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Post-Zero Hour continuity[]

  • This conversation, during the Bizarro Legion story:

Invisible Kid: You lick it!
Live Wire: You lick it!
Invisible Kid: ...Ferro, come over here.
Karate Kid: Now that's just wrong.

  • Gates in the twentieth century, volunteering at a soup kitchen. "Human! Step forward and claim your sustenance!"
  • Chameleon and Infectious Lass in Gail Simone's "For No Better Reason" arc:

Arrow: [weakly] I'm... I'm willing to die for my cause.
Chameleon: Oh, you'll die. We'll all die someday. The issue is, do you want to die in bed, surrounded by your loved ones... or bent over in this alley with a woefully inadequate supply of tissues?


Threeboot continuity[]

  • "You'll feel differently when we're married."
  • From the same issue, the goats.
  • The realization that Chameleon's costume is actually part of his body... meaning he's been walking around naked the whole time.

Reboot Continuity[]

  • The Subs invading the JLE's satellite with a high-jacked school bus.

"Hit the brakes! THE BRAKES, NOT THE GAS!!!!"

  • The three Brainiacs arguing with one another, mostly instigated by Threeboot Querl's refusal to work with an adult version of himself.

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