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- Depraved Bisexual: A possible character interpretation of Miss Wade, given the posessive way she treats Tattycoram and also her backstory of falling in love with Henry Gowan.
- Hell Is That Noise: The Clennam house keeps making this strange rustling noise. That's because, thanks to Rule of Symbolism, it's about to fall down.
- Qu'est-ce qui passe ici si tard ...
- Parental Incest: The subtext is there. Amy calls her father "my own dear"; "love", etc., sleeps in the same bed with him, takes more care of him than he does of her, is compared to a Greek character who breastfeeds her father in prison, and considers Mrs. General (whom Mr. Dorrit is courting) to be "replacing" her. Squick.
- Tear Jerker: John's outburst to Arthur after Arthur lands in the Marshalsea.
"She loves you! The very walls can see it!" |
- Values Dissonance: Modern readers often have a hard time with the Aesop that concludes Tattycoram's plot, in which she is supposed to reconcile herself to her proper station in life with the Meagles. Though it's still the lesser of two evil compared to living with crazy Miss Wade.
- Not to mention the whole father/daughter vibe Amy and Arthur have going on.
- The Woobie: Amy; Arthur; definitely John Chivery.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Mr. Merdle. The scenes in the 2009 adaptation where he talks to the parrot, or when he quietly and politely asks Fanny to lend him a penknife to slit his own throat with are downright tragic.