Little Green Footballs is a political blog started by Charles Johnson. He started it way back in 2001 to talk about various boring things in his life like most bloggers do.
But then September 11 happened and Charles decided to get to work. He started to do as much research as he could on the subject of radical Islam. His blog became one of the most visited on the Web.
Many assumed that the blog really made its mark when it helped reveal that certain papers put forward about George W. Bush’s military record during the 2004 election were actually faked before the Mainstream Media did.
Charles is a man of many parts who supports Israel, and is a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal. His turn-offs include bigotry and he is none too fond of people who refuse to think logically. His considerable amount of research on the issue of global warming, or really any position he takes, makes one wonder how he finds time to sleep sometimes, especially given that he recently got married.
At the moment, the site is home to a fair number of both liberals and conservatives of many different stripes, but thanks to Charles’ careful monitoring, the blog manages to remain a fairly friendly place. Has an impressively-sized hatedom against it, with there being actual stalker sites.
As for the meaning of the name, nobody knows the real meaning except Charles, and he isn’t telling.
Little Green Footballs shows examples of the following tropes.
- Barack Obama: Charles voted for his opponent but he's come around over the last few years. May have something to do with the fact that Obama and Charles ("A Jimi Hendrix quote! Now I know why I changed my mind about Obama") have more in common than Charles expected at first.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Check the top ten comments, odds are you'll find one.
- The Daily Show: Charles links to Jon Stewart every so often.
- Fox News Liberal: Averted. LGF was a largely conservative site at first, but now the place seems to be more or less evenly divided between liberals and conservatives.
- Fan Community Nicknames: Posters call each other “lizards”.
- Glenn Beck: He is a raving freakazoid nut sandwich. Charles isn't a fan.
- Heel Realization: A more mild political version of this trope could be argued to have taken place during 2009. After Barack Obama was elected, and the GOP proceeded to get a bit unhinged, Charles focused a fair amount of the blog’s focus from external to internal extremists. Charles parted ways with the GOP officially as of November 30, 2009.
- Memetic Nice Guy: Dark Falcon. It doesn't matter if you're liberal or conservative, he probably thinks you're a decent well-meaning guy, and he'll disagree with you without being disagreeable.