Little Inferno is a 2012 sandbox video game from Tomorrow Corporation (World of Goo) where the sole objective of the game is to burn items in a fireplace.
You are the proud owner of the "Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace" and are instructed to buy various items from a catalog and burn them to keep warm. That is, you have to, because the city of Burnington (and the world) is slowly freezing. There are others who do the same thing all around you, and some of them send letters to you for encouragement. But some things aren't meant to be. After all, "it can't last forever."
Tropes used in Little Inferno include:
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- Arc Words:
- "You can't ever go back."
- "It can't last forever."
- "You can go as far as you like, but..."
- "There's something more dangerous than fire."
- Anti-Frustration Features: There is no way to get broke in the game; thanks to the Money Spiders, you'll always have some money.
- Author Avatar: The Tomorrow Corporation provides all the items in the game. In this case, a whole company appears in their own work.
- Baby Planet: Miniature planets and suns are available to purchase and have their own gravity.
- Bring My Brown Pants/Toilet Humor: The Kitty Kitty Poo Poo Plushie lets out lots of poop when set on fire.
- Catch Phrase: For Sugar Plumps, "up, up, up the chimney".
- Crap Saccharine World
- Drowning My Sorrows: The "Midlife Crisis Mitigator" is a wine bottle.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: The Pyranosaurus Plushie.
- Expository Theme Tune
- Fire of Comfort
- Flat Character: The Weather Man doesn't have much of a character.
- Genre Deconstruction: Of the casual "Pay-to-win" games like Farmville, where the cycle to buy and consume (burn) items to gain money is the gameplay.
- Fictional Currency: Tomorrow Bucks.
- Kill It with Fire: The Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace is specifically designed to burn items.
- Large Ham: Sugar Plumps, in her letters, likes to elooongate and CAPITALIZE her words.
- Mascot: The Eager Bunny appears in many promotional materials.
- Money Spider: When killed, the spiders in your chimney give you money.
- My Little Panzer: The fireplace.
- Parental Abandonment: No parents seem to be present in the game itself.
- Phlebotinum Pills: The Best Friend Supplement Pills.
- Take That, Audience!: "Your time and effort have been well spent!", said in sarcasm at a later point in the game.
- Stuff Blowing Up: The Celebration Bus and the Mini Nuke.
- Verbal Tic: The Weather Man has "Heh hey!"
- You Break It, You Profit