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Welcome to the Liberty's Kids recap page. For more info, please go to the main "Liberty's Kids" page.

Season 1[]

  1. The Boston Tea Party
  2. The Intolerable Acts
  3. United We Stand
  4. Liberty or Death
  5. Midnight Ride
  6. The Shot Heard Round the World
  7. Green Mountain Boys
  8. The Second Continental Congress
  9. Bunker Hill
  10. Postmaster General Franklin
  11. Washington Takes Command
  12. Common Sense
  13. The First Fourth of July
  14. New York, New York
  15. The Turtle
  16. One Life to Lose
  17. Captain Molly
  18. American Crisis
  19. Across the Delaware
  20. An American in Paris
  21. Sybil Ludington
  22. Lafayette Arrives
  23. The Hessians are Coming
  24. Valley Forge
  25. Allies at Last
  26. Honor and Compromise
  27. The New Frontier
  28. Not Yet Begun to Fight
  29. The Great Galvez
  30. In Praise of Ben
  31. Bostonians
  32. Benedict Arnold
  33. Conflict in the South
  34. Deborah Samson: Soldier of the Revolution
  35. James Armistead
  36. Yorktown
  37. Born Free and Equal
  38. The Man Who Wouldn't Be King
  39. Going Home
  40. We the People

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