though.
- Railing Kill: They could have named this Railing Kill: The Movie.
- Repeat Cut: The final kill. This combined with the inavoidable Special Effects Failure of a close up of the stunt dummy possibly leads to What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?.
- Refuge in Audacity: It becomes a literal Dead Baby Comedy.
- Shout-Out: The logo looks like the Street Fighter logo.
- Stock Scream: One guy lets out a Wilhelm, and the next guy dies with a Howie Long scream.
- Stuff Blowing Up