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  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The music for episode 3 was really good. The music for episode 16 was even better.
  • Fetish Fuel: In "Can't Dance", one of the seamstress's assistants, acting as a living mannequin, wears a pale skintight bodysuit. At one point, while laying down on her stomach, she roles a ball down her spine and looks like she enjoys it...very much. Another one of the seamstresses does a brief table dance, as well. "Mess in Aisle 7" also brings as a troupe of Ballerinas, all of whom are young and attractive, all of whom are wearing skintight suits with bondage elements. Although...see Fetish Retardant.
  • Fetish Retardant: Those ballerina costumes above? The ones that are heavily sexualized? We get to see a preteen girl in one, whose dance is already way to mature for someone her age. Thanks, but no thanks. Of course, if you're under the age of 14 or so, it's probably valid Fetish Fuel.
  • Growing the Beard: Either the second season, or third, or both, stepped up the game. The third season made good on it's generically vague hints of a Myth Arc and has more complex character building in its episodes, rather than the former mindless "action".
  • Uncanny Valley: The Umbras, Sp3cimen, the Eaters, and sometimes the Dark Doctor can be really good at this.