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  • The final scenes are just made of this, particularly this speech:

Stitch: This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It's little...and broken...but still good. Yeah. Still good.

    • Fridge Brilliance: Remember what the Grand Councilwoman said at Stitch's sentencing, when determining whether he was a monster? All he ever had to do was show that there was "something inside (him) that is good."
  • Which is especially amazing because when they finally corner Stitch, who has been seen in the eyes of the Galactic Federation or whatever to be an irredeemable little monster, he simply stands up and talks to them. His only questions are if he has to leave, and if he can say goodbye. Just... *sniff*
  • You know, make that any serious scene about "ohana." Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten..
  • Stitch returning to save Lilo.

Lilo: You came back.
Stitch: Nobody gets left behind.
(Lilo kisses his nose)

  • The final photo at the end of the first film: Rather than it only being Lilo, Nani and their deceased parents, another photo is partly overlapping it now, so it looks like Stitch is sitting with them.
  • On that note... This troper isn't sure how much she liked the sequel, but the ending... She has to admit to having teared up. "Stitch not bad. Stitch fluffy!" Uwaah!
  • The short film "The Origin of Stitch" is just one big heartwarmer, particularly when Jumba hugs Stitch just like a father would. Awwww...
  • The frog, seemingly nothing more than a Brick Joke. But when Gantu makes his strafing run, the frog jumps on Stitch's head while eyeing Gantu's ship, giving the impression he's trying to shield Stitch from the attack. Which Stitch repays by saving him.