Cargo Ship - Cray, the weapon/armor shop owner. Let's just say she has a very sensual way of making her store goods are built to last.....
Crowning Moment of Awesome - Raidy gets hers in the ending of the first game. When Cubust proves too hard to simply beat up and attempts to tentacle rape her, she discharges all of her electricity to his tentacles, which are so sensitive they directly channel the power right back to Cubust, essentially frying him to death from the inside.
In the second game, she shows a ton of Genre Savvy when she defeats Gaav fused with Chaos' power by deciding she just doesn't want him dead, she WANTS HIM GONE! That said, she basically kisses her own life goodbye as she unloads her full power into the guy, totally destroying him and the entire temple in the process. However, Heroic Sacrifice is averted by the lightning spirit she's infused with pulling her out to safety.
Crowning Music of Awesome - The main refrain was so nice, it was used as the final boss music of the first game, and some of the other tracks (like the final floor music for the first game) are actually quite good for a midi style soundtrack)
Even Better Sequel - The second game has far more plot and gameplay than the first game and due to its auto-map, it isn't nearly as frustrating anymore.
Excuse Plot - Semi subverted. The game does have a plot, and it is relevant to a degree, but mostly it's hentai in an RPG package to make you work a little for your hentai CG.
Much less so in the second game.
Fetish Fuel - Cosplay, BDSM, tentacles, candle wax, "horse" riding, enemas, all show up in the first game.
Strap-ons, bestiality, futanari, gangbangs, spanking, and dildos debut in the second.
Game Breaker - Possibly the Bondage Leather armor, which compensates for its very low defense by giving a bonus to your evade stat. (the only armor that ups your evade instead of lowering it) When you put it on and gain a few levels, you effectively dodge 99% of all physical attacks that aren't critical or pre-emptive. Even the final boss has severe trouble hitting you.
Goddamned Bats - Some monsters in the second game steal some of your money and run away, which can be very annoying if you are short on gold. Fortunately they only appear in the first two floors of the first level. Slightly less annoying are the ones who gank your MP.
Les Yay - Not only do the female bosses seem to be enjoying the thought of screwing you, Raidy seems to react to that a lot less negatively than she does the very few males she runs across.
However, given how the game is advertised and the fact in the bad ending's Raidy winds up enjoying the sex with the bad guy women and Cubust, though he's implied to use brainwashing to effect this QUITE a lot, it's almost certain the Les Yay is in fact canon. She also consistently "defeats" regular foes by breaking their weapons and tearing off their clothes, but never really drawing blood. What might she do after that, hmm?
Well, this does contain an escape clause. In both cases, Raidy only did it because (A) her moral code not to hurt humans unless they are explicitly hurting others kicked in, and while Junk is a Jerkass, his demands to be serviced in exchange for a key was (in her mind) disgusting, but if she could get said item peaceably, she much preferred degradation to simply killing him for the key. And (B), she makes it quite obvious she REALLY didn't want to please the guy of her own free will, and repulses any attempt he makes later in town to induce her to sleep with him, as she clearly hates the air he breathes.
That One Level - The third floor of the tower in the first game is the most notorious. Its large amount of invisible teleport spots make navigation confusing, 2 of the 3 monsters have unblockable magic attacks and lots of hp, and the weapon that's found on the floor has an abysmal hit rate that requires you to gain several more levels before you can even hit monsters with it. The two floors after this one tone down the monsters' magical attacks again.
In the second game the first floor of the second dungeon is also rather pesky due to 2 of the 3 critters having powerful magic while again, the magic attacks get toned down on later floors.
Viewer Gender Confusion - Variation. Fonfon in the PC-98 version looked more like a catgirl and less like a wolfgirl.