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Original continuity[]

  • In an issue of the original continuity, a half-dozen other legionaries are convinced they've been poisoned and are dying. Karate Kid, the Legion's sole member without proper super powers, decides he wants to go out with a bang instead of a whimper and heads out to take on the entire Fatal Five, a group that has stood up to the entire Legion before, all by himself. He wins. Damnit!
  • Projectra has a classic one after Nemesis Kid kills her husband, Karate Kid. It really needs to be seen firsthand.

Glorithverse continuity[]

  • Tenzil Kem is appointed Brek Bannin's legal defense after Brek had been jailed for two years pending trial, for holding a "pep rally in a pizza party". After going through multiple shenanigans, from surprise witnesses to having Brek dress up in bizarre costumes to have him declared unfit for trial, the judge orders that any attempt to dispute Brek's sanity is a fraud. As Tenzil is trying to think of what to do, the judge then informs Tenzil he is prolonging Brek's so-called speedy trial. Tenzil then points out Brek was withheld a speedy trial for two years. The judge counters that the two years were necessary to prove Brek's competence to stand trial. Which, of course, the judge had just ordered that any attempt to disprove Brek's competence is a self-evident fraud. The judge is left stammering as the prosecutor lets Brek go free.

Post-Zero Hour continuity[]


Saturn Girl: We were the first three. We're going to be the last three, aren't we?
Cosmic Boy: Maybe. Probably. I'm sorry, guys.
Saturn Girl: For what? For giving us a chance to be heroes? Don't apologize.

  • Shortly previous, Karate Kid, the Legion's resident Badass Normal, takes on one of the White Triangle Daxamites, giving him a rude awakening from his A God Am I power trip by kicking him in the head. When a shrapnel wound in the thigh from the spaceship the Daxamite dropped leaves him unable to stand, Karate Kid fearlessly invites the Daxamite to come within reach so he can continue beating him up.
  • Chameleon and Infectious Lass in Gail Simone's "For No Better Reason" arc:

Arrow: [weakly] I'm... I'm willing to die for my cause.
Chameleon: Oh, you'll die. We'll all die someday. The issue is, do you want to die in bed, surrounded by your loved ones... or bent over in this alley with a woefully inadequate supply of tissues?



  • Duel CMOA here, Superboy puts his hand on Pulsar Stargrave's shoulder and Stargrave with one punch puts Superboy in orbit. Before Pulsar can complete his next sentence, "Now Legion..." Superboy is back, and he's mad. He b* &ch-slaps one of Pulsar's toadies...and promptly gets blasted with red-sun radiation. But it was a nice moment while it lasted.
  • Check out Legion Abstract's Legionnaires profiles for examinations of the "signature moments" of every character who's ever been a Legionnaire to date. Most of them have at least one Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • There was that one time Matter-Eater Lad saved the entire Legion, including Superboy, by eating his way out of an underground prison. Walls, dirt, and all.
    • Heck, ME Lad once saved the whole galaxy. Brainiac 5 had gone crazy and used the Miracle Machine to create Omega, an undefeatable embodiment of all the hatred in the universe. ME Lad stopped it by...eating the Miracle Machine.
  • Mon-El, the single most powerful Legionnaire after Superman left the team, saved all of creation with a Heroic Sacrifice when he changed the universe by punching time. Take that, Emoboy-Prime!
  • The Ranzz Family, Garth, Imra, and Ayla, rescuing Garth and Imra's twin boys, Graym and Garridan, from a cult that worships Darkseid on the planet Avalon. The finishing touch was Imra utterly DESTROYING the cult leader with a projection of Darkseid in his mind, speaking as a woman with experience in having dealt with the dark god beforehand.

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