Leftover Soup is a Web Comic currently being produced by Mason "Tailsteak" Williams. It is a Slice of Life webcomic based on the life of Jamie the Supreme Chef, Ellen the Geek and her best friend Maxine the Lovable Sex Maniac. Other characters have appeared — for example, Lily, Ellen's boss, who Does Not Like Men — but the primary focus is on those three.
You can read it here.
Tropes used in Leftover Soup include:
- Author Appeal: Jamie shares his creator's hobby of making homemade board games. His expertise in the kitchen is also inspired by Williams' interest in experimental cooking.
- The Bechdel Test: The author notes in The Rant that Ellen and Maxine playing "Spambot!" qualifies.
- Black Comedy Rape: When Ellen and Jamie first meet.
Ellen: I'm technically not supposed to let people in I don't know, but you don't look too creepy. |
- Does Not Like Men: Ellen refers to Lily as a real-life "feminazi" — which is not true, as Lily denies being a feminist.
- Drinking Game: Ellen and Maxine make one in-universe from one of Jamie's homemade board games.
- Eats Babies
Best roleplaying moment: Ate a baby, managed to convince GM she was still neutral good. |
- Extreme Omnivore: Ellen's palate is ... less refined than Jamie's.
- Gender Blender Name: Exploited by Jamie (Benjamin) to gain a chance to rent a room from Ellen, despite her "Female Roommates Only" requirement.
- Max(ine) also uses a Gender Blender Name because she goes by Max.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: The Best Roleplaying Moment for Ellen's character.
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Jamie gets one then another.
- I Like My X Like I Like My Y: The cast page describes everyone's taste in partners via this. Best so far, for the misandric Lily: "Likes her men like she likes her coffee: Roasted, ground up and soaked in boiling water."
- Improbable Weapon User: Jamie Halligan's weapon is, appropriately enough, a Halligan bar.
- Instant Web Hit: Ellen is Answering Machine Bitch.
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Jamie and Max's first meeting.
- Major Injury Underreaction: "Okay, well NOW I need medical attention..."
- Mistaken for Racist: When Jamie meets Wallace.
- Mood Whiplash: From goofy Pulp Fiction take-off to critically injured pet in two pages.
- Never Tell Me the Odds: Inverted in this page's author notes.
- Nobody Poops: Lampshaded in The Rant.
- No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: ...no documentation, no original creator, no sense...
- Polyamory: Max is currently in an open ... fivesome?
- Rules Lawyer: Ellen. (For those in the audience not familiar with AD&D 3.5, The Rant contains a helpful analogy.)
- Running Gag: The profusion of things abbreviated as "TP".
- The aforementioned coffee gags on the cast page also count.
- Shout-Out: To Homestuck, when Ellen wears some of The Merch in a few strips.
- Also this. "I AM CORNHOLIO!"
- Status Quo Is God: Double Subverted.
- Supreme Chef: Jamie can turn Rice Krispies back into rice, and make bread pudding without bread or eggs.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Discussed Trope early on in the context of the Black Comedy Rape joke.
- Total Party Kill: Orchestrated by Lily to force the gaming group to update to 4th edition D&D.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Apparently, Max's half-fey thri-kreen bard in their 3.5e D&D character has found this to be a great pickup line. Twelve times and counting.
- Will They or Won't They?: Ellen and Jamie. Ellen says, "Absolutely not, never, no way." Max has twenty bucks on "will". Odds may or may not be in Max's favor.