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  • Abandoned supermarkets. Especially the meat and deli departments.
  • The thought that our precious friends will become vicious hunters. The notion that animals will forget you and humanity in due time. The fact that the smaller and weaker pets, such as toy breeds, will survive along with some of the more poorly designed breeds.
    • The ones that don't starve to death in our homes and zoos since we aren't around to either feed or free them, anyway.
  • How about the fact that eventually, given millions of years, there will be no trace of evidence that we humans were ever here, save for perhaps some fossils if we get so lucky? All of our achievements, all of our buildings, all of our records now lost and buried with time. Like we never existed in the first place.
    • That's pretty much inevitable anyway, since entropy is a thing. Everything ends. One gets used to the idea if one acknowledges it.