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  • Complete Monster: Any Heavenly being, especially God, who isn't Michael. Instead of just mercifully making the planet explode, they resort to the underhanded method of bodysnatching human hosts to attack and murder other humans, some of these human suits being children. Also, if God is supposedly omnipotent, He would know about the redemptive traits of the humans in the diner, nevermind humans the world over, not to mention their selfless attempts to save each other, but ignores them in favor of continuing the genocide. If the sequel (if it's made) doesn't feature Charlie's baby overthrowing God following an epic Shut UP, Hannibal / "The Reason You Suck" Speech, there will be Hell to pay.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The above mentioned Bond One-Liner and its related incident for one, but there's also the preceding fight between Michael and Gabriel. Say what you will about the movie, that particular sequence was awesome.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Michael, after giving several characters a crash-course in automatic weapons usage, says if they get it wrong it might blow their hand off. Cue everyone looking at Percy, former military man, and his hook for a hand.

 Percy: "What the Fuck ya'll lookin' at me for?"//

    • There's also the scene near the end where Audrey tries to shoot Gabriel in the face with a flare gun. She misses, but the flare bounces around for a bit and hits Gabriel anyway.
    • And then there's this:

 Bob: "I don't even believe in God."

Michael: "That's okay, Bob. He doesn't believe in you either."
