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  • In the United We Stand episode, a sailor was attacked by a mob and was tarred and feathered.
    • Later in the episode, the doctor, explained the after effects of being a victim of the violent act.
  • This can also count as a Tear Jerker, but Henri's backstory, he and his parents were migrating to North America. Then the ship was struck with the plague, many fell ill and died, including Henri's parents.
  • In One Life to Live, a civilian, who has a wife and kids, was pressed gang/kidnapped to serve in the British Navy. The nightmare aspect was not seeing one's family and friends again, though this doubles as a tear jerker.
    • Later on, this almost happens to James Hiller.
    • This was a practice during those times and was one of the reasons why the War of 1812 happened.
  • In one episode, Sarah Philips being used as part Guinea Pig for the Small Pox inoculation. Her hallucinating and seeming as if she's dying is enough to scare some kids.

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