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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: forum users seem to agree, that Captain Benjamin Spooner Briggs is a cultist of Elder Gods, who forsaken his sanity long before the events of game.
  • Bile Fascination
  • Critical Research Failure: Mixing water and saffron DOES NOT MAKE SOMETHING GREEN!
  • Designated Hero: Briggs hardly does anything even remotely heroic throughout the course of the game. At best, he's just a complete asshole to everybody.
  • Ear Worm: The game may be atrocious, the developers may be thieves, and the story may be insane, but damn "The King of Limbo" is the catchiest song.
  • Fake Difficulty: You're not told how to solve a good deal of the game's puzzles.
  • Memetic Mutation: The plagiarism charges led to a brief fad of photoshopping the main character into other games. Rock Paper Shotgun even held a contest seeking these.
  • Mis Blamed: The writing and "logic" of the story are so crappy as to be beyond excuse, but there are a few common places where the storyline and/or Briggs gets unfairly criticized. Perhaps the easiest to identify is that of Quagmire the chained prisoner in Chapter 2, who you free. A lot of criticism has been directed at the fact that you are freeing a chained prisoner without supposedly knowing why he has been imprisoned, but you actually can find out in the previous chapter. Of course, considering the millions of actual issues with the storyline, this is a very excusable case.
  • Most Annoying Sound : "Join us... Join us... Join us now !" It was quite the opposite when spoken aloud by the Hammer Haunts in the Thief games.
  • Narm: If the horrendous spelling in the subtitles doesn't get you, the "King of Limbo" song at the end will.
  • Nightmare Fuel: A lot of the faces are horribly creepy, such as Briggs'.
  • So Bad It's Good: The song at the end of the game. It's not worth playing the game to hear it, fortunately the song is on YouTube.
  • Special Effect Failure: At one point in the prologue, Briggs enters a hallway at which the camera is tilted at an angle. He is (very obviously) not angled.
    • Later, in the aforementioned "sewer" chapter, the developers tried to cover up the fact that Briggs is actually walking on top of the water by overlaying a cheap-looking dithered pattern over his feet.
    • Ohhh, there's lots. When you're working with purchased Poser models on 2D backgrounds, there's no limit to the failure of the special effects.
    • One of the most obvious issues that persists throughout the game is the layering of text onto round objects. Many, many times through the game, there will be bags or round bottles with flat text. Nothing in this game has any real attempt at special effects.
    • One particularly hilarious note about the game's visuals is that the behind-the-scenes featurette on the bonus DVD makes a big deal about the game's dynamic lighting effects. It's just too bad the light source or the characters' positioning have no bearing on how the shadows actually fall.
  • Squick: It starts with human fat used to make a torch and continues all throughout the game in forms ranging from drizzling sawdust in someone's eyes so a "woodgater" eats them to an industrial vat full of partially-ground raw meat.
    • How about the skinned mayor in Chapter 3?
  • They Just Didn't Care: For some reason, despite sinking 13 years of their lives into this, the developers never bothered to learn how to properly program or make their own art assets. You'd think if they cared about the game that much they'd put in some effort, but apparently not!
  • Uncanny Valley: The CGI was never very good in this regard, but that final song... welcome to the nightmare, kids!
  • The Unintelligible: Some of the characters are very hard to understand.
  • Who Forgot the Lights?: In the worst possible genre for it. Then again, it's a horror game...

Wields-Rulebook-Heavily's Let's Play provides examples of:[]