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  • This troper is quite the fan of Sci Fi, and Stitch's escape from the prison ship is STILL one of the best he's ever seen.
  • Stitch's moment towards the end of the movie, when he tackles a gasoline truck, drives it into a volcano, tears a hole in it, and rides the ensuing explosion to crash through Gantu's ship, gets pounded with Gantu's enormous fist, only to lift up said fist while yelling "also cute and FLUFFY!" Epic win.
    • This troper loved the delivery of his triumphant "ALOHA!!!" in the aforementioned scene.
    • "Stupid head." Cue unloading a gasoline tank into a volcano.
    • Also, he saves a froggy whilst doing everything mentioned above.
  • Jumbaa's has to be when he turns to Stitch and shouts "IIIIIIIIIIIIIT'S SHOWTIME!"
  • "Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw."
  • What, the fact Lilo beating the crap out of Mertle twice in the movie isn't awesome?
  • Jumba, locked in a prison cell, immediately deduces why the Councilwoman came to see him and manipulates the situation to his advantage, leaving him armed with a plasma cannon, in control of a fairly powerful ship, and released from prison.