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  • Matter-Eater Lad takes a big bite out of the Emerald Eye of Ekron, finally defeating Emerald Empress (otherwise the mistress of Villain Exit Stage Left) permanently.
  • Bouncing Boy showing his leadership potential during "Chain of Command". This rightfully earned him his Dark Horse Victory at the end of the episode.
  • In his debut episode Timber Wolf calls out his father on his crappy treatment of him and others then proceeds to trash his lab in a fury (including ripping out an operating table from the floor and throwing it at a bunch of computer screens). Earlier he roars at the animal test subjects who looked ready to maul his Dad. Given to how he was acting at this stage this was so richly deserved.

 Dr. Londo: "Not even intergalactic law can touch me, and why would they? My work is a gift, I create life!"

Timber Wolf: "What you create is suffering and the forest out there is filled with it!! Children expect their parents to protect them, the only thing I've ever been to you is a science experiment! Your own son!! (proceeds to virtually destroy everything in the lab, after he's done he gives his father an over-the-shoulder cold glare) Never again." (cue his shocked father kneeling in the ruins of his burning lab)

  • Watching the Legion of Substitute Heroes get their act together and defeat Starfinger definitely counts. It just goes to show you that the underdogs can come out on top, even if no one believes in them. Their powers might not have been as cool or as strong as the rest of the Legionnaires', but when it came time to step it up, they made a pretty good team.
  • When Brainiac 5 beats up Brainic 1.0.

 Brainiac 5: Now I am going to tell you one last time. Get. Out. Of. My. Head!

    • Added awesomeness by puncturing each word with a blow.