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A Web Original series featuring a team of superheroes who fight the forces of evil using their elite dance skills.

The LXD[]

Trevor Drift (Luis Rosado)[]

Dance speciality: Breakdance[]


Sp3cimen (Madd Chadd)[]

Dance speciality: Popping (The Robot)[]


  • Amnesiac Lover: He doesn't remember that he was married to Autumn. Which is kind of alright, since he falls in love with her all over again.
  • Back From the Dead
  • Bio Augmentation
  • Determinator: Was attacked three times while making his way to Autumn, and is ambushed once he gets to her. It barely slows him down.
  • Hand Wave: He acts like a robot because his mechanical body-parts have some sort of temporal effect that causes him to exist at discrete points in time. It's an odd explanation, but it does explain his odd problems with perception (he has problems dealing with crowds and constantly mimics his surroundings).
  • One-Man Army
  • Red Herring: Surprisingly, he is not a robot, despite his mannerisms and movements.
  • Summon Backup Dancers
  • The Stoic
  • Would Hit a Girl: Surprisingly, he doesn't hesitate fighting Autumn when she's brainwashed. Her attempts to mess with his mind, likewise, just piss him off.

Copeland (Christopher Scott)[]

Dance speciality: Tap[]


The Fanboyz — Stereo, Phono, and Minijack (respectively, Aja George, Shonnie Solomon and Terence Dickson)[]

Dance speciality: Boogaloo[]


Spex (Richard "Steelo" Vasquez)[]

Dance speciality: Breakdance[]


Ninjato (Galen Hooks)[]

Dance speciality: Contemporary/hip-hop[]


Organization X, aka OX[]

Karey (Carey Ysais)[]

Dance speciality: Ballet[]


The Wave (Ricardo "Boogie Frantick" Rodriguez, Jr.)[]

Dance speciality: Popping[]


The Umbras[]

The Dark Doctor (John "Jrock" Nelson)[]

Dance speciality: Popping[]


  • The Big Bad
  • Fetish Fuel: His possession of Autumn in "Deal with the Dark Doctor" could trigger plenty of mind control fetishes.
  • Mad Doctor
  • Mind Manipulation
  • Start of Darkness: From the "Origins" episode, as a little boy he helplessly watched his parents succumb to poisonous gasses in their laboratory, after his father's military employers abandoned them all to die.